Meeting of Convocation

Important Notices to Members of Convocation of the University of New England

1. NOTICE - Meetings of Convocation have been scheduled for the following date/s:

  • Friday, 01 November 2024 at 12:00pm AEDT

2. TBA - Call for Proposals: Proposals are now called for the next meeting of Convocation: Members of Convocation are invited to submit proposals for consideration by Convocation at its next meeting by TBC (details below).

3. ELECTIONS are now complete - results are below.

UNE is committed to listening to the views of members of Convocation in a forum that will contribute to and enrich the communication between the UNE community and the UNE Council in a mutually beneficial manner.

Convocation is established by the University of New England Act 1993 (NSW). Under the Act and the University of New England By-law 2005 (NSW), its function is to submit to Council such proposals as Convocation considers appropriate with respect to the interests of the University.

Members of UNE's Convocation are:

  1. graduates of the University;
  2. members and past members of the Council of the University;
  3. present and past full-time members of the academic staff of the University and members of staff with at least 12 months’ service or staff invited by Council;
  4. such graduates of other universities or other persons as are, in accordance with the by-laws, admitted as members of Convocation (by resolution of Council).

For more information please read the Framework for Convocation and the Frequently Asked Questions below or email

The Terms of Reference for the Standing Committee of Convocation.

Standing Committee of Convocation members


  • Emeritus Professor Graham Maddox

Current or former Council members:

  • Phil Hess
  • Megan Aitken

Current or former academic staff members:

  • Associate Professor Eric Ghosh
  • Emeritus Professor Trevor Brown

Current or former professional staff members:

  • Kyle Pearson
  • Craig Johnson

Graduate members:

  • Professor Lauren Williams
  • Inaam Tabbaa AM
  • Monica Oriel
  • Emeritus Professor Edward (Snow) Barlow
  • Hon Barnaby Joyce MP
  • Bola Olatunbosun

The term of office for each member will be two years, subject to the provisions of the Terms of Reference, commencing 28 July 2023.

How to make a proposal to Convocation:

  • Proposals must be made by a person eligible to be a member of Convocation, and be consistent with the function of Convocation and be in the interests of the University.
  • Please note that matters which subject to an existing or are a new individual/personal grievances, complaints/whistle blowing reports should be dealt with under relevant UNE policy.
  • Proposals which may be disparaging to individuals will also not be considered at a Convocation meeting.
  • Proposals should be brief (no more than 250 words) and clear as to the intent and benefit to UNE.
  • Proposals will be reviewed by the Standing Committee of Convocation and then put forward for the consideration of Convocation.
  • If Convocation supports a proposal, it is submitted to Council for consideration.
  • Use this form to make a proposal.
  • Proposals should be submitted by:

- 25 March 2024 for the meeting of 02 May 2024
- 30 September 2024 for the meeting of 01 November 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a meeting of Convocation?

The function of Convocation is to submit to the Council such proposals as Convocation considers appropriate with respect to the interests of the University. The format of Convocation is set out in section 14 of the University of New England Act 1993 (NSW) and the function is set out in By-law 16 of the University of New England By-law 2005 (NSW).

Who can attend a meeting of Convocation?

1. Section 14(1) of the University of New England Act 1993 provides that the members of the Convocation include:

  • a. the graduates of the University
  • b. the members and past members of the Council of the University;
  • c. the present and past full-time members of the academic staff of the University and such other members or classes of members of the staff of the University as the by-laws may prescribe;
  • d. such graduates of other universities or other persons as are in accordance with the by-laws, admitted as members of convocation.

2.  By-law 16 of the University of New England By-law 2005 provides that the following are prescribed as members of Convocation for the purposes of section 14(1) of the University of New England Act 1993:

  • a. staff whose period of service with the University is at least 12 months, and
  • b. staff who are invited by the Council to be a member of Convocation or who are part of a group of staff that is invited by the Council to be a member of Convocation.
  • c. such persons who the Council considers to have given outstanding service to the University or to be specially qualified to advance the interests of the University. Such persons may only be admitted as members of Convocation by Council resolution.

Eligible members of the UNE community can "opt-in" to participate in UNE Convocation by completing this form.

Why call a meeting of Convocation?

UNE is committed to listening to the views of members of Convocation in a forum that will contribute to and enrich communication between the UNE community and the UNE Council. Meeting of Convocation is a valuable platform for submitting to the Council such proposals as Convocation considers appropriate with respect to the interests of the University.

Who will convene the meeting of Convocation?

Interim Vice-Chancellor, Professor Simon Evans chaired the first meeting, future meetings will be chaired by the elected Chair of the Standing Committee of Convocation, Emeritus Professor Graham Maddox.

How will the meeting of Convocation be conducted?

A meeting of Convocation will be conducted in accordance with the Framework for Convocation and UNE's Code of Conduct.

What is the quorum needed for meeting of Convocation?

By-law 18 of the University of New England By-law 2005 provides that a quorum for a general meeting of Convocation is one hundred (100) members.

How do I attend a meeting?

Eligible members of the UNE community can "opt-in" to participate in UNE Convocation by completing this form.

Members will then receive information about upcoming meetings, including the link to register to attend.

Will minutes of the meeting of Convocation be circulated to attendees?

Minutes of the meeting of Convocation will be circulated via email to registered members of Convocation as soon as possible after a meeting.

Will the meeting be recorded and uploaded to the UNE website?

The meeting will not be recorded but minutes of the meeting of Convocation will be circulated to registered members as soon as possible after the meeting.