We are Stronger Together

At Austin Page, we pride ourselves on being an inclusive and welcoming college community. We encourage our residents to find their path here and to be themselves. We have recently built a number of group study spaces within the college, we have a spacious courtyard with beanbags and outdoor furniture, and we are building a sensory suite for 2024 so you can escape to a quiet space every now and again when you need to. We also have our own cafe for that all-important morning coffee or hot chocolate!Austin & Earle Page College we pride ourselves on the respect we hold for each college member's individuality while, at the same time, building a strong sense of community. Our students look out for each other; they ask after each other; and they are more than willing to help each other out.Earle Page College Crest with college motto "Each Prove Himself"Austin College

Austin Page College offers you the choice of a fully self-catered plan – where you can cook your own meals in our new communal kitchen on your own or with fellow students – or a meal plan which offers nutritious meals cooked by our head chef.

Austin Page College will provide you with a comfortable and supportive environment and a variety of facilities to enrich your college experience. We have a number of Social, sporting, cultural, and academic activities to cater to all interest groups. Our Resident Leaders are also here to provide you with academic and pastoral support and to make sure you settle in quickly.

Austin  Page College offers single study bedrooms with shared bathrooms and options for accessible accommodation. We have a number of new group study areas, a spacious courtyard with beanbags and outdoor furniture and our own bar. We are the only college with our own cafe. We host a number of formal dinners in our expansive dining hall that you will be welcome to attend.

Austin Page College fosters talent in all areas and has a particular flair for the arts and sport. Whatever your interest, Austin & Earle Page College has a range of activities and events to suit you. For the last 3 years, we have been the proud winners of the Sir Frank Kitto trophy for college artistic endeavours, beating six other colleges. We were also men’s and women’s’ intercollegiate sports champions in 2022 and 2023. We put on a musical every year which offers opportunities for students to take part in our cast or in the production crew.

The UNE Chamber Ensemble programme gives two public concerts each year and is administered through this College. It provides opportunites for instrumentalists and choristers

UNE Life


UNE Life provides services for students, staff, and the wider community including sporting facilities, restaurants, and cafes, social activities, childcare, cinema, student radio, and more - explore UNE Life today.

Acknowledgement of Country

The University of New England respects and acknowledges that its people, programs and facilities are built on land, and surrounded by a sense of belonging, both ancient and contemporary, of the world's oldest living culture.

In doing so, UNE values and respects Indigenous knowledge systems as a vital part of the knowledge capital of Australia.