Assessing the Teacher Education Student

Teacher Education Students (TESs) will display different skills at different times, depending on the level of teacher training they have received before the placement. To assist with the assessment of the Teacher Education Student at the different stages of their training, the Office for Professional Learning (OPL) has created the Standards Assessment Continuum.

No Teacher Education Student should be expected to teach at a higher level than the Graduate Teacher Level of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, however, they should be expected to be teaching at the Graduate Level for their final placement.

The Standards Assessment Continuum has been created to help gauge where a Teacher Education Student is performing. For example, if a TES is on a second placement and is based on the continuum, performing duties or activities in the third placement column, then it could be assumed that the student is performing tasks exceeding the placement. If the opposite is true, then the assessment would mirror the action. It is hoped the Continuum will help clarify assessment.

The Standards Assessment Continuum has been created using examples of practice Teacher Education Students have shown on their placement and from the NESA Document 4: Professional experience - Evidence guide for Supervising Teachers. These examples have been taken from the Professional Experience Reports and placed at the appropriate level.

Any feedback or suggested activities for the Standards Assessment Continuum can be emailed to the OPL (

All placement documents can be found on the Supervising Teachers' Corner.

The process for supervision is outlined in the Supervision Flowchart (PDF, 160.28 KB).

Before the Placement

Before a placement commences, the Supervising Teacher will receive a confirmation email from the Office for Professional Learning, containing information on the Teacher Education Student (TES) and the required documents for the placement.

The Teacher Education Student will also receive a confirmation email instructing them to reach out to the Supervising Teacher to build rapport, and ensure all documentation has been received by the Supervising Teacher.

  • Please discuss and read the Specific Requirements with the TES this information will be found in the confirmation email, and establish a clear understanding of your expectations of the TES in relation to the Specific Requirements of the unit.
  • A Professional Experience Liaison Officers (PELO) are assigned to Teacher Education Students (TES) by the OPL, usually well ahead of the placement starting date in order to support preservice teachers before, and during placements and to contribute through verbal and written feedback to their professional learning during placement. Please read about the Support offered by the PELO during the professional experience (PDF, 240.49 KB)
  • Read the Professional Experience Handbook (PDF, 511.08 KB), this Professional Experience Handbook does not need to be printed, however, it may need to be referenced during the placement.
  • The Supervising Teacher should outline questions about timetabling, planning, observations, attendance at staff meetings and extra-curricular activities, etc.
  • The Supervising Teacher should establish a set time for meeting with them each week to complete the Progress Guide – Weekly Review Sheet.
  • The Teacher Education Student and Supervising Teacher discuss the placement expectations and complete the Pre-Placement Goal Setting Sheet. In these sessions, goals are negotiated to guide the teacher education student's understanding of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.
  • Teacher Education Students who have completed a placement previously will have their previous Post-Placement Goal Setting Sheet to guide them through the identification of standards that were introduced in their previous units of study. During the following placement, the TES will deepen their understanding of each standard area through their continued application and exploration of the standards.

We kindly request the Teacher Education Students and Supervising Teachers to contact the OPL without delay if they have received the incorrect placement package for their specific placement unit.

Placement is progressing Satisfactorily 
  • The Teacher Education Student and Supervising Teacher meet weekly to discuss the placement progress and complete the Weekly Review Sheet. At these meetings, the Supervising Teacher establishes whether or not the Teacher Education Student is making adequate progress to continue the placement.
  • In the last week, the Supervising Teacher and the Teacher Education Student will meet at the designated time for weekly evaluation but instead will complete the Post-Placement Goal Setting Sheet for the Teacher Education Student to help them set goals for their next placement.
  • The Teacher Education Student completes the placement and ensure they have a copy of their Professional Experience Report and Attendance Register The Supervising Teacher submits electronic copies of the paperwork (Professional Experience Report, Attendance Register, and Claim Information) to the OPL.
Placement is not progressing Satisfactorily

Please read the information below then also visit the 'At Risk' Teacher Education Student page.

  1. Before or at the weekly meetings, issues with the progression of the Teacher Education Student have been identified.
  2. An Assistance Request Form is completed and submitted to the OPL.  The OPL will contact the Supervising Teacher to discuss the situation and help identify whether the Teacher Education Student placement should be deemed "At-Risk". Please ensure that processes have been followed to this point as outlined in the Professional Experience Handbook (PDF, 511.08 KB) (if collective judgment or communication with the OPL identifies the placement is not "At Risk" the placement can continue as per the relevant specific requirements).
  3. An "At-Risk" package is sent to the school. The Supervising Teacher and the Teacher Education Student complete relevant sections as outlined in the "At-Risk" Action Plan.
After the Placement

During the final week of the placement, the weekly review sheet will be replaced by the  Post-Placement Goal Setting Sheet. A time to meet to discuss the Post-Placement Goal Setting Sheet is to be arranged. This discussion will assist the Teacher Education Student to plan and create goals for their next placement.

The Professional Experience Report, Attendance Register, and Claim Information (including Tax File Declaration form if required) should be scanned and emailed to the Office for Professional Learning on the final day. The original report is to be given to the Teacher Education Student for their portfolio.