Advanced Standing

Advanced Standing is credit or recognition of your previous study and/or professional experience. This can reduce the length and cost of your studies.

How does it work?

Advanced standing at UNE can sometimes be granted as part of a student's admission to the course, and/or can be granted for individual units within the course. More information about how this works is outlined below:

Advanced standing granted at admission

Many UNE courses contain rules to grant a specific amount of advanced standing as part of a student’s admission into the course in recognition of relevant prior study or experience the applicant has already completed.  Applicants don’t need to apply separately for this type of advanced standing because this is assessed as part of their admission (as long as the applicant provides the details and documents about this prior study/experience when applying). For this type of advanced standing the rules of the course, as found in the the UNE Course Handbook, will state what prior completed academic qualification and/or and experience you need to already hold to obtain advanced standing at admission and will specify how much advanced standing can be applied.

Advanced standing for units within your course

If you are seeking advanced standing for units within a course on the basis of prior studies and/or relevant professional experience that is separate to any advanced standing that can be granted as part of your admission then you will apply separately using the online advanced standing application process outlined in the "How to Apply" section below.

You can find rules and policies about advanced standing to see what credit you might be entitled to in both the Admission, Credit and Enrolment Policy and within the individual rules of each course in the UNE Course Handbook. A brief summary of the criteria most commonly applied to the assessment of advanced standing is outlined in the "Advanced Standing Requirements" section below.

For more information about advanced standing including things like: how to apply, when to apply, the criteria for advanced standing to be granted, limits or maximum/s and other useful information please read to the sections below.

Key advanced standing information

How to apply

Before you apply online for advanced standing:

It is important to ensure that you have applied for admission into the UNE course that you are seeking advanced standing towards because:

  • In some cases advanced standing may be granted as part of your admission and if so you won't need to complete an additional application process unless you also want to seek advanced standing for additional UNE unit/s that remain to be studied in your course; and
  • Your admission outcome (including for example the admission rule offered and in some cases the major/s/minor/specialisations you intend to study) must be considered as part of determining your advanced standing outcome to help ensure that all advanced standing granted meets your course rules

How to Apply for Advanced Standing:

To apply for advanced standing for specific UNE units in your course (separate to any advanced standing you can be granted as part of your admission) please complete the:

Online Advanced Standing Application Form

When completing the advanced standing form you will be required to match your prior study and/or experience to each of the UNE units you believe you've already covered the content for. 

You’ll also need to supply the following evidence in support of your application:

  • Unit Outlines – please supply outlines of all unit/s from your prior studies that you are relying on for credit. These outlines must be from the year you studied the unit/s you are seeking advanced standing for. These unit outlines must include the following information:
    • description of the unit;
    • aims and objectives;
    • learning outcomes;
    • assessment details and weightings;
    • the unit weighting (sometimes called the credit point value); and
    • a list of reference books and textbooks.
  • Additional Discipline Specific Documents - If you are applying for units in an area that has additional supporting document requirements (e.g Law, Science, Psychology, Education, Social Work, Health, Exercise and Sport Science etc) please check the section/s of information below to identify what else you will need to supply as part of your application.
  • If you are seeking advanced standing for professional experience you must always submit the following three documents:
    • a resume/curriculum vitae; and
    • a letter from your employer/s verifying the professional experience you are relying upon experience; and
    • a personal statement that clearly addresses how your experience matches and has already covered the UNE unit content and learning outcomes of each UNE unit that you are seeking credit for.
      Please also check the sections about additional supporting document requirements for certain courses or disciplines to see if other evidence should be supplied.

You should ensure that you submit a complete application that contains all of the supporting documents required. 
If you submitt an application without the necessary evidence your application will be returned to you as incomplete.

You can save your application which can give you time to obtain the necessary supporting document and attach them to your applications before you submit it.   If you have saved your application and not submitted it we'll email you to let you know how to return to your application using your AskUNE account.

You should keep any eye on closing dates to ensure you submit your advanced standing application with plenty of time to obtain an outcome prior to the teaching period commencing.   The key closing dates are outlined below.

Closing Dates for Advanced Standing Applications

Advanced standing applications involving the assessment and comparison of prior study/experience to UNE units can take about 2 to 8 weeks to process. Applicants should lodge a complete application for Advanced Standing as early as possible to ensure sufficient time to obtain an outcome that helps inform what they need to enrol in to complete their course.

Advanced standing applications close 2 weeks before the start of each teaching period.  For the upcoming intakes the advanced standing closing dates are as follows:

Intake/Teaching Period

Advanced standing applications open

Advanced standing applications close

Trimester 3 of 2024
(teaching commences on 21 October 2024)

15 December 20234 October 2024

Trimester 1 of 2025
(teaching commences on  24 February 2025)

1 August 2024

7 February 2025*

*Please note this closing date doesn't apply Bachelor of Nursing advanced standing applications for students commencing in 2025. These should be submitted as soon as possible in conjunction with your admission application given the enrolment quotas on this course. You are advised to check the closing dates for admission applications.

Please note that applicants who will not receive their advanced standing outcome prior to the last day to enrol of the teaching period may need to consider either/both:

  • Select only unit/s to enrol in that are not dependent upon their advanced standing outcome, using the Program of Study and course plan/s for your course, as contained in the UNE Course Handbook to identify unit/s still needing to be completed; or
  • Consider commencing in a future intake (by either deferring their course if permitted or re-applying into the future intake).

If you need to check closing dates for admission application please refer to the Admission closing dates page.

Handy Hints for Applicants

Other Handy Hints for applicants applying online for advanced standing for UNE units include:

  • Have you checked your course and unit rules in the UNE Course Handbook to see if there are any limits to the advanced standing you can obtain.
  • Have you checked the maximum advanced standing rules to ensure that you haven't already been given the maximum advanced standing as part of your admission or in a prior advanced standing outcome. These maximums are referred to in the Policy and also in a section of their own on this page.
  • During your application, be prepared to match the UNE unit/s you want credit for to your prior studies or experience as this is required during the online advanced standing application process.
  • During you application, please ensure you supply all necessary evidence so that your application doesn't need to be returned to you.  This evidence typically includes:
    • official certified transcript or My eQuals-Electronic Transcript for all prior study that is relied upon for credit;
    • Unit descriptions/outlines that are from the year you studied the unit/s you are seeking credit for; and
    • If you are applying for units in an area that has additional supporting document requirements (e.g Law, Psychology, Education, Health, Exercise, and Sport Science, etc) please supply anything else the section of this page state to supply for those courses/ disciplines.
    • For all work experience Advanced Standing Applications, you must submit documentation demonstrating how your experience is a direct match to the UNE unit content you are seeking advanced standing for. This includes a personal statement that demonstrates how your work/ life experience meets each of the individual learning outcomes listed in the UNE unit you are applying for, a Curriculum Vitae/ Resume and employment reference letters for each of the roles you are relying on as the basis of your advanced standing application.
  • There are file size limits in the advanced standing application process.  If your files sizes are large then we strongly recommend that you use file compression software to ensure reduce the files sizes of your supporting documentation to ensure that all of your documents can be submitted in this application.  
    The size limits of files in this application process are: a maximum of 5MB per file (although much smaller is highly recommended of course); and the total file size of all files in the application must not exceed 25MB.
  • Apply with plenty of time to obtain an outcome. Check the closing dates section on this page and please note that there are different closing dates for applying for admission and applying for advanced standing.
  • If you are applying for advanced standing and you are currently enrolled in a course and will not receive results before the advanced standing closing date please apply for all units, even the ones you are currently enrolled in at the other institution. Once you have completed all units you need to provide a completed certified transcript. Please note advanced standing will not be finalised and cannot be granted until the complete transcript is received showing a final grade for the units credit is claimed for
  • If applying for an Education unit at UNE that contains a pave you provided Professional Experience (Practicum) Reports for Education courses at the initial submission of your Advanced Standing Application
  • If you were a UAC or QTAC applicant you will not have been assessed for any advanced standing so please contact UNE for advise if you feel you were entitled to advanced standing as part of your admission or please submit an online advanced standing application (as outlined on this page) if you are just seeking credit for UNE units in your course.
  • You may enrol in units while you are still waiting for an Advanced Standing Outcome. However, it is advised that you enrol in units from your course which are not included in your Advanced Standing application. It is also advised that you avoid enrolling in units that are pre-requisites or co-requisites for the units included in your Advanced Standing application. Please seethe 2024 Principal Dates page for the relevant enrolment deadlines that apply throughout the academic year.
Advanced Standing Requirements

You can find rules and policies about advanced standing to see what credit you might be entitled to in both the Admission, Credit and Enrolment Policy and within the individual rules of each course in the UNE Course Handbook.

Criteria for granting advanced standing 

For advanced standing to be granted, the following minimum criteria usually are required:

  • the course rules must allow advanced standing to be granted;
  • any advanced standing granted must be able to count toward your course and must ensure you still comply with the overall course requirements;
  • the advanced standing granted must not exceed the maximum amount of advanced standing that can be granted towards a UNE course;
  • when advanced standing is granted based on prior studies and/or experience the following criteria must be met: there is comparability and equivalence in learning and assessment approaches; content; volume of learning; an learning outcomes;
  • the prior study should generally be less than ten (10) years old (some courses may require more recent or older time periods)
  • for credit linked to non-formal learning, the experience must be accumulated before enrolment in the course and UNE must be satisfied from the supporting documents you supply that the experience has been independantly verified and meets the learning outcomes of the UNE unit/s sought as advanced standing.
Maximum advanced standing towards UNE courses

For information on maximum credit points that may be granted and the minimum credit points that must be completed at UNE refer to Maximum Advanced Standing and Minimum UNE Enrolment Tables.

UNE students transferring within UNE

UNE students who are transferring from one UNE course to another UNE course (and are seeking credit for unit/s completed in their current course that can count towards their new one) typically do not need to apply through the advanced standing process outlined on this page.  This is because your advanced standing entitlements will be assessed as part of your admission application to transfer courses. Please be sure to clearly select that you are a current UNE student when applying for admission to the course you are transferring into so we'll know to assess and grant you any credit from prior UNE units that can be transferred to your new course.

If you are a UNE student transferring within UNE but want credit toward your new course, for unit/s completed at other institutions outside of UNE, then please apply for advanced standing as outlined on this page.

What happens after submitting your advanced standing application

Submitting your application - When you submitt your online advanced standing application seeking credit for UNE units in a UNE course we'll send you an email to confirm that your advanced standing applications has been submitted.

Tracking the progress of your application - You can track the overall progress of your application or review summary details about your application using the History tab of your AskUNE account in the Applications section.

Incomplete applications - If your application is missing information it will be returned to you as incomplete and will not be processed. You will be emailed with instructions about what to supply and how to supply it. When you obtain the necessary evidence/information that was still needed you can then use the History tab of your AskUNE account to provide the additional information or documents needed to complete your application.

Complete applications - If your application is complete (i.e includes all of the supporting documentation required, as outlined in the how to apply section above) then your application can then be assessed by the UNE School, or Schools, that deliver the course and the unit/s you have sought advanced standing for. Once the assessment is completed by the School your application then goes through a validation process to ensure that  unit/s that could be granted as Advanced Standing fit within the Program of Study and meet the overall requirements for your Course and have not exceeded the maximum amounts of advanced standing that can be granted towards a course.

Processing times - The time it takes to complete the above assessment process can vary and you should try to allow between 2 and 8 weeks to obtain an outcome.

Outcomes - Your outcome of your Advanced Standing will be emailed to you via AskUNE. You will also be able to see your outcome in the MyHistory tab of your AskUNE account.  You'll also see any advanced standing granted toward the course in the Enrolment section of your myUNE student account. Advanced standing is always granted ungraded and will not count towards your grade point average of the course it is granted in.  Your outcome email also explains how to seek re-assessment or appeal if you believe your application has not been correctly assessed.

Withdrawing an application – if you’ve submitted an application and it is being processed but for any reason you no longer want it to be assessed then you can withdraw your application.  To withdraw your application you can go to the MyHistory tab of your AskUNE account and select your application and then select the option to withdraw your application (there will be an option to close you application if you hadn't submitted it and an option to withdraw your application if you had submitted it). You can write a message to accompany this to provide any additional information you would want UNE to know about why you withdrew your application.

Advanced standing for specific courses at UNE

Articulation programs, block advanced standing and nested pathways

Many UNE offers courses contain nested pathways, articulation programs and/or provide Block Advanced Standing that takes into account relevant prior studies and/or experience that might already be held by applicants as they are admitted into a UNE course.  Applicants are assessed for these pathways as part of their admission (providing they supply relevant document when applying) and do not need to apply separately via the advanced standing application process outlined on this page.

Please refer to the UNE Course Handbook to view the course information for your chosen course to see whether the course you are interested in has these kind of admission provisions, articulations and/or nested pathways.

Experiential or informal learning — UNE Business School

If you believe your work or life experiences already meet the learning outcomes of a UNE Business School unit, you may wish to apply for a Challenge Examination. To be considered for a Challenge Examination you should send a request through AskUNE, with the subject ‘Challenge Exam Request – [unit code]’.

You should submit a maximum 1000 word statement in support of your request to sit a challenge exam. This statement should itemise each learning outcome for the unit, and detail your claims to satisfy them from your life or work experiences. Applications that do not follow this format will not be considered.

Please note the following:

  • If successful in your application for a Challenge Exam you will be liable for a $495 fee for the exam, payable six weeks in advance of the exam date.
  • The UNE Business School reserves the right to decline to offer a Challenge Exam for a unit for any reason that it deems appropriate.
Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science and Bachelor of Clinical Exercise Physiology
If you do not already have a degree

Please note: Advanced standing cannot be granted to students seeking advanced standing for previous informal or non-formal learning in either the Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science or the Bachelor of Clinical Exercise Physiology, in accordance with ESSA accreditation requirements.

If you have completed a degree (minimum AQF Level 7 qualification)

For students seeking advanced standing in the Bachelor of Clinical Exercise Physiology who have completed a degree (minimum AQF Level 7 qualification) leading to the award of a Bachelor degree in or related to the field of exercise and sports science, advanced standing will be assessed as follows:

On provision of documented evidence demonstrating maintained accreditation as an Exercise Scientist with Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA) and a record of a minimum of 140 hours of practicum experience that comply with the Exercise Science Standards as stipulated by ESSA, advanced standing to a maximum of 126 credit points* will be awarded and a customised program of study will be provided.

If documentary evidence outlined above cannot be provided, for an application of advanced standing to be considered you should apply for a graduate entry assessment through ESSA.

Following this assessment, you will be required to provide the letter of outcome from the ESSA assessment in addition to your academic transcript and a record of a minimum of 140 hours of practicum experience that comply with the Exercise Science Standards as stipulated by ESSA. From this the course coordinator will undertake an advanced standing assessment (granting up to 126 credit points*) and provide a customised program of study.

* Please note, to comply with ESSA’s requirements for Recognition or Prior Learning, no advanced standing will be granted for any unit of study aligned with ESSA’s Exercise Physiology Professional Standards unless the study was completed as part of a program of studies accredited at the level of Exercise Physiology.

When applying for advanced standing towards either the Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science or the Bachelor of Clinical Exercise Physiology Course you must submit the following:

  • A completed online Advanced Standing Application Form clearly stating for which UNE units you are seeking Advanced Standing based on previous studies;
  • A Program of Study clearly stating for which units in your UNE proposed degree you are seeking credit based on your previous studies. (Your Program of Study can be found in the Course and Unit Catalogue
  • A current official academic transcript (showing all grades), that has been certified (stamped and verified by a Justice of the Peace) or My eQuals- Electronic Transcript
  • Unit outlines from the year you completed the units including the following:
    • Full unit title and subject code
    • Academic Level (e.g. First Year)
    • Description of the unit (including the aims; objectives; method of teaching (i.e. online or face to face); all assessment items; hours per week; learning outcomes; lecture and tutorial topics; program and unit weighting; the required list of reference books and textbooks)
    • Where applicable: any laboratory and/or practical activities, software packages (eg. for computer and statistics units) or similar
    • For a student whom has completed a degree (minimum AQF Level 7) degree leading to the award of a Bachelor degree in or related to the field of exercise and sports science, an Exercise Sports Science Australia Graduate Assessment Outcome Letter or, certified (stamped and verified by a justice of the Peace) evidence of current accreditation as an Exercise Scientist with ESSA and, documentary evidence eg. logbook of practicum experience that complies with the Exercise Science Standards.

Where units completed within a previous qualification are over 10 years of age, you will need to supply:

  • Transcripts - Please supply a complete copy of an official academic transcript showing all grades, certified by a Justice of the Peace or other authorized officer; or a My eQuals Electronic Transcript;
  • A personal statement that clearly demonstrates how you have kept your learning and knowledge in the field up to date OR an employer reference letter confirming work in a relevant role, responsibilities, and length of time in the role; and
  • Current Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA) exercise science accreditation documentation; OR
  • Unit Outlines – Please supply outlines of all unit/s from your prior studies that you are relying on for credit. These outlines must be from the year you studied the unit/s you are seeking advanced standing for. These unit outlines must include the following information:
    • description of the unit;
    • aims and objectives;
    • learning outcomes;
    • assessment details and weightings;
    • the unit weighting (sometimes called the credit point value); and
    • a list of reference books and textbooks.
Social Work including Field Education Units

When applying for Advanced Standing (Formal Learning) towards a SOCIAL WORK Course (including Field Education), you must complete the following:

  1. Review the relevant information about Advanced Standing application to ensure compliance with the relevant policy, procedures and guidelines.
  2. Complete the Online Advanced Standing Application Form (indicating which UNE units you are seeking Advanced Standing based on previous studies).
  3. Provide supporting documentation from your higher education provider about the course undertaken (including fieldwork placement units) including:
    1. A complete certified academic transcript, showing all grades, that has been stamped and verified by a Justice of the Peace (we do not accept online result slips or transcripts) or My eQuals-Electronic Transcript.
    2. Unit outlines from the year you completed the units including the following: description of the unit, aims, objectives, assessments, unit weighting, a list of reference books and textbooks.

Note: Advanced Standing for Formal Learning applies where you have completed Social Work units (including Field Education) through another higher education provider.

When applying for Advanced Standing (Non-formal Learning) towards a SOCIAL WORK Course (Field Education 1 only), you must complete the following:

  1. Prior to making an application, students are required to contact the Course Coordinator to discuss their circumstances, the process and requirements. Guidance will be provided concerning the relative merits of an application proceeding.
  2. Complete the Application for Advanced Standing for Field Education Placement found in the Advanced Standing for the First Social Work Field Education Placement section in the Field Education Placements for Social Work and Community Services page. Ensure all required evidence is attached.
  3. Submit the application portfolio including the Application for Advanced Standing for Field Education Placement based on Non-Formal Learning, and supporting evidence, to Student Pathways (Advanced Standing) via the Advanced Standing Application Form as per the UNE Advanced Standing process.
  4. The application will be reviewed by Student Pathways (Advanced Standing) for compliance and referred to the Course Coordinator for consideration.
  5. The Course Coordinator will assess the merits of the application in consultation with the Field Education Coordinator. This may include consultation with others who have relevant information to provide, including referees. The assessment criteria include:
    • evidence of the applicant’s relevant experience;
    • demonstration of currency of work experience as per AASW requirements;
    • employer validation of relevant work experience;
    • evidence that the applicant’s experience demonstrates they met the field education placement learning areas and are consistent with the unit learning outcomes of the relevant unit;
    • integration of social work theory and practice at the level required for the relevant unit, including demonstration of a thorough understanding of the theoretical underpinnings as well as skills and experiential aspects of social work practice;
    • practice experience consistent with the AASW ethics and professional standards; and,
    • referee confirmation of consistency with AASW currency of work experience.
  6. On completion of the assessment of the Advanced Standing application the student will be advised of the outcome as per UNE Advanced Standing procedure.
  7. Where students are not successful in their application for Advanced Standing they will be advised of the reasons for the decision.
  8. On advice of Advanced Standing not being approved students need to ensure they meet the mandatory requirements and have lodged a Placement Request as per Unit requirements in a timely manner to enable them to undertake their field education placement as per their course schedule. For further information see the Field Education Placements for Social Work and Community Services.

Note: Advanced Standing for Non-Formal Learning may be applied for on the basis of previous work experience and is able to be considered for the first Field Education unit (HSSW310/450) only.

Science Courses

When applying for advanced standing towards a Science Course you must submit the following:

  • Completed Online Advanced Standing Application Form (indicating for which UNE units you are seeking advanced standing based on your previous studies)
  • A complete copy of an academic transcript showing all grades, verified by a Justice of the Peace or My eQuals-Electronic Transcript. We do not accept individual result slips or web downloads.
  • Unit outlines (preferably in PDF format) from the year you completed the units including the following: full title and subject code, academic level (eg. First Year), description of the unit, aims, objectives, method of teaching (online of face-to-face) and assessment, all assessments, hours per week, learning outcomes, lecture and tutorial topics and program, unit weighting, a list of reference books and textbooks.
  • Where Applicable: Laboratory and practical activities and software packages (eg for COSC and STAT units).
Law Courses

If you are applying for advanced standing towards UNE Law Courses you should refer to the Important Information from Course Coordinator and Legal Profession Admission Board Information.

For applications relating to law units previously undertaken, you need to include a link to a web page from the institution or a course structure where you studied that law unit. This web page or course structure should indicate the list of units available as part of a law degree at that institution. The unit(s) you studied should be on that list.  Only law units that are offered as part of a law degree can receive advanced standing. The point in providing the  link or the course structure is so that we can not only check that the unit you are seeking credit for is offered as part of the law degree at the institution you studied at, but how the unit fits within the structure of law units offered at the previous institution.

When applying for advanced standing towards a UNE Law Course you must submit the following:

  • Completed Online Advanced Standing Application Form (indicating for which UNE units you are seeking advanced standing based on your previous studies)
  • A complete copy of an academic transcript showing all grades, verified by a Justice of the Peace or My eQuals-Electronic Transcript. We do not accept individual result slips or web downloads.
  • Unit outlines from the year you completed the units including the following: description of the unit, aims, objectives, assessments, unit weighting, and a list of reference books and textbooks.
  • Weekly Topic Guides showing the content taught each week in the unit you completed at your other institution
  • A link to the web page of your previous institution which displays the course structure containing the law units already studied.
Psychology Courses

Please note previous studies towards psychology units at UNE should be based on units from a previous APAC course and that previously completed psychology units that were completed at 300 level cannot be granted at 400 level.

When applying for advanced standing towards UNE Psychology Units you must submit the following:
  • Completed Online Advanced Standing Application Form (indicating for which UNE units you are seeking advanced standing based on your previous studies)
  • A complete copy of an academic transcript showing all grades, verified by a Justice of the Peace or My eQuals-Electronic Transcript. We do not accept individual result slips or web downloads.
  • Unit outlines from the year you completed the units including the following: description of the unit, aims, objectives, assessments, unit weighting, a list of reference books and textbooks.
Professional Experience (Practicum)
  • Completed Online Advanced Standing Application Form (indicating for which UNE units you are seeking advanced standing based on your previous work experience)
  • Signed letters from your employer, on business letterhead, stating your role and responsibilities, the syllabus used and what subjects you were required to teach as part of your everyday workload
  • Confirmation that your workload matched that of a full-time teaching load in Australia and that it covers most of the Key Learning Areas for Primary or the relevant subject areas for Secondary
  • A statement of competence from your employer with regard to the above point
  • Confirmation that the number of days taught in a school is equivalent to or greater than the number of days required for Professional Experience for the unit that you are applying for
  • Confirmation that you were not employed as a teacher's aide or equivalent position in the school
  • Confirmation that the experience is no more than ten (10) years ago
  • you can find more information in the Guidelines for Advanced Standing for Professional Experience for Education Studies
Postgraduate applicants to the UNE Business School

This information applies only to postgraduate study with the UNE Business School.

Postgraduate applicants for advanced standing in courses offered by the UNE Business School need to complete the UNE Business School Advanced Standing Application Form or apply electronically during the online admission process. Only postgraduate study can be credited to UNE Business School postgraduate courses and you must provide a certified academic transcript and an official statement describing the content, prescribed text and contact hours of the completed units.

Bachelor of Pharmacy with Honours

When applying for advanced standing towards the Bachelor of Pharmacy with Honours you must submit the following:

  • Completed Online Advanced Standing Application Form (indicating for which UNE units you are seeking advanced standing based on your previous studies)
  • A complete copy of an academic transcript showing all grades, verified by a Justice of the Peace; or a My eQuals-Electronic Transcript. We do not accept individual result slips or web downloads.
  • Unit outlines (in PDF format) from the year you completed the units. These must include: full title and subject code; academic level (eg. First Year); description of the unit; aims; objectives; method of teaching (online or face-to-face) and assessment; all assessments; hours per week; learning outcomes; lecture and tutorial topics and program; unit weighting; a list of reference books and textbooks.
  • Where Applicable: Laboratory and practical activities; placements.
Bachelor of Community Services

When applying for Advanced Standing (Non-formal Learning) towards the Bachelor of Community Services unit HLTH201, you must complete the following:

  1. Prior to making an application, students are required to contact the Course Coordinator to discuss their circumstances, the process and requirements. Guidance will be provided concerning the relative merits of an application proceeding.
  2. Complete the Application for Advanced Standing for Field Education Placement found in the Advanced Standing for the First Social Work Field Education Placement section in the Field Education Placements for Social Work and Community Services page. Ensure all required evidence is attached.
  3. Submit the application portfolio including the Application for Advanced Standing for Field Education Placement based on Non-Formal Learning, and supporting evidence, to Student Pathways (Advanced Standing) via the Advanced Standing Application Form as per the UNE Advanced Standing process.
  4. The application will be reviewed by Student Pathways (Advanced Standing) for compliance and referred to the Course Coordinator for consideration.
  5. The Course Coordinator will assess the merits of the application in consultation with the Field Education Coordinator. This may include consultation with others who have relevant information to provide, including referees. The assessment criteria include:
    • evidence of the applicant’s relevant experience;
    • demonstration of currency of work experience as per ACWA requirements;
    • employer validation of relevant work experience;
    • evidence that the applicant’s experience demonstrates they met the field education placement learning areas and are consistent with the unit learning outcomes of the relevant unit;
    • integration of theory and practice at the level required for the relevant unit, including demonstration of a thorough understanding of the theoretical underpinnings as well as skills and experiential aspects of community services practice;
    • practice experience consistent with the ACWA ethics and professional standards; and,
    • referee confirmation of consistency with ACWA currency of work experience.
  6. On completion of the assessment of the Advanced Standing application the student will be advised of the outcome as per UNE Advanced Standing procedure.
  7. Where students are not successful in their application for Advanced Standing they will be advised of the reasons for the decision.
  8. On advice of Advanced Standing not being approved students need to ensure they meet the mandatory requirements and have lodged a Placement Request as per Unit requirements in a timely manner to enable them to undertake their field education placement as per their course schedule. For further information see the  Field Education Placements for Social Work and Community Services.

Note: Advanced Standing for Non-Formal Learning may be applied for on the basis of previous work experience and is able to be considered for the first Field Education unit HLTH201 only.