Supervising Teachers' Corner

The Supervising Teachers' Corner has been created to house documentation and processes to assist Supervising Teachers through a professional experience placement. The information included in ST Corner comprises assessment, placement documentation, 'At-Risk' assistance, and other general information.

If you are currently supervising a Teacher Education Student (TES) and have any concerns with the placement, we advise you to submit an Assistance Request Form or call the Office for Professional Learning.

Placement Documentation Repository

Below is an outline and explanation of the documents necessary for most Professional Experience Placements approved by the Office for Professional Learning (OPL). In some cases, the information will be slightly different, depending on the varied requirements of placements.

A Confirmation Package is sent to the Teacher Education Student (TES) and their nominated Supervising Teacher.  Teacher Education Students and Supervising Teachers should contact the OPL if they have not received this email by one week prior to the scheduled start date of the placement.

Please ensure that at the end of the placement, send the Professional Experience Final Report, Attendance Register, and Claim Form to so we can finalise the placement.

Professional Experience Final Report

This report is attached to the Confirmation package and is sent only to the Supervising Teacher. This will then be completed, scanned, and emailed to the Office for Professional Learning (

Please ensure the original completed Professional Experience Report is provided to the TES for their records. Please ensure the report is signed and dated before emailing.

Please Note: For Placements to be finalised the Report and Attendance must both be submitted. The Placement is not deemed to be complete until both documents are received by the Office for Professional Learning (

In-Service Placements do not require an Attendance Register.

Attendance Registers

Completed by the TES and Supervising Teacher throughout the placement and emailed with the Professional Experience Report at the completion of the placement.

Please record all days attended, missed, and made up days on the Register

Please note, that there are different registers for Early Childhood, Primary, and Secondary Placements, Please see below

Assistance Request Form

Please use the Assistance Request Form below to contact the Office for Professional Learning as soon as concerns arise during the placement.

Please be assured the OPL is available to assist both the Supervising Teacher and the Teacher Education Student. The earlier the OPL is notified about, concerns the sooner we can intervene and provide targeted support.

Weekly Review Sheet

Completed by the Supervising Teacher each week and then presented to the TES in the Weekly Review sessions.

It is an ongoing assessment tool to guide the TES’s progress and create goals around their teaching throughout the placement. Please ensure copies of this review are available to the TES at the time of these weekly sessions.

Some units have Specific Weekly Review Sheets please see below.

Pre & Post Goal Setting Sheet

Completed by the TES in consultation with the Supervising Teacher/s at the beginning and end of the placement and retained by the TES for reflection and future reference.

Lesson Plan Template & Lesson Evaluation Sheet 

A Lesson Plan Template for TES to use if they wish.

Completed by the Supervising Teacher and retained by the TES at the completion of the placement. Copies of this document can be printed and completed as required.

Professional Experience Liaison Officers (PELOs)

Professional Experience Liaison Officers (PELO) are employed by the Office for Professional Learning as highly experienced, former school leaders and Lead Teachers as casual staff to mentor and advocate for students, UNE and the OPL.

PELOs are assigned to Teacher Education Students (TES) by the OPL, once a placement is confirmed and well before the starting date in order to support preservice teachers before, and during placements and to contribute through verbal and written feedback to their professional learning during placement.

The PELO support and mentoring process includes the following:

  • A PELO will make an introductory phone call to meet the preservice teacher (this might be an email if they experience difficulty reaching students).
  • The PELO will also contact the Supervising Teacher (ST) before the placement or during the first week of placements.
  • A ‘Courtesy’ phone/Teams/Face-time call or meeting during the second week of placement and before the midpoint of the placement should be expected.
  • When feasible and within the current OPL guidelines, a PELO or School of Education lecturer will visit a Teacher Education Student at the midpoint of their placement. These visits can be either face-to-face, or via a TEAMS or ZOOM meeting.
  • Please read about the Support offered by the PELO during the professional experience (PDF, 240.49 KB)
Placement Coordinator 

Placement Coordinators should communicate with the Supervising Teacher before the placement to ensure they have received the ‘Supervising Teacher Confirmation Package.'  If they have not received this information please ask them to contact the OPL.

If the Placement Coordinator hasn't confirmed a Supervisor with the OPL.

Once a Teacher is confirmed as the Supervisor please contact the OPL to allow us to send them the relevant information and to grant them access to the Professional Experience Report.

Placement Coordinators should discuss and read the Specific Requirements document with the Supervising Teacher, and Teacher Education Student to establish a clear understanding of the expectations for the Placement.

The Specific Requirements can be found through the Placement guide.

If you are currently supervising a Teacher Education Student (TES) and have any concerns with the placement, we advise you to submit an Assistance Request Form or call the Office for Professional Learning.

Supervising Teacher Claim Information

Claiming for an Individual Supervisor 

If you wish to claim for an individual teacher, please provide a completed Claim Form. You will receive the correct claim form once the placement is confirmed. Please contact the Office for Professional Learning on

If you would like to claim the Tax-Free Threshold, you may also attach a completed TFN Declaration Form. Please note, the maximum claimable amount is for the total number of days of the placement. If you are sharing the Supervision of the Teacher Education student with another supervisor, please fill out separate Claim forms and indicate how many days each Supervisor is Claiming for.

These rates are determined by various stakeholders within relevant awards and not by the University

The placement Coordinator can also claim as an individual there is a separate Claim form for the Placement Coordinator that is found below

Coordinators Claim (PDF, 173.38 KB)

Claiming for a School or Centre

If you wish to make a claim for supervision to be paid directly to the school or centre, rather than to an individual, a New Supplier form must be completed online so your school or centre can be added to the UNE finance system.

Follow this link to access the form -

If you have questions about completing the New Supplier form, please call 02 6773 1772.

Once you have registered, please send an invoice to so we can approve and pass this on to our Finance team. The New Supplier form only needs to be completed once. Future claims will only require an invoice.

Invoices must include the below information.

  • The name of the student who was supervised
  • The date of the practicum
  • The school’s ABN number
  • A separate line for the Placement Coordinator rate
  • A separate line for the Supervising Teacher rate
  • Add a GST calculation of 10% to the final amount
  • Bank account details e.g. BSB number, branch name, account number, and account name.

Preservice Teacher Mandatory Requirements and Checks

See below for lists of mandatory requirements UNE students must adhere to before placements are approved, and arranged by state or territory of the relevant agency.
