2023 Evaluation Results

The summary reports provided on this page are for School, Faculty and University level only, with the exception of the Unit Commendation Award information. For individual unit results and other performance metrics please see the Unit Monitoring dashboard provided by Business Intelligence Services.

Unit Commendation Awards

The criteria for unit commendation awards is an Overall Satisfaction Index of 4.5 and above (unit evaluation question 1.9 in TRI1 & 2, question 1.10 in TRI3) for all units under UNE’s Unit Monitoring program, regardless of unit size.

Commendation award certificates are being distributed in partnership between Education Quality and the Associate Deans (Teaching and Learning).

2023 Trimester-1

2023 TRI1 School Results
2023  TRI1 Faculty Results
2023 TRI1 University Results

2023 Trimester-2

2023 TRI2 School Results
2023  TRI2 Faculty Results
2023 TRI2 University Results

2023 Trimester-3

2023 TRI3 School Results
2023  TRI3 Faculty Results
2023 TRI3 University Results