Arts and Humanities Assessment Information

On this page you can find information to help you in preparing your assessments tasks.


Please ensure you are following the referencing style used by the subject area in which you are studying. These are listed at the link below. If you have any questions about referencing, please contact your unit coordinator.

Referencing styles by study area


You must comply with the University's policy on Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct. The Plagiarism page directs you to information about UNE's plagiarism policy, outlines your responsibilities in connection with academic writing, and gives advice on how to avoid plagiarism. Please take the time to check out these resources.

Assessment preview

There will be no preview of assessment tasks prior to formal submission by students as this is inappropriate and unfair to other students in the unit.

Written assessment presentation

Unless otherwise noted in your course materials, the following is the standard presentation for an assignment in Arts units.

  • Please note the following format requirements for written assignments:
  • Please include a cover sheet with your name, student number and unit code.
  • Please include the assignment question on the first page of your assignment.
  • All assignments must be word-processed, using one-and-a-half or double line spacing for the body of the text, unless single spacing is appropriate for particular sections (including reference lists or bibliographies).
  • Format for A4 paper, with margins of at least 3 cm at the top, bottom and sides.
  • Please number pages consecutively throughout the assignment.
  • Edit your work carefully including for punctuation, spelling, sentence and paragraph construction, and referencing.
  • Avoid lengthy quotations from secondary sources.
Word limits

You are required to comply with word limits. They are an essential part of the assessment design. They not only encourage conciseness, but they also provide a clear indicator of the detail and depth expected for the assessment. They also importantly ensure equity between students. You are not expected to achieve exactly the required length and a 10% leeway is acceptable.

As the word limit is an essential part of the assessment design, non-compliance with word limit requirements will adversely affect marking against the assessment criteria. A paper significantly under the word limit is unlikely to have addressed the assessment topic to the appropriate depth. Similarly, a paper in excess of the word limit will not have demonstrated the assessment objectives within the assessment requirements. Papers of excessive length:

  • may not be read beyond the word limit; and
  • may receive less detailed feedback.

For clarity, in the absence of different information in the Unit, the following are excluded from the word count:

  • title pages, and information such as student name, ID number, class information and assessment details.
  • bibliography or reference lists.
  • Appendixes.
  • footnotes used for citations only.

The following are included in the word count:

  • quotations
  • footnotes used for discussion/text/ further information beyond citations.
  • in-text citations.

Please check your specific unit information for further clarification, including unit-specific rules.

Non-discriminatory language

You must be careful to use non-discriminatory language in assignments. You must avoid language that makes inappropriate reference to sex, disability, language, race and ethnicity. Non-discriminatory language also needs to be gender neutral; also referred to as non-gender specific or inclusive language.
Non-sexist language refers to language that includes women and treats women and men equally. Some language conventions from the past are in conflict with the principles of equality of the sexes and changes are required. The following guidelines are designed to assist you to express yourself clearly without
the use of sexist terms.

A fact sheet on Language usage: Non-discriminatory language is available from the Academic Skills Office.