Dr Kristy O'Neill

Senior Lecturer - Health and Physical Education - School of Education

Kristy O'Neill

Phone: +61 02 6773 2942

Email: kristy.oneill@une.edu.au


Dr Kristy O’Neill is a member of the Health, Physical and Sport Studies Education (HPESS) team in the School of Education. She completed her PhD at The University of Sydney in 2018. This research was partially funded by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and focused on the relationship between early developmental environment and Olympic success, through conducting an analysis of an Australian sporting “hotspot”. Prior to arriving at UNE, Kristy’s background in tertiary education has spanned several teaching, research and professional roles across three other institutions including The University of Sydney, University of Wollongong and Charles Sturt University. Alongside a focus on teaching and research within HPESS, Kristy has an ongoing passion for social inclusion and student equity within higher education which grew from her time working on a range of HEPPP-funded  schools outreach projects with Widening Participation and Outreach at The University of Sydney. O'Neill has led the procurement of over $700,000 in Commonwealth, NSW State government and philanthropic funding as Chief Investigator, including 2 C1 projects. These projects have focused on youth, health and wellbeing in the New England. This includes the Australian Government - Department of Health 'Driving Social Inclusion through Sport and Physical Activity' (DSISPA) 2020-2023 project in Armidale that took an intersectoral approach to health in supporting the Ezidi community in their settlement. Kristy has received an Australian Award for University Teaching (AAUT) - Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning (2022) and in 2023 was the inaugural recipient of the ODLAA National Open and Distance Learning Award for Higher Education.


BEd (HMHE)(Hons 1 & University Medal), PhD (Syd.)


    • ACEL (Australian Council for Educational Leaders) NSW Team Leadership Award (2024) – CSSP Team
    • ODLAA National Open and Distance Learning Award - Higher Education (2023)
    • Spirit of Sport Award  (DSISPA  program) - UNE 2023 Sports Awards
    • HTB Harris award for Significant Contribution to Education (CSSP Team) - 2023 ACEL (New England-North West) &  New England Education  Cooperative
    • Australian Award for University Teaching (AAUT)(2022) - Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning
    • HASSE Early Career Researcher Award (2022)[AUD $1500]
    • University of New England - Vice-Chancellor Citation for Education Excellence (2022)
    • University of New England - Faculty Citation for Education Excellence 2022 (Individual) & 2023 (CSSP team)
    • University of New England - School Citation for Education Excellence 2021 (Individual) & 2023 (CSSP team)
    • University of New England - Unit commendations 2021 (EDPE150, EDPE343, EDPE346), 2022 (EDPE247), 2023 (EDPE150, EDPE343)
    • Young Investigators Award – Oral Presentation (2nd place), 22nd annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS), Essen, Germany (2017) [EUR 3,000]
    • Young Investigator Award - Best Oral Presentation ICSEMIS conference, Glasgow, Scotland (2012)[£650]
    • Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) (2012-2015)[AUD$87, 000]
    • Postgraduate Research Support Scheme (PRSS) (2012, 2013, 2014)[AUD 3,000]
    • University Medal – The University of Sydney (2011)

Teaching Areas

Kristy teaches core primary curriculum units, alongside discipline electives pertaining to health and physical education.

Unit coordinator and lecturer (T1 and T2):

  • EDPE150: Sociocultural Foundations of Health and Physical Education
  • EDPE247: Teaching Physical Education in Primary Schools
  • EDPE343: Health Promotion in Schools and the Community
  • EDPE346: Teaching Health Education in Primary Schools

Primary Research Area/s

Athlete development, performance and history; Health and Physical Education; Equity, inclusion and widening participation; Pre-service teacher education; Community development and social inclusion through sport

Research Interests

Current projects and grants

  • Work Ready employment pathways for schools: UNE-Creating Chances New England regional hub 2023-2025 (O'Neill, Baker & Creating Chances)[Office for Regional Youth - 'Our Region, Our Voice' Regional Youth Investment Program AUD$410,222]
  • The socio-cultural experiences of rural students in universities (Roberts, Edwards, Collyer, McMahon, Sikora, O'Neill, Poretti, Xie, Downes)

Previous projects and grants

  • Driving social inclusion through sport and physical activity - the Armidale newly-arrived migrant, refugee & friends regional sport network 2020-2023 (O'Neill & Baker)[Australian Government - Department of Health AUD$224, 677]
  • Get Active United: Guyra-Armidale-Uralla youth sport and physical activity program 2022-2023 (O’Neill and Baker)[Office for Regional Youth - Children and Young People Wellbeing Recovery initiative AUD$49,884.00]
  • LEAAP – Leadership for Ezidi and Aboriginal youth in Armidale Program. (O’Neill and Baker in consortium with Creating Chances, Northern Settlement Services, NSW Department of Education)[Multicultural NSW COMPACT 2022 Social Cohesion and Community Resilience Grant $44,700.56]
  • Allied Health Hubs in Schools: A scoping study (Maple, Clark, White, O'Neill & Gartshore)[2020 Faculty of Medicine and Health & New England Institute of Healthcare Research Collaborative Research Scheme AUD$10, 998]
  • 2015 International Olympic Committee (IOC) PhD Students Research Grant [CHF 4000]

Research Supervision Experience

Kristy is currently able to serve as a co-supervisor for Postgraduate research students.


Conference presentations

Invited speaker

O’Neill, K., & Winter, G. (2023). The ‘at-home’ campus: self-paced solutions to engage online students in learning via practical experiences. Regional Universities Network (RUN) 2023 Learning and Teaching showcase. Online hosted by University of the Sunshine Coast (Video 3:46:20-4:14:00).

O’Neill, K., Cotton, W., & O’Connor, D. (2017). Early developmental environment and Olympic success: analysis of an Australian sporting “hotspot”. 72nd annual Congress of the Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sport Medicine (JSPFSM), Matsuyama, Japan.


Adlington, R., O’Neill, K., Volpe Johnston, C.R., Harrington, I., & Grono, S. (2024, July 1-5). Increasing engagement in online learning: How initial teacher education students experience belonging. 49th International Systemic Functional Congress, Sydney, NSW, Australia. https://virtual.oxfordabstracts.com/#/event/4991/submission/88

O’Neill, K. (2023). Using sport to drive social inclusion for newly-arrived Ezidi people in regional Australia. National Youth Sport Conference, Flinders University, Adelaide. [Audio link within 12:48-25:35]

Grono, S., O’Neill, K., Harrington, I.& Volpe, C.R. (2022, December 4-7). Building relationships through learning design as signature pedagogy: re-connecting mature-aged online students with educators [Pecha Kucha Presentation]. 39th International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education, ASCILITE 2022, Sydney, NSW, Australia. https://doi.org/10.14742/apubs.2022.75

Downes, N., O’Neill, K., McMahon, S., Roberts, P., Poretti, L. (2022). People call me bogan: rural knowledges, belonging, and the sociocultural experiences of rural students at university. 2022 Australian Association for Research In Education (AARE) conference, University of South Australia, Adelaide.

Roberts, P., Downes, N., Dean, J., O’Neill, K., McMahon, S., Reid, J., Poretti, L., & Goldsmith, A. (2022). Knowledge and rurality: deconstructing geographic narcissism in education. 2022 Australian Association for Research In Education (AARE) conference, University of South Australia, Adelaide.

McMahon, S., Stacey, M., Daniels-Mayes, S., Harwood, V., Hayes, D., Teague, M.,…O’Neill, K. (2019). “When I study, I think of myself like sticky tape”: Metaphors for learning and motivation in the evaluation of a university widening participation program. 2019 British Educational Research Association Conference, University of Manchester, England.

O’Neill, K. (2017). Early developmental environment and Olympic success: analysis of an Australian sporting “hotspot”. 22nd annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS), Essen, Germany.

O’Neill, K., Cotton, W., & O’Connor, D. (2016). Early developmental environment and Olympic success: analysis of an Australian sporting “hotspot”. International Convention of Science, Education and Medicine in Sport (ICSEMIS), Santos, Brazil.

Cotton, W., & O'Neill, K. (2016). The place of sport in Australia. Keolahragaan, Pon XIX & Peparnas VI Seminar, Bandung, Indonesia.

O'Neill, K., Cotton, W., & O’Connor, D (2012). Factors influencing the development of Australian Olympic athletes: the impact of relative age effect and early specialisation. International Convention of Science, Education and Medicine in Sport (ICSEMIS), Glasgow, Scotland.

Cotton, W., O’Connor, D & O'Neill, K. (2012). A profile of Olympic track and field athletes. International Convention of Science, Education and Medicine in Sport (ICSEMIS), Glasgow, Scotland.

Non-peer reviewed

Wilkes, J., O’Neill, K., & Ridolfo, H. (2024). Beyond Participation: strategies for authentic student engagement. HEPPP Wellbeing Project. University of New England, Australia.

O’Neill, K., & Winter, G. (2023). The ‘at-home’ campus: self-paced solutions to engage online students in learning via practical experiences. School of Education and Tertiary Access (SETA), Staff Planning Day. University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia.

O’Neill, K., & Baker, P. (2023). Social inclusion and community development using sport and physical activity as a vehicle.School of Education seminar series, University of New England, Armidale.

Harrington, I., Adlington, R., Grono, S., Volpe, C., O’Neill, K. (2023). ‘Relationship-Rich Education’: Promoting Student Belonging for Success. UNE 2023 Learning and Teaching Symposium, Armidale, University of New England.

Grono, S., Volpe, C., Harrington, I., O’Neill, K., & Adlington, R. (2023). Building relationships, facilitating student engagement, designing a School-wide signature pedagogy.School of Education seminar series, University of New England, Armidale.

O'Neill, K. (2022).  Health and Physical Education unit redesign process and its impact on student engagement and motivation. UNE 2022 Learning and Teaching Symposium, Armidale, University of New England.

Downes, N., Roberts, P., Poretti, L., O’Neill, K., & McMahon, S. (2022). People call me bogan: rural knowledges, belonging, and the sociocultural experiences of rural students at university.Research Students Forum, University of Canberra, Australia.

O’Neill, K., & Baker, P. (2022). Social inclusion and community development using sport and physical activity as a vehicle [concise version].School of Education Research groups symposium, University of New England, Armidale. [duplicated at UNE Academic Board meeting October 2022 in poly-voice presentation]

Harrington, I., O’Neill, K., Volpe, C., Grono, S., & Adlington, R. (2022). Commencing Student Success Program (CSSP). HASSE Seminar, University of New England, Armidale.

O’Neill, K. (2020). A personal reflection of the grant writing process. School of Education Writing Retreat, Armidale, University of New England.

O’Neill, K. (2019). Early developmental environment and Olympic success: analysis of an Australian sporting “hotspot”. HASSE Research Week 2019, Armidale, University of New England.

O'Neill, K. (2018). Using theory: its influence on writing. A long journey: the experience of writing a thesis - Office of Doctoral Studies seminar series, The University of Sydney, Australia.

O'Neill, K. (2016). Early developmental environment and Olympic success: analysis of an Australian sporting "hotspot". Research Students Forum,The University of Sydney, Australia.

O'Neill, K. (2012). Factors influencing the development of Australian Olympic athletes: the impact of relative age effect and early specialisation. Research Students Forum, The University of Sydney, Australia.

Journal Articles


Maple, M., O’Neill, K., Gartshore, S., Clark, J., White, J., & Pearce, T. (2023). School-based Multidisciplinary Student-Led Clinics in Health and Australian Accreditation Standards: A Scoping Review. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 31(6), 1168-1183.http://doi.org/10.1111/ajr.13051

O’Neill, K., Cotton, W., Palomares Cuadros, J., & O’Connor, D. (2016). An investigation of the relative age effect amongst Olympic athletes. Talent Development and Excellence, 8(1), 27-39. https://iratde.com/index.php/jtde/article/view/9

Conference papers

O’Neill, K., Cotton, W., & O’Connor, D. (2018). Early developmental environment and Olympic success: Historical analysis of an Australian sporting ‘hotspot.’, Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine, 67(1), 78–79. https://doi.org/10.7600/jspfsm.67.78

Research and government reports

O'Neill, K., & Baker, P. (2023). Get Active United: Guyra-Armidale-Uralla youth sport and physical activity program – final report. Office for Regional Youth – Department of Regional NSW.

O'Neill, K., & Baker, P. (2023). Driving social inclusion through sport and physical activity - the Armidale newly-arrived migrant, refugee & friends regional sport network 2020-2023. Australian Government – Department of Health.

O'Neill, K., Baker, P. & McCarroll, B. (2022). LEAAP – Leadership for Ezidi and Aboriginal youth in Armidale Program final report. Multicultural NSW.

O’Neill, K. (2015). Early developmental environment and Olympic success: analysis of an Australian sporting "hotspot". Lausanne, Switzerland: IOC Olympic Studies Centre.  https://library.olympic.org/Default/doc/SYRACUSE/64083/


O’Neill, K. (2018). Early developmental environment and Olympic success: an analysis of an Australian sporting "hotspot". (PhD thesis, University of Sydney, Australia).  http://hdl.handle.net/2123/17872

Professional publications

Volpe, C., O’Neill, K., & Harrington, I. (2023). Supporting student engagement through video in distance education: Learning in a post-pandemic world. In M. Rogers, L. Veliz & C. Volpe (Eds.), Linking Research to the Practice of Education, 7(2) pp.2-3. ISSN 2207-5151 https://www.une.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/484361/SOE_Newsletter_Vol7_No2.pdf

O’Neill, K., & Baker, P. (2022). The power of partnerships: Education-community collaborations to enhance lifelong physical activity among young people from newly-arrived migrant and refugee backgrounds in regional Australia. In N. Rizk, S. Elliott & M. Rogers (eds.), Linking Research to the Practice of Education, 6(1) pp.9-11. ISSN 2207-5151 https://www.une.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/416351/UNE-Newsletter-Volume-6-Issue-1.pdf

Harrington, I, Grono, S., O'Neill, K., Volpe, C. (2022). Celebrating innovative teaching at UNE: The Commencing Student Success Project. In N. Rizk, S. Elliott & M. Rogers (eds.)Linking Research to the Practice of Education, 6(1) p. 14. ISSN 2207-5151 https://www.une.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/416351/UNE-Newsletter-Volume-6-Issue-1.pdf

O’Neill, K., & Baker, P. (2021). Driving Social Inclusion through Sport and Physical Activity (DSISPA) – the Armidale newly arrived migrant, refugee and friends regional sport network. In N. Rizk, S. Elliott & M. Rogers (eds.),Linking Research to the Practice of Education, 5(1) pp.4-6. ISSN 2207-5151 https://www.une.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/361181/SOE-Newsletter-Volume-5-Issue-1.pdf

Downes, N., McMahon, S., O’Neill, K., & Roberts, P. (2021, March 29). People call me "bogan": how to mend the country-city divide in higher education. https://www.aare.edu.au/blog/?p=8846

Lead author on behalf of Widening Participation and Outreach (WPO), The University of Sydney for the following:

  • Widening Participation and Outreach. (2018a). Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program (HEPPP) – Participation component 2017 University of Sydney report. Sydney, Australia: Author.
  • Widening Participation and Outreach. (2018b). Regional Hub Expansion 2018 Staff Manual. Sydney, Australia: Author.


O’Neill, K., & Kenny, C. (panellists)(2023). Steps to Funding Success – C2 and C3 grants. 2023 HASSE 6 steps to grant success workshop series, Armidale, Australia.

Winter, G., O’Neill, K., Moss, B., Davey, C., Fillios, M., Kenny, C., & Thorneycroft, S. (panellists)(2023). International Women’s Day, ‘Cracking the Code: Innovation for a Gender Equal Future’. 2023 UNE International Women’s Day panel, Armidale, Australia.

Web outputs

Child and Family Resilience Programs. (2022). Children’s resources: Powerful physical development with Dr Kristy O'Neill (2-12 years). https://ecdefenceprograms.com/modules/mod/page/view.php?id=936&forceview=1


  • AARE - Australian Association for Research in Education (Health and Physical Education and Rural Education Special Interest Groups)
  • ACHPER - Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation
  • ASCILITE - Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education
  • ECSS – European College of Sport Science & YIA alumni
  • EPHEA - Equity Practitioners in Higher Education Australasia
  • International Olympic Committee - Olympic Studies Centre
  • NSW Institute for Educational Research - Memberships Officer
  • UNE Academic Board - Teaching and Learning committee (HASSE Senior representative)

Further Information

In the Media (selected)

Kristy has engaged in sharing her research with the public on several occasions, which has resulted in multiple online, print, TV and live radio outputs nationally. These included, yet were not limited to, prominent Australian media sources such as the Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, Business Insider Australia, ABC Radio National & TV, NBN News, Prime 7 News, alongside a page 1 story in The Weekend West.

  • For these Ezidi women, this swim club is so much more than just a dip in the pool - ABC New England & ABC TV
  • Playing for team Armidale - UNE Connect
  • University sport program helps Armidale's Ezidi settlers find community through volleyball -  ABC New England
  • TAFE NSW migrant students master water safety skills - TAFE media
  • Helping primary children get active to support wellbeing - UNE Connect
  • Creating pathways for aspiring teachers with $410,222 program – Adam Marshall MP media
  • Citations for outstanding contributions to student learning – Campus Morning Mail
  • Why we should ditch metrocentricity now - EduResearch Matters
  • Plan D nets Kristy a Vice Chancellor's citation for an outstanding contribution to student learning - The Pulse UNE
  • Ezidi refugees benefit from new sports program - NBN North West
  • UNE awarded grant to boost refugee and migrant participation in sport - The Pulse UNE
  • World Traditional Games on the cards for new  youth leadership program - The Pulse UNE
  • Australia's Olympian-producing hot spot lies in Perth's western suburbs – Sydney Morning Herald (duplicated in WA Today, The Age, Brisbane Times, Canberra Times)
  • Australia’s most successful city for producing Olympic athletes – Business Insider Australia
  • Which is Australia’s most successful Olympic town? – The University of Sydney