Office of Strategy Management

The Office of Strategy Management provides the University’s decision-makers with support, inspiration and analysis to make informed plans for the future and to know whether they are on the path to success.


Email the Office of Strategy Management team at:

Director, Office of Strategy Management
Rebecca Cawood
02 6773 5055

Strategic Investment Portfolio Manager
Rob Hale

Principal Lead, Staff and Student Safety and Wellbeing
A/Professor  Sarah Wayland
02 6773 5626

Acting Manager, Corporate Planning and Performance
Debbie Rivers
02 6773 2996

Strategic Initiatives Manager
Brett Buchanan
02 6773 4203

Expert Advisor, Student Equity
Professor Brenda Wolodko  
(Academic Profile)
02 6773 2021

HEPPP Project Coordination Manager
Martha Saw
02 6773 5368

SAAF  Advisor
Jenny Williams
02 6773 5575

Portfolio and Project Management Framework

The UNE Portfolio and Project Management Framework (PPMF) is the official UNE guide to support effective portfolio/project governance. Providing consistent and fit for purpose expectations, standards, processes and documentation.

Framework and templates can be accessed from UNE Project Central.

Project Delivery Group (PDG)

The Project Delivery Group is a group of operational leaders tasked with effectively evaluating, prioritising, managing, and tracking project investments to deliver value and advance UNE’s strategic vision. PDG works closely with UNE’s Executive Team who provide strategic governance and maintain overall accountability for the investment portfolio.

Institutional Performance and Reporting Framework

The UNE performance reporting framework nominates thirteen Key Result Areas (KRA) to monitor performance year on year. Each KRA has a number of indicators. Performance is regularly reviewed by Executive and Council.  Data and associated commentary can be viewed by UNE staff (login required) in the Key Result Area Dashboard. Note these KRA’s are different to the Business Plan Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) that are monitored regularly at Executive and Council and track progress towards yearly targets.

Key Result Areas

Personalised Learning Journeys1.1Market Performance
1.2Student Performance
1.3Student Feedback
1.4Graduate Feedback and Outcomes
1.5Student /Graduate Connection with UNE
Empowering Communities2.1Digital-First Higher Education Standards
2.2World Ranking and Benchmark Performance (Teaching and Research)
2.3Knowledge Partnerships Performance Framework
2.4Research Productivity, Impact and Reputation
Building Resilience3.1Social Sustainability Performance
3.2Environmental Sustainability and Performance
3.3Financial Sustainability Performance
3.4Organisational Resilience
Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program (HEPPP)

The Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program (HEPPP) provides funding to universities listed in Table A of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 to implement strategies that improve access to undergraduate courses for people from regional and remote Australia, low socio-economic status (SES) backgrounds, and Indigenous persons. HEPPP also helps to improve the retention and completion rates of those students.

The objective of the HEPPP is to promote equality of opportunity in higher education by improving:

(a) outreach initiatives to widen and enable higher education aspiration and promote higher education to persons from a low socioeconomic background, persons from regional areas and remote areas, and Indigenous persons; and

(b) the extent to which persons from a low socioeconomic background, persons from regional areas and remote areas, and Indigenous persons access, participate, remain and succeed in higher education, and obtain higher education awards.

Legislatively, HEPPP grants may only be spent on activities that:

(a) benefit current and prospective domestic undergraduate students from low socioeconomic backgrounds, students from regional areas and remote areas and Indigenous students; and

(b) address the specific disadvantages faced by the provider’s students, and prospective students, from low socioeconomic backgrounds, regional areas and remote areas, and Indigenous populations.

HEPPP funding must not be spent on:

  • infrastructure, including maintenance and construction of buildings, fixtures, roads and pathways;
  • facilities, services or transport vehicles that are not principally for the use or benefit of students from low socioeconomic backgrounds, regional and remote areas, or Indigenous students; and
  • international or postgraduate students.

Inquiries regarding HEPPP at UNE can be made via email or phone Martha Saw on 6773 5368.

If your query relates to HEPPP Retention and Engagement Bursaries, please email or phone Bridget Doran on 6773 4365