UNE Ally Network

UNE Ally Network Logo

Established in 2022, the UNE Ally Network is a group of staff and students who are committed to making the University of New England a welcoming and inclusive environment for members of the LGBTQIA+ community.

The Network is open to all current staff and students of UNE and is run by the UNE Ally Network Committee.

We are thrilled to announce that we now have a dedicated Queer Space on the lower level of the Library. The UNE Queer Space is a safe and open area that’s ready to be transformed into a vibrant and welcoming hub for all. When you're next on Campus, check the space out!

What is an Ally?

Being an Ally means:

  • Supporting equal rights for everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender, sex characteristics, race, nationality, ethnicity, neurodiversity, impairments, religious belief / non-belief, and many other marginalised identities.
  • Doing what you can to call out discrimination and fight for equality.
  • Trying to make the world a better place for anyone who identifies as LGBTQIA+.

This is an excerpt from an article on the 'Reach Out' website. Please visit the site for more information on what it means to be an Ally.


The objectives of the UNE Ally Network are to:

  • Support students, staff and alumni on sexuality and gender diversity related issues;
  • Promote a safe, inclusive and affirming environment for students and staff who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer/, asexual or members of related communities (LGBTQIA+);
  • Provide the University with visibility, voice, and expertise on LGBTQIA+ lived experience; in particular regarding issues faced by regional LGBTQIA+ students and staff, First Nations LGBTQIA+ individuals and communities; and LGBTQIA+  individuals with a disability.
  • Promote and celebrate LGBTQIA+ dates of significance;
  • Speak out on behalf of LGBTQIA+ students and staff and advocate alongside them;
  • Provide information and input for policy development and implementation through participating in consultative processes, raising issues for consideration and inviting all members to contribute to Ally Network submissions;
  • Provide networking opportunities for LGBTQIA+ students and staff
  • Provide input to the UNE Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee;
  • Influence the planning and development of initiatives and training aimed at celebrating the diversity of the LGBTQIA+ communities; and
  • Promote being an Ally and growing our Network by promoting and attending events, contributing ideas, and participating in working groups to progress the objectives listed above.

Read the full UNE Ally Network Terms of Reference

Social Media

The Network has a Facebook Group which you can request to join below.

Join Facebook Group

This group is officially recognised and co-administered by the UNE Social Media team. Further social media pages will be added as the Network grows.

Joining the Network

To join the Ally Network, new members need to send an email to allynetwork@une.edu.au with the following information:

  • Name
  • UNE email address
  • Confirmation whether  you are a staff member, student, alumnus, or affiliate
  • Confirmation of completion of Ally training at UNE or elsewhere

Member List

Feel free to contact anyone on this list if you have any questions or concerns about being a member of the LGBTQIA+ community at the University of New England.

Please note that only members who have completed the relevant Ally training, and have opted to have their details made public, are listed.

NameUNE Email AddressUNE Phone numberUNE Department
Ambrose McDermottamcderm5@une.edu.au3193SiMERR
Anne Hodson ahodson3@une.edu.au3994People and Culture
Bea Bleile bbleile@une.edu.au3572Mathematics, School of Science and Technology
Christina Kenny ckenny3@une.edu.au5418Sociology
Gwyn McClelland Gwyn.McClelland@une.edu.au5238Japanese - School of HASS
Janelle Wilkes jwilkes2@une.edu.au2025Animal Science, Environmental & Rural Science
Judy Humphries jharris2@une.edu.au3953Health
Kate Carter kcarte23@une.edu.au3164Oorala
Kristy O'Neill kristy.oneill@une.edu.au2942Education
Lucy Byrnes lbyrnes4@une.edu.au2897Student Success
Lynn Stahlhut lstahlh3@une.edu.au1290UNE Tamworth and Regions
Mardi Cook mcook1@une.edu.au3288Graduate Research School, Research Services       
Matt Allen mallen28@une.edu.au2125Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Mirela Suciu mirela.suciu@une.edu.au2301People and Culture
Paul Smith Paul.Smith@une.edu.aun/aMusic - School of Arts
Sally DixonSally.Dixon@une.edu.au1963Linguistics (HASS)
Tess McCosker tmccoske@myune.edu.aun/aStudent
Wiley Witts ewitts2@une.edu.au1288People and Culture
Laura  Murraylmurra35@une.edu.au5963UNE Life (only available on Mondays and Fridays)

Ben Bible


5186UNE Life

Alina Kozlovski



Matt Pine



Luke Fowler


5608Austin College

April Youngberry


4575Student Services

Jacob Hofkamp


1994Technology & Digital Services

Deborah Bower



Marissa Betts


1714Earth Sciences

Richard Dobek


 Student Experience

Richard Jordan


2753Theatre Studies

Sian Hulland


5502Student Experience

Daniel Kelly



Technology and Digital Services