Nomination and Election of the Standing Committee of Convocation

Elections have now concluded.

Eligible Members of Convocation can consider nominating for election to the Standing Committee of Convocation and or as the Chair of Convocation:

  1. In accordance with the Terms of Reference approved by Council, nominations are now called for election to the Standing Committee of Convocation from members of Convocation.

There are 13 elected positions, including the Chair, available.

Nominees must be eligible for a membership based on the following member categories:

Membership eligibility

At any given time, a person can only be eligible to be a member of the Standing Committee (or an elector for members of the Standing Committee) in one category of membership as below:

a. A Member invited by Council (includes either a person who is or has been a UNE Council member or a person invited by Council to be a member of Convocation), will only be eligible for membership of the Standing Committee of Convocation as a ‘Member invited by Council’ (regardless of whether they were also an academic or professional staff member or graduate);

b. A current or former academic staff member (who is not eligible for election as a current or former Council Member) may only nominate for membership of the Standing Committee of Convocation as an academic staff member (regardless of whether they also undertake professional staff work, or are a graduate);

c. A current or former professional staff member (who is not eligible as either a current or former Council Member or a current or former academic staff member) may only nominate for membership of the Standing Committee of Convocation as a professional staff member (regardless of whether they are also a graduate);

d. A graduate, who is not eligible for election as a current or former academic or professional staff, may be eligible to nominate for membership of the Standing Committee of Convocation as a graduate member;

e. For the avoidance of doubt, any member of Convocation may nominate for election as the Chair of Convocation and all members may vote in the election for the Chair of Convocation.

What’s involved in the Member's role?

  • Members of Standing Committee of Convocation will be appointed for an initial term of 1 or 2 years as per clause (13) of the Terms of Reference .
  • Members can expect to be involved in four meetings of Standing Committee during a year and would ideally also be able to attend meetings of Convocation.
  • The Standing Committee of Convocation will have those functions as set out in the Terms of Reference including supporting the Chair of Convocation in regards to review of proposals and the agenda for meetings of Convocation, as well as coordinating communications with members of Convocation.
  • Members will be requested to comment and confirm minutes from Standing Committee of Convocation meetings.
  • All members of UNE Council approved Committees must be willing to act in the interests of the University and will be required to complete a Tertiary Education Quality Standards Agency (TEQSA) Fit and Proper Person form which is submitted to TEQSA as the University’s key regulator. If the form is not completed the person with the next highest number of votes will be considered for the role.
  • Members will be considered a UNE Representative once elected and will be bound by UNE’s Code of Conduct.

NOTE: It is proposed that the first meeting of Standing Committee of Convocation be held immediately following the end of the election process via a Zoom meeting on Wednesday, 26 July 2023 at 9.00am. Please save this date in case you are elected.

***Please note - the Convocation Standing Committee meeting will be postponed and will now convene on 4 August***

How do you nominate to be a Member?

  • UNE will use election service provider BigPulse to help manage the election.
  • Where UNE holds the email details of members of Convocation, we will attempt to send you an invitation to nominate.
  • The email will have the link where you can nominate.
  • If you don’t receive an email by 14 June please first check your junk mail (look for ‘UNE Convocation Elections]) you can register your details here.
  • You can only nominate for one category of membership as outlined above. For example, if you are a past member of Council and a Graduate and a former staff member – you are only eligible to nominate for election in the category ‘current or former Council member’.
  • To nominate you will need to provide a candidate statement outlining information relevant to you and your reasons for nominating (statement length is strictly limited to 150 words). It is ideal if you can also provide a photograph image as this will be available on the electoral ballot with your candidate statement to inform the voting stage.
  • You will also be asked to declare you are an eligible member of Convocation and that you are willing to complete the Fit and Proper Person Form (see above). You may be asked by the Returning Officer to provide information to confirm your eligibility.
  • Candidates are also asked to review the Expectations for Candidates participating in the elections.
  • You must nominate by 5pm AEST Friday 30 June 2023.
  • If you have issues nominating, please email

    How can you vote?
  • Should there be more nominees  in a particular category than available member positions, an election will be held.
  • Members of Convocation will receive an invitation to vote via BigPulse. If you don’t receive an invitation to vote by email by 5 July 2023 – firstly, please first check your junk mail for an email from BigPulse; secondly if you don’t have an invitation please email
  • You will be asked to choose your preferred candidates. If there are more than one member role in a particular category, you will be able to indicate up to the number of member roles available as your preferred candidates.
  • Please note candidates will be displayed in no particular order on the ballot. The ballot will display the candidates in a random order each time it is accessed by a voter.
  • The Returning Officer for these elections will be the Senior Manager (University Secretariat) Ms Nathalie Heaton.
  • NOTE: You can choose to unsubscribe from nominations and election emails. If you choose to unsubscribe you will not receive further emails regarding nominating or voting for Convocation in  this round of elections.

    Eligible Members of Convocation can also consider nominating for election as the Chair of Convocation (1 position)

  • Nominees for Chair can be from any category of members of Convocation.
  • Nominees may choose to nominate:
    • to be elected as Chair AND to the Standing Committee of Convocation;
    • or can just choose to nominate as Chair of Convocation.
  • The Chair must be willing to act in the interests of the University and will be required to complete a TEQSA [Tertiary Education Quality Standards Agency] Fit and Proper Person form which is provided to TEQSA as the University regulatory body. To view the form please follow this link. If the form is not completed the person with the next highest number of votes will be considered for the role.

What’s Involved?

  • The Chair of Convocation will ideally have a passion for the University, be interested in supporting UNE’s Object and the University’s strategic priorities, will have experience chairing large meetings and working and communicating collegially with other members of Convocation and of the University to progress the purpose of Convocation and the functions of the Standing Committee of Convocation.  The Chair will be considered a UNE Representative once elected and will be bound by UNE’s Code of Conduct.
  • The Chair of Convocation will also be the Chair of the Standing Committee of Convocation and will receive support and advice from that Committee.
  • The Chair of Convocation will be required to have the time to undertake this role including to:
    • conduct the general meetings of Convocation (expected 2 per year)
    • consider proposals and determine the agenda of Convocation meetings and of Standing Committee of Convocation (expected to meet 4 times per year);
    • prepare a report to the UNE Council meeting on behalf of the Standing Committee of Convocation and Convocation including presenting and outlining the proposals agreed by the meeting of Convocation to the Council for consideration (expected 2 reports per year);
    • report to the next Convocation meeting any actions following Council’s consideration of Convocation proposals;
    • undertake such functions as provided for under the Standing Committee of Convocation Terms of Reference, which might include considering correspondence.
  • The Chair of Convocation will receive administrative support from the University Secretariat.
  • NOTE: It is proposed that the first meeting of Standing Committee of Convocation be held immediately following the end of the election process via a Zoom meeting on Wednesday 26 July 2023 at 9.00am. Please save this date in case you are elected.
  • ***Please note - the Convocation Standing Committee meeting will be postponed and will now convene on 4 August***

How do you nominate for the role of Chair?

  • UNE will use election service provider BigPulse to help manage the election.
    • Where UNE holds the email details of members of Convocation we will attempt to send you an invitation to nominate.
    • If you don’t receive an email by 14 June please first check your junk mail (look for ‘UNE Convocation Elections You can register your details here.
  • To nominate you will need to provide a candidate statement outlining information relevant to you and your reasons for nominating as Chair (statement length is strictly limited to 150 words). It is ideal if you can also provide a photograph image as this will be available on the electoral ballot with your candidate statement to inform the voting stage.
  • You will also be asked to declare you are a valid member of Convocation and that you are willing to complete the Fit and Proper Person Form (see above). You may be asked by the Returning Officer to provide information to confirm your eligibility.
  • Candidates are also asked to review the Expectations for Candidates participating in the elections.
  • You must nominate by 5pm AEST Friday 30 June 2023.
  • If you have issues nominating, please email
  • The Returning Officer for these elections will be the Senior Manager (University Secretariat) Ms Nathalie Heaton. Deputy Returning Officers will be Ms Jennifer Croaker and Ms Debbie Sullivan.
  • NOTE: You can choose to unsubscribe from nominations and election emails. If you choose to unsubscribe you will not receive further emails regarding nominating or voting for Convocation in this round of elections.