Overseas Language Study

Interested in studying a language in a country where it is spoken? You can! UNE offers 24 credit point trimester-long Overseas Language Study units (OSLS391), and a 6 credit point In-Country Language Unit (ICLU300).

If you are studying one or more of the seven modern languages offered by UNE (Chinese [Mandarin], French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish), you may* enrol in one or more of the following units as part of your undergraduate degree program:

  • ICLU300 (In-country Language Unit; Trimester 1 or 2 or 3; 6 credit points). This unit is designed to accommodate intensive courses of a shorter duration than a full trimester. Please note that ICLU300 can be taken twice in your degree but only once per teaching period.
  • OSLS391 (Overseas Language Study; Trimester 1, 2 or 3; 24 credit points). Please note that OSLS391 can be taken twice in your degree but only once per teaching period. The dates of your time overseas must be WITHIN 365 days.

It is your responsibility to ensure the unit will fit into your degree.

*Please check the eligibility requirements below.

Before you apply, please discuss your options with  your language convenor:

Chinese: Indra Saefullah (hsaefull@une.edu.au)

French: Irwin Compiegne (icompieg@une.edu.au)

German: Miriam Neigert (mneigert@une.edu.au)

Indonesian: Jane Ahlstrand (jahlstra@une.edu.au)

Italian: Giulia Torello-Hill (gtorello@une.edu.au)

Japanese: Kiyomi Yamada (kyamada2@une.edu.au)

Spanish: Maria Bortolotto (mbortolo@une.edu.au)

Apply now for ICLU300 Apply now for OSLS391

Application closing dates:

8 weeks prior to departure date


Trimester 1:  30 September of the previous year

Trimester 2: 30 April of the current year

Trimester 3:  30 June of the current year

Note these are UNE’s deadlines; partner universities will also have their own due dates when applications will need to be lodged.


In-Country Language Unit (ICLU300) is designed to accommodate students who wish to undertake an intensive course in language or language/culture, offered by a university, commercial or university-come-commercial provider in a country of the target language.

Note you will need to have a study plan approved by your language convenor.

Enrolment details

You must have completed 12 credit points in your target language to be eligible for this unit.

The language studied for this unit must be offered by UNE (Chinese [Mandarin], French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish).

Restriction: ICLC200

This is a repeatable unit. However, the unit cannot be undertaken more than once in any one teaching period, and no more than twice in total within a degree.

Choosing your Overseas Course

It is your responsibility to contact the university/institution and arrange your enrolment.  The School will not do this on your behalf.

Discuss your options with your Language Convenor. The course should be an equivalent to 150 hours of study at a recognised institution in your target-language country.

A final grade must be able to be provided for the intended program of study.

You will need to provide a study plan approved by your Language Convenor.

Airfares and Accommodation

It is your responsibility to arrange your airfares and accommodation.  Please contact your language convenor should you require support.


If your trip is less than 180 days, UNE will provide insurance. If your trip is more than 180, you may be required to pay a premium.

If you decide to spend longer overseas than the duration of your course, you will be required to purchase your own insurance if this private component makes up more than 25% of your overall trip. You can purchase this through UNE’s insurance provider CHUBB Home (chubbtravelinsurance.com), or through your own provider.

If you are studying OSLS391 twice, you will be responsible for purchasing your own insurance for the periods when you are not undertaking study at your partner university.

Please note that UNE will only provide insurance for travel that is within 365 days. If your trip extends beyond 365 days, UNE will not provide insurance.


Overseas Language Study (OSLS391) is designed to consolidate and broaden your language skills in your target language as well as to experience university life and the culture of the country and language in which you are specialising.

OSLS391 students will go to universities with which UNE has formal exchange agreements (see Partner Universities below).

Students must notify their new contact details and any subsequent address changes immediately to the School (via myUNE on the Current Students webpage).

Enrolment details

Overseas Language Study (OSLS391) must be completed by students of the Bachelor of Languages. They must meet the following pre-requisite requirements:

24cp in the target language and permission of head of school. A student should have achieved a minimum C grade in CHIN202 or FREN202 or GRMN202 or INDN202 or ITAL202 or JAPN202 or SPAN202; or have achieved a minimum C grade in CHIN201 or FREN201 or GRMN201 or INDN201 or ITAL201 or JAPN201 or SPAN201 with permission of the discipline and head of school

This is a repeatable unit. However, the unit cannot be undertaken more than once in any one teaching period, and no more than two times in total within a degree.

The unit requirements for OSLS391 are that students undertake a full-time course of study in a university or other approved institution of the target-language country agreed to in advance by the Head of the School. The course will consist of units of a number appropriate to the award of 24 UNE credit points and at a level or levels deemed suited to the linguistic and academic competence of the student. Students should normally have completed at least two years of the relevant language at university level. Successful completion of in-country study leads to a 'Satisfied Requirements' (SR) result for OSLS391. The School reserves the right to ask the student to submit a project, or submit herself/himself to any further examination that it may require.

The trimester in which students enrol in OSLS depends on the actual starting date of in-country study, and students are encouraged to liaise with their language convenor to discuss the best option for their overseas language study well in advance of submitting their application to the School. OSLS391 is HECS-liable unit.

It is the language convenor's responsibility to nominate you for study at your preferred university.

Note students studying a diploma are not permitted to enrol in OSLS391.

Partner Universities

OSLS391 students will go to universities with which UNE has formal exchange agreements. Currently, agreements or bilateral exchange agreements exist with specific universities/institutions in:

Some financial assistance may be available in connection with study at certain institutions. Information and assistance in selecting an appropriate university is available from the relevant language convenor.

Airfares and Accommodation

It is your responsibility to arrange your airfares and accommodation.  Please contact your language convenor should you require support.


If your trip is less than 180 days, UNE will provide insurance. If your trip is more than 180, you may be required to pay a premium.

If you decide to spend longer overseas than the duration of your course, you will be required to purchase your own insurance if this private component makes up more than 25% of your overall trip. You can purchase this through UNE’s insurance provider CHUBB Home (chubbtravelinsurance.com), or through your own provider.

For a certificate of currency of insurance, and all other insurance-related enquiries please email insurance@une.edu.au.

UNE will only provide insurance for up to 365 days. If you trip extends beyond this, it will be your responsibility to obtain insurance.

Visa Requirements

Obtaining any necessary student visas are the sole responsibility of the student and not of the School. If you are studying in Japan, you may need to consult your partner university regarding your visa.

Further information

Further information about in-country language study can be obtained from the relevant language convenor or the language course convenor, Giulia Torello-Hill (gtorello@une.edu.au).

For OS-HELP loans, please see the Study Assist website, and UNE FAQs. For OS-HELP loans enquiries, please email studyabroad@une.edu.au.

Applications should be sent to: hassadmin@une.edu.au