Professor Jennifer Charteris

Head of Department - Leadership, Pedagogy, Diversity and Inclusion - School of Education

Jennifer Charteris

Phone: +61 6773 3513



Professor Jennifer Charteris’ work has informed curriculum and policy and has been used in professional development programs with teachers. An experienced leader and teacher educator, Professor Charteris has a background in providing professional learning for principals, middle leaders, and teachers in leadership, assessment, and culturally responsive pedagogy. With schooling experience in Australia, New Zealand, and the UK, Jennifer has worked with students, teachers, principals, school communities and school in-service advisors across the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors.

Jennifer has authored more than 160 research outputs, led research projects, and contributed to teams awarded over $3 M in external funding.


Doctor of Education, University of Waikato, New Zealand
Master of  Teaching and Learning, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Graduate Diploma in ICT in Education, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Certificate in Online Teaching and Learning, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Bachelor of Education, Massey University New Zealand
Diploma of Teaching, Palmerston North Teacher's College, New Zealand


2020 Australian Awards for University Teaching (AAUT)

2020  J A Sutherland Memorial Award for a Significant Contribution to Education (Australian College of Educators, New England Region)

2020  University of New England Deputy Vice Chancellor Commendation for Teaching Excellence

2020  Learning and Teaching Transformation Education Award: Contribution to teaching excellence at UNE

Teaching Areas

  • Postgraduate Research Methods
  • School Leadership Postgraduate Units
  • EDUC206 Teaching Development 2 (Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Special and Inclusive Education (Primary)

Research Interests

Jennifer’s research interests span identity and subject formation, student voice, assessment, and the politics of teacher education and professional learning. At UNE she works with leaders and teachers in schools and teaches units in research methods and school leadership. She is interested in supervising PhD, EdD, or masterate students in the areas of assessment, elearning/ epedagogy, and teacher education and professional learning, and in particular those who want to extend their knowledge and use of Critical, Poststructural, New Material and Posthuman theories.

Grants and Internal Funding

National grants

2024/2025 The Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership. Impact: Emerging Leaders Program. (Prof S. Gregory, Prof. Jennifer Charteris, Ass/Prof. J. Anderson, Ass/Prof. J. Fielding, Dr C. Mainsbridge, Ass/Prof. L. Veliz, Dr J. Matthews, Ass/Prof.A du Plessis, Mrs R. Andrews, Mr S. Cameron, Dr B. Bannister, Dr G. Thraves, Prof. J. White, Mrs S, Wark, Mr D Moodie, Ms J Barker)

2022/2025 The Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership. Connect: Assistant Principals Program. (Prof S. Gregory, Prof. Jennifer Charteris, Dr J. Anderson, Ass/Prof. D. Smith, Dr J White, Ms D. Moodie, Mr S. Cameron)

2024 Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle. Evaluating the impact of implementing Innovative Learning Environments for Inclusive Practices in Pacific Schools. (Ass/Prof. A Page, Ass/Prof J. Anderson, Prof. Jennifer Charteris)

2023 The Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership. Inspire: Local Leader Program Facilitator/Master Facilitator Training. . (Prof S. Gregory, Prof. Jennifer Charteris, Dr J. Anderson, Dr J White, Ms D. Moodie, Mr S. Cameron)

2023 Victorian Department of Education and Training. High-Ability Practice Leader Professional Learning (Prof. Sue Gregory, Dr Genevieve Thraves, Prof. Jennifer Charteris, Dr Joanna Anderson, Dr Barbara Bannister, Dr Sally Larsen, Dr Casey Mainsbridge, Ms Sarah Oluk, Dr Stoo Sepp, Ms Donna Moodie).

2022 The Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership. Inspire: Facilitator Training Re-design and Delivery. (Prof S. Gregory, A/Prof. Jennifer Charteris, Dr J. Anderson, Dr J White, Ms D. Moodie, Mr S. Cameron)

2022 The Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership. Leading Pedagogy Program Extension, UNE Partnerships Pty Ltd [lead] and University of New England (Prof S. Gregory, As/Prof. Charteris).

2022 Victorian Department of Education and Training. High Ability Toolkit Expanded Content and Professional Learning (Prof. Sue Gregory, A/Prof. Jennifer Charteris, Dr Genevieve Thraves, Dr Joanna Anderson, Dr R. Mutuota, D. Moodie, H. Ridolfo, L. Hill).

2021 Victorian Department of Education and Training. High Ability Toolkit: Professional Learning (Prof.Sue Gregory, A/Prof. Jennifer Charteris, Dr Genevieve Thraves, Dr Joanna Anderson, Dr R. Mutuota)

2021 Victorian Department of Education and Training. High Ability Toolkit (Prof.  Sue Gregory, A/Prof. Jennifer Charteris, Dr Genevieve Thraves, Dr Joanna Anderson).

2019/2021 The Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership/ Bastow Institute. Leading Pedagogy Program. UNE Partnerships Pty Ltd [lead] and University of New England (Prof S. Gregory, A/Prof. Charteris).

2016 Ian Potter Foundation Travel Grant

2015 Professor Alison Lee ‘Theory in Educational Research’ Scholarship. Australian Association for Research in Education

2012 Peter Freyberg Memorial Fund for Curriculum Research in Education, The University of Waikato, NZ

2005 Elearning -Fellowship Award. One year full time fellowship in recognition of innovative e-learning practice by New Zealand teachers. Ministry of Education, NZ

Internal grants

2021-2022 Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program. UNE Enabling student access, participation and retention through support for mental health and well being. (Ass.Prof. J. Charteris, Prof S. Gregory, Dr J. Anderson, Dr G. Thraves, Ass.Prof. N. Bhullar, Mr G Posthausen, Ms C. Pflaumer-Winter, Ms B. Flannery)

2016 University of New England Internal Funding ‘Principal and teacher perceptions of youth social media and networked affect in Australian schools’ (Dr Charteris, Prof S. Gregory)

2015 University of New England Internal Funding ‘Gifted Education in the Schooling Sector: An investigation of perceptions in NSW schools.’ (Dr M. Jones & Dr J. Charteris)

2014 University of New England Seed Funding – 'Cyber Security and Social Media: Securing students' well-being. Research Project (Prof S. Gregory, Dr J. Charteris, Dr Y. Masters, Dr A. Kennedy, Prof. M. Maple UNE).


Commissioned Research Report

Quinn, F., Charteris, J., Adlington, R., Rizk, N., Fletcher, P., & Reyes, V. (2016). Reach and scope for Primary Connections online professional learning and development: A sector scan and review of science and literacy initiatives. A review commissioned by the Academy of Science to inform provision of online professional learning and development for Primary Connections.

Recent Journal Articles

Charteris, J., Smardon, D., Kemmis, S. (2024). Collaborating and distributing leading: mosaics of leading practices. The Australian Educational Researcher, 1-21.

Adlington, R., Quinn, F., Charteris, J., Rizk, N., Volpe, C. (forthcoming). Keeping hearts and minds active in online PLD for teachers: Using interpersonal meaning making resources to build relationships and improve engagement

Charteris, J., & Gregory, S. (2024). Snapchat and affective inequalities: Affective flows in a schooling assemblage. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 1(37), 97-113.

Charteris, J. (2023). Learner Agency, Dispositionality and the New Zealand Curriculum Key Competencies. Special Topic: 20 Years of Teachers' Work - Looking back and looking forward.  Teachers’ Work, 20(2).

Adlington, R., Charteris, J., & Nye, A. (2023). Formative performance assessment in preservice teacher education–working through the black boxes. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 51(1), 90-104.

Charteris, J., Nye, A., Pillay, D., & Foulkes, R. (2023). Affirmative Ethics in the COVID-19 Moment: Perplexities, Paradoxes, and Surprises. Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry, 14(2), 151-167 .

Trask, S., Charteris, J., Edwards, F., Cowie, B., & Anderson, J. (2023). Innovative learning environments and student orientation to learning: a kaleidoscopic framework. Learning Environments Research, 26, 727–741.

Page, A., Anderson, J., & Charteris, J. (2023) Teachers working with students with high and very high needs and their perceptions of Innovative Learning Environments Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 43(3), 895-911.

Page, A, Vira, A., Ledger, S., Mosen, J., Anderson, J., Charteris, J., Boyle, C.  (2022). Pacific inclusive education model: addressing dichotomies to ensure positive outcomes. Journal of Education Policy, 38(5), 870-889.

Charteris, J., (2022). Post-panoptic accountability: Making data visible through ‘data walls’ for schooling improvement. British Journal of Sociology of Education.

Quinn, F., Charteris, J., Adlington, R., Rizk, N., Fletcher, P., & Parkes, M. (2022). The potential of online technologies in meeting PLD needs of rural teachers. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 50(1), 69-83.Doi:10.1080/1359866X.2020.1849538

Page, A, Vira, A., Ledger, S., Mosen, J., Anderson, J., Charteris, J., Boyle, C. (2022). Pacific inclusive education model: addressing dichotomies to ensure positive outcomes. Journal of Education Policy. Doi:10.1080/02680939.2022.2080275

Charteris, J., Wright, N., Trask, S., Khoo, E., Page, A., Anderson, J., & Cowie, B. (2021). Patchworks of professional practices: Teacher collaboration in innovative learning environments. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice.

Charteris, J., Anderson, J., & Page, A. (2021). Psychological safety in Innovative Learning Environments: Planning for inclusive spaces. International Journal of Inclusive Education. Doi:10.1080/13603116.2021.1974108

Pillay, D., Charteris, J., Nye, A., Foulkes, R. (2021). Posthuman COV-llaboration: Enfleshing encounters of connectedness through imaging. International Journal of Qualitative Methods.

Page, A. Anderson, J. & Charteris, J. (2021). Innovative learning environments and spaces of belonging for special education teachers. International Journal of Inclusive Education.

Charteris, J., & Page, A. (2021). School bonding, attachment, and engagement through remote learning: Fostering school connectedness. New Zealand Journal of Teachers’ Work.

Tesar, M., Peters, M., White, E., Charteris, J., Delaune, A., Thraves, G., Westbrook, F., Devine, N., Stewart, G. (2021). Infantilisations. Educational Philosophy and Theory.

Woolner, P., Thomas, U.,& Charteris, J. (2021). The risks of standardised school building design: beyond aligning the parts of a learning environment. European Educational Research Journal.

Charteris, J., Smardon, D., & Kemmis, S. (2021). Leadership in the built spaces of Innovative Learning Environments: Leading change in people and practices in the perfectly self-managing society. Studies in Continuing Education.

Charteris, J., & Smardon, D. (2021). Leadership for assessment capability: Dimensions of situated leadership practice for enhanced sociocultural assessment in schools. Leadership and Policy in Schools.

Page, A., Anderson, J.,& Charteris, J., (2021). Including students with disabilities in Innovative Learning Environments: A model for inclusive practices. International Journal of Inclusive Education

Page, A., Charteris, J., Anderson, J., & Boyle, C. (2021). Fostering school connectedness online for students with diverse learning needs: Inclusive education in Australia during the COVID-19 pandemic. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 36(1), 142-156.

Charteris, J., Berman, J., & Page, A. (2021). Virtual team professional learning and development for practitioners in education. Professional Development in Education.

Tesar, M., Peters, M., White, E., Arndt, S., Charteris, J., Fricker, A., Johansson, V., Sturm, S., Hood, N., & Madjar, A. (2021). Infanticides: The Unspoken Side of Infantologies collective writing. Educational Philosophy and Theory, DOI:10.1080/00131857.2020.1854730

Nelson, E., & Charteris, J. (2021). Student voice research as a technology of reform in neoliberal times. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 29(2), 213-230. Doi: 10.1080/14681366.2020.1713867

Page, A., & Charteris, J. (2021) Student evaluations of teaching and student cyberaggression: the impact of keyboard warriors in tertiary education. Journal of Education and Humanities, 4(1), 96-123.

Page, A., Charteris, J., & Berman, J. (2020). Telepresence Robot Use for Children with Chronic Illness in Australian Schools: A Scoping Review and Thematic Analysis. International Journal of Social Robotics, 1-13.

Bird, J., & Charteris, J. (2020). Teacher performance assessments in the early childhood sector: Wicked problems of regulation. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education

Peters, M. A., Jayne White, E., Tesar, M., Gibbons, A., Arndt, S., Rutanen, N., ... & Charteris, J….. (2020). Infantologies. An EPAT collective writing project. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 1-19.

Charteris, J., & Gregory, S. (2020). Snapchat and digitally mediated sexualised communication: Ruptures in the school home nexus. Gender in Education, 32(6),803-819.

Page, A., Charteris, J., & Berman, J. (2020). Using Virtual Teams to Map Digital New Generation Learning Environments into Tertiary Online Learning Spaces. International Journal of Online Graduate Education, 3(2).

Charteris, J., Nye, A., & Jones, M. (2020). Deleuzian ‘interference’ and emergent listening in intern teacher assemblages: Singing in the (ref)rain. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.

Charteris, J., & Smardon, D. (2019). Democratic contribution or information for reform? Prevailing and emerging discourses of student voice. Australian Journal of Teacher Education. 44(6). Doi:10.14221/ajte.2018v44n6

Charteris, J., & Smardon D. (2019). The politics of student voice: Unravelling the multiple discourses articulated in schools. Cambridge Journal of Education, 49(1),93-110. Doi: 10.1080/0305764X.2018.1444144

Charteris, J., Crinall, S., Etheredge, L., Honan, E., & Koro-Ljungberg, M., (2019). Writing, haecceity, data, and maybe more. Qualitative Inquiry. Doi:1077800419843558.

Charteris, J., Nye, A., & Jones, M. (2019). Posthuman ethical practice: Agential cuts in the pedagogic assemblage. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 32(7),909-928. Doi:10.1080/09518398.2019.1609124

Charteris, J., & Smardon, D. (2019). Dimensions of agency in new generation learning spaces: Developing assessment capability.  Australian Journal of Teacher Education. 44(7). 1-17.

Charteris, J. (2019). Teaching performance assessments in the USA and Australia: Implications of the ‘bar exam for the profession’. International Journal of Comparative Education and Development. 21(4), 237-250.

Quinn, F., Charteris, J., Adlington, R., Rizk, N., Fletcher, P., Reyes, V., & Parkes, M. (2019). Developing, situating and evaluating effective online professional learning and development: A review of some theoretical and policy frameworks. The Australian Educational Researcher . Doi: 10.1007/s13384-018-00297-w.  Retrieved from

Quinn, F., Charteris, J., Fletcher, P., Parkes, M., & Reyes, V. (2018). Professional knowledge landscapes in online pre-service teacher education: An exploration through metaphor. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 43(10). Available at

Charteris, J., & Gregory, S. (2018). Snapchat and digitally mediated sexualised communication: Ruptures in the school home nexus. Gender in Education. Available at

Charteris, J. (2018). The nuances of posthumanism. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 50(14).

Dargusch, J., & Charteris, J. (2018). ‘Nobody is watching but everything I do is measured': Teacher accountability, learner agency and the crisis of control. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 43(10). Available at

Charteris J., Parkes, M., Gregory, S., Fletcher, P., & Reyes, V. (2018). Student-initiated Facebook sites: Nurturing personal learning environments or a place for the disenfranchised? Technology, Pedagogy and Education. Available at

Charteris, J., & Smardon D. (2018). A typology of agency in new generation learning environments: emerging relational, ecological and new material considerations. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 26(1), 51-68. Available at

Charteris, J., & Smardon, D. (2018). Policy enactment and leader agency. The Discursive Shaping of Political Change.  New Zealand Journal of Teachers’ work, 15(1), 16–33. Available at:

Charteris, J., & Smardon, D. (2018). Student voice in learning: instrumentalism and tokenism or opportunity for altering the status and positioning of students? Pedagogy, Culture & Society, Doi:10.1080/14681366.2018.1489887 Available at

Charteris, J., & Dargusch, J. (2018). The tensions of preparing pre-service teachers to be assessment capable and profession-ready. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 46(4), 354-368. Doi:10.1080/1359866X.2018.1469114 Available at

Charteris, J., & Smardon D. (2018). Assessment and student participation: ‘Choice and voice’ in school principal accounts of schooling territories. Teaching Education. Doi: 10.1080/10476210.2018.1462311

Charteris, J., & Thomas E., & Masters, Y. (2018). Funds of identity in Education: Acknowledging the life experiences of first year tertiary students. The Teacher Educator, 53(1), 6-20. Available at

Page, A., Jones, M., Charteris, J., & Nye, A. (2018). Relational aggression & the ‘mean boy'- Re-gendering concepts of aggressive and dangerous. Journal of Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences, 4(1), 55-74.

Charteris, J., Gregory, S., & Masters, Y. (2018). ‘Snapchat’, youth subjectivities and sexuality: Disappearing media and the discourse of youth innocence. Gender and Education, 30(2), 205-221.

Jenkins, K., Charteris, J., Bannister-Tyrrell, M., & Jones, M. (2017). Emotions and casual teachers: Implications of the precariat for initial teacher education. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 42(12). 162-179.

Barker, L., Nye, A., & Charteris, J. (2017). Voice, representation and dirty theory. Postcolonial Directions in Education, 6(1), 54-81.

Jones, M., & Charteris, J. (2017). Transformative professional learning: An ecological approach to agency through critical reflection. Reflective Practice. Available from

Charteris, J., & Smith, J. (2017). Sacred and secret stories in professional knowledge landscapes: Learner agency in teacher professional learning. Reflective Practice. Available from

Charteris, J., Smardon, D., & Nelson, E. (2017). Innovative learning environments and new materialism: A conjunctural analysis of pedagogic spaces. ACCESS Special Issue of Educational Philosophy and Theory. 49(8), 808-821. Doi: 10.1080/00131857.2017.1298035. Available from

McKnight, L., Rousel, D., Charteris, J., & Bourke K. (2017). The invisible hand: Designing curriculum in the afterward. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 30(7), 635-655. Available from

Charteris, J., Jones, M., Nye, A., & Reyes, V. (2017). A heterotopology of the academy: Mapping alterior assemblages as possibilised heterotopias. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 30, 340-353. Doi 10.1080/09518398.2016.1250178. Available from

Smardon, D., & Charteris, J. (2017). Raising the bar for teacher professional learning and development? Or just cruel optimism? New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies. 52, 177–183. DOI: 10.1007/s40841-017-0075-2. Available from

Charteris, J., Jenkins, K., Jones, M., & Bannister-Tyrrell, M. (2017). Structural marginalisation, othering and casual relief teacher subjectivities. Critical Studies in Education, 58(1), 104-119. Available at

Page, A., & Charteris, J. (2017). Reconceptualising relational aggression as strategic communication: girls, goals, and their peer groups. The Educational and Developmental Psychologist, 34(34), 78-91. Doi:

Nye, A., Amazon, R., & Charteris, J. (2017). Prudentia as becoming-shame: Knowledge production in southern theory research practice. Reflective Practice, 18(1), 81-93.Available from

Charteris, J., Jenkins, K., Jones, M., & Bannister-Tyrrell, M. (2017). Discourse appropriation and category boundary work: casual teachers in the market. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 38(4), 511-529. DOI:10.1080/01596306.2015.1113158. Available from

Charteris, J., Smardon, D., Foulkes, R., & Bewley, S. (2016). Heterarchical coaching for continuing teacher professional learning and development: A transversal analysis of agency. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.  30(6), 546-559. Available from:

Charteris, J., Smardon, D., & Nelson, E. (2016). Innovative learning environments and discourses of leadership: Is physical change out of step with pedagogical development? Journal of Educational Leadership, Policy and Practice, 31(1), 33-47.

Nye, A., Barker, L., Charteris, J. (2016). Matrilineal narratives: Learning from voices and objects. Hecate, 41 (1-2), 180-190.

Charteris J., Quinn, F., Parkes, M., Fletcher, P., & Reyes, V. (2016). e-Assessment for Learning and Performativity in Pre-Service Teacher Education: A Case for Existential Learning. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 32(3), 112-122. Retrieved from

Charteris, J., & Thomas E. (2016). Uncovering ‘unwelcome truths’ through student voice: Teacher inquiry into agency and student assessment literacy. Teaching Education, 28(2), 162-177. DOI:10.1080/10476210.2016.1229291. Available from

Charteris, J., & Smardon D. (2016). Professional learning as ‘diffractive’ practice: Rhizomatic peer coaching. Reflective practice, 17(5), 544-556.

Charteris, J. (2016). Envisaging agency as discourse hybridity: A Butlerian analysis of secondary classroom discourses Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 37(2),189-203. DOI:10.1080/01596306.2014.943156

Charteris, J., Gannon, S., Mayes, E., Nye, A., & Stephenson, L. (2016). The emotional knots of academicity: a collective biography of academic subjectivities and spaces. Higher Education Research & Development. 35, 31-44.

Reyes, V., Masters, Y., Clary, D., Betlem, E., Jones, M., Charteris, J., Kivunja, C., Rizk, N., & Sigauke, A. (2016). Writing for publication group: professional development situated in the interstices of academia and performativity. Reflective Practice, 17(4), 444-455. DOI:10.1080/14623943.2016.1169170

Smardon, D., Charteris, J., & Nelson, E. (2015). Shifts to learning eco-systems: Principals’ and teachers’ perceptions of innovative learning environments. New Zealand Journal of Teachers’ Work. 12(2), 149-171.Available from

Charteris J., Quinn, F., Parkes, M., Fletcher, P., Reyes, V. (2015) e-Assessment for Learning in Higher Education: Is it a wolf in sheep’s clothing? Journal for Learning Development in Higher Education, 9. Available at:

Charteris, J. (2015). Dialogic feedback as divergent Assessment for Learning: An ecological approach to teacher professional development. Critical Studies in Education, 57(3), 277-295. DOI:10.1080/17508487.2015.1057605

Charteris, J. (2015). Learner agency and Assessment for Learning in a regional New Zealand high school. Society for the Provision of Education in Rural Australia 25(2), 2-13.

Charteris, J., & Smardon D. (2015). Teacher agency and dialogic feedback: Using classroom data for practitioner inquiry. Teaching and Teacher Education, 50, 114-123. DOI:10.1016/j.tate.2015.05.006

Charteris, J. (2014). Learner agency, dispositionality and the New Zealand Curriculum Key Competencies. New Zealand Journal of Teachers’ Work, 11(2). Available from

Charteris, J. (2014). Agentic subjectivities and key competencies. Curriculum Matters, 10, 11-31.

Charteris, J. (2014). Epistemological shudders as productive aporia: A heuristic for transformative teacher learning. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 13, 104-121.

Charteris, J., & Smardon D. (2014). Dialogic peer coaching as teacher leadership for professional inquiry. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 3 (2), 108 – 124.

Smardon, D., & Charteris, J. (2014). Strengthening teacher co-leadership through professional inquiry. Journal of Educational Leadership, Policy and Practice, 29 (2), 73-83.

Charteris, J. (2013). Learner agency: A dynamic element of the New Zealand key competencies. Teachers and Curriculum Journal, 13, 19-25. DOI:

Charteris, J., & Smardon, D. (2013). Second look - second think: A fresh look at video to support dialogic feedback in peer coaching. Professional Development in Education (Special Issue) 39 (2), 1-18.

Bibliographic Entries

Charteris, J., Anderson J., Page A. (2023). 'Inclusivity in new entrant Innovative Learning Environments.', Encyclopedia of Social Justice in Early Childhoods and Childhood Studies.

Charteris, J. (2019). Learner agency in innovative spaces. In (M. Peters (ed), The encyclopedia of teacher education. Singapore: Springer.

Charteris, J. (2019). Quality assurance through collaborative inquiry among teacher educators. In M. Peters (ed.), The encyclopedia of teacher education. Singapore: Springer.

Charteris, J. (2019). Applying post concepts: Theorising voice and power with Foucault, Butler, and Deleuze and Guattari. In (M. Peters (ed), The encyclopedia of teacher education. Singapore: Springer


Sharp, H., Weatherby-Fell, N., Charteris, J., Brown, B., Hudson, S., Lodge, J., McKay-Brown, L., Sempowicz, T., Buchanan, R., Imig, S. (2021). Introduction to education. Knowledge, practice, engagement. Melbourne: Cambridge University Press.

Reyes, V., Charteris, J., Nye, A., & Mavropoulou, S. (2019). Educational research in the age of anthropocene. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Book Reviews

Charteris, J. (2019). Book Review Radical Collegiality through Student Voice: Educational Experience, Policy and Practice. Roseanna Bourke and Judith Loveridge. Springer, Singapore. 2018 New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies. (Springer)

Charteris, J. (2019). Book Review: Knowledge and Global Power: Making New Sciences in the South. Fran Collyer, Raewyn Connell, João Maia and Robert Morrell. Clayton, Australia: Monash University Publishing, 2018, 2107 pp. Acta Sociologica

Charteris, J. (2018). Book Review: Becoming-Teacher: A rhizomatic look at first-year teaching, edited by K. Strom, and A. D. Martin. Rotterdam, Netherlands, Sense Publishers, 2017, 152 pp., ISBN: 978-94-6300-872-3. Educational Philosophy and Theory. Doi:10.1080/00131857.2019.1570500.

Book Chapters

Molony, D., Nye. A. (forthcoming). An historical analysis of the concept of progress in the policy documents of the Australian Capital Territory education system (1967-2023) In D. R. Cole, M. Rafe & G. Yang-Heim (eds.), In Educational research and the question(s) of time. 633- 656. Springer

Pillay, D., Charteris, J., and Nye, A.  (2023)  Amplifying embodiedness through aesthetic life writing: Fleshy encounters as spaces for enlivening synergy and creative scholarship as academics  In Educational embodiments--Life writing the body. Information Age Publishing

Nye, A., Foulkes, R., Charteris, J., Pillay, D., (2023). Shifting work and home spatialities: connecting in and through arts-based research during the Covid-19 pandemic. In H. Mreiwed, M. Carter, S. Hashem and C. Blake-Amarante (eds.), Making connections in and through arts-based educational research. pp 25–37 Springer

Pillay, D., Charteris, J., Nye, A., Foulkes, R. (2021). Pushing boundaries: Emancipatory collective memory work and entangled poetic assemblages.. In The potential of CMW as a method of learning – Ebook open access

Charteris, J. & Smardon, D. (2021). The complexity of spatial agency in Innovative Learning Environments. In N. Wright & E. Khoo (eds), Pedagogy and Partnerships in Innovative Learning Environments. Springer Nature.

Cornish, L., Bannister-Tyrrell, M., Charteris, J., Jenkins, K., & Jones, M, (2021). Planning for teaching. In J. Allen & S. White (eds.), Learning to Teach in a New Era (pp. 198-238). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press

Charteris, J., & Jones, M. (2020). Transversalities in Education research: Using heterotopias to theorise spaces of crises and deviation.In M. Thomas and R. Bellingham (eds.), The Future of Qualitative Research. Bloomsbury

Charteris, J., Smardon, D., & Nelson, E. (2020). Innovative learning environments and new materialism: A conjunctural analysis of pedagogic spaces. In L Benade & M. Jackson (eds.), Design, Education and Pedagogy. New York, NY: Routledge

Jones, M., & Charteris, J. (2020). Replete sensations of the refrain: Sound, action and materiality in agentic posthuman. In M. Thomas and R. Bellingham (eds.), The Future of Qualitative Research. Bloomsbury

Charteris, J., & Nye, A., (2019). Posthuman methodology and pedagogy: Uneasy assemblages and affective choreographies. In Taylor and Bayley (Eds.), Posthumanism and higher education: Reimagining pedagogy, practice and research (pp 329-347). Palgrave Macmillan

Charteris, J., Nye, A., & Jones, M. (2018). Feasible utopias and affective flows in the academy: A mobilisation of hope and optimism. In A. L. Black & S. Garvis (Eds.), Women Activating Agency in Academia. Metaphors, Manifestos and Memoir. Routledge

Charteris, J., Smardon, D., & Page, A. (2018). Spatialised practices in ILEs: Pedagogical transformations and learner agency. In L. Benade & M. Jackson (eds.), Transforming education: Design, technology, governance in global contexts (pp. 19-34). Singapore: Springer Available at

Gregory, S., Bannister-Tyrrell, M., Charteris, J., & Nye, A. (2018). Heutagogy  in postgraduate education: Cognitive advantages for higher degree online students. In F. F. Padro, P. Danaher, E. Ronel (Eds.) University Development and Administration: Post-graduate Education in Higher Education (pp. 189-209)Singapore: Springer. Available from

Charteris, J., Nye, A., & Jones, M. (2017). A wild choreography of affect and ecstasy: contentious pleasure (joussiance) in the academy. In S. Riddle, M. Harmes & P. Danaher (eds.), Producing pleasure within the contemporary university (pp. 49-64). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers

Professional Articles

Charteris, J., & Nye, A., (2022). Crisis leadership: Addressing technical and adaptive challenges. Scan

Charteris, J., & Page, A. (2021). Fostering the ties that bind:  the challenge of school connectedness during COVID-19. Good Teacher.

Page, A., Charteris, J., & Anderson, J., Boyle, C. (2021). Seven great ways to connect with students during snap lockdowns.

Thraves, G., Anderson, J. Charteris, J., & Gregory, S. (2021). Hitting high-ability: Targeting teaching strategies for high-ability students. Good Teacher.

Charteris, J. (2020). COVID-19 has required ‘crisis leadership’. What does it involve? Good Teacher.

Page, A., Charteris, J., & Anderson, J. (2020). Emotional and Physical safety design for students with disabilities in ILE. Good Teacher.

Charteris, J. (2020). Can you spot Toxic Leadership - what is it about? Good Teacher.

Gregory, S., Cornish, L., Bartlett-Taylor, T., Charteris, J., Whannell, R., Anderson, J. (2020). Teacher education when there are no students in class. Available from

Charteris, J., Berman, J. & Page, A. (2020). Teachers can foster social and emotional connectedness in online learning: experts. Available from

Charteris, J., Berman, J. & Page, A. (forthcoming). Maintaining social and emotional connectedness through the Aotearoa lockdown: Connecting with students, parents and whānau through online teaching. Good Teacher

Charteris, J., & Smardon, D. (2020). How can you foster assessment leadership across your school. NZ Principal, 35(1), 20-21.

Charteris, J., & Page, A., Anderson, J., Tomkinson, E. (2020). What is relational trust and how do we foster it in our schools? Good Teacher Magazine. Available from

Anderson, J., Charteris, J., & Page, A. (2020). Innovative Learning Environments: Part of a solution to the ‘wicked problem’ of inclusive education? In N. Rizk, S. Elliott & M. Rogers (eds.), Linking Research to the Practice of Education, 1(1) pp.4-6. ISSN 2207-5151

Charteris, J., & Smardon, D. (2019). Beyond superficial practices: Student agency and assessment capability in innovative learning environments. Good Teacher Magazine. Available from

Page, A., & Charteris, J. (2019). Inclusive education in ILEs: What do we need to think about? Good Teacher Magazine. Available from

Charteris, J., (2019). Teacher Learning through a ‘Collaborative Inquiry for Better Learning’ Model. Good Teacher Magazine. Available from

Charteris, J., & Smardon, D. (2019). How do you engage student voice in your school? NZ Principal, 34(3), 6-8

Charteris, J., & Smardon, D. (2018). Learner agency and assessment capability in new generation learning environments. In N. Rizk, S. Elliott & M. Rogers (eds.), Linking Research to the Practice of Education, 1(1) pp.4-6. ISSN 2207-5151

Charteris, J., & Smardon, D. (2018).  How do the ways student voice is engaged support or diminish student agency? Ipu Kererū Blog of the New Zealand Association for Research in Education. Available at

Charteris, J. (2018). Performativity, managerialism and intelligent accountability. Good Teacher Magazine.

Charteris, J., & Smardon, D. (2018). Student agency in schools - how radical is your student voice work? Good Teacher Magazine, 5-8. Available

Smardon, D., & Charteris, J. (2017) Learner agency in innovative learning environments: Navigating new generation spaces. Good Teacher Magazine. 5-8. Available from

Charteris, J., & Smardon, D. (2017). Politics of whitewater – Considerations for Communities of Learning | Kāhui Ako. Ipu Kererū - New Zealand Association for Research in Education. Available from

Charteris, J., & Smardon, D. (2017). Learner agency ­ Is it really as simple as all that? NZ Principal, 25-28. Available from

Smardon, D., & Charteris, J. (2017). Assessment for Learning in the relationality of schooling spaces. Good Teacher Magazine. Available from

Gregory, S., Charteris, J., Masters, M., Maple, M.,  & Kennedy, A. (2017). Snapchat. Now you see it now you don’t. In Y. Masters & N. Rizk (eds.), Linking Research to the Practice of Education, 1(1) pp.4-6. ISSN 2207-5151

Smardon, D., & Charteris, J. (2016). Leading change in innovative learning environments: Building school wide leadership capacity. NZ Principal, 31(4), 16-19. Available from

Charteris, J. (2016). Assessment literacy and assessment capability – What is the difference? Good Teacher Magazine. Available

Smardon, D., & Charteris, J. (2016). Knocking down walls and buying new furniture? What are Innovative Learning Environments in New Zealand schools really about?  NZ Principal, 31(1). 24-28. Available from

Smardon, D., & Charteris, J. (2016). Are you on board the ‘change train’? Principal perceptions of Investing in Educational Success. NZ Principal, 31(2). 24-29. Available from

Charteris, J., & Smardon, D. (2016). Innovative learning environments – a flashback to ‘open plan’ or a leap into the future?   Good Teacher Magazine. Available from

Charteris, J., & Gregory, S. (2016). Snapchat, sexting and cyberbullying – What do we need parents to know? Good Teacher.

Charteris, J., & Gregory, S. (2016, May 30). The two faces of Snapchat for schools and parents. Retrieved from

Charteris, J., & Gregory, S. (2016, May 28). Snapchat has its risks but it's a powerful tool for youth creativity and socialisation. Australasian Science. Retrieved from

Charteris, J., & Gregory, S. (2016, July 19). The research files episode 21: The impact of Snapchat in Education settings. An Australian Council for Education Research Podcast. Available at: - episodeGuid=tag%3Asoundcloud,2010%3Atracks%2F274456159

Charteris, J., & Gregory, S. (2016). 'Snapchatting’ in schools: How are school leaders managing issues of cyber-bullying and sexting? Australian Council for Educational Research Teacher Magazine. Available at

Charteris, J., & Gregory, S. (2016, May). Snapchat - an outlet for youth creativity. The Conversation. Available at

Conference Presentations

Nye, A., Charteris, J., & Pillay, D. (2023). Childhood memories and troubled histories: Practicing decolonisation through the vital materiality of landscapes and waterways. Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE ). Melbourne. 26th November – 30th November

Thraves, G. Gregory, S., Charteris, J., Anderson, J., & Mutuota, R. (2023). Developing teacher capacity to create inclusive classrooms for high-ability students using Non-Traditional Research Outputs: The Victorian Department of Education’s High-ability toolkit. Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE ). Melbourne. 26th November – 30th November

Charteris, J., (2023) Linking school culture and place: A case study of four schools. Presentation at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. 29 August.

Charteris, J. & Nye, A. (2023). Crisis leadership and communication: Working with school communities after catastrophic school fires, European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), University of Glasgow, Scotland. 22- 25th August

Charteris, J., Pillay, D., Nye, A., (2023). Enfleshments Through Aesthetic Life-art-writing: Onto-epistemological Encounters and Vital Matter in the Academy

Charteris, J., Page, A., & Anderson, J., (2023) The search for connectedness in students’ lived experience of space. Learning Environments Australasia Conference. 17-19 May Christchurch

Pillay, D., Charteris, J., & Nye A. (2023). Aesthetic life-art-writing for the pursuit of truth in academia, American Educational Research Association(AERA), Chicago. , 13th-16th April.

Nye, A., Pillay, D.  & Charteris, J. (2022). Reimagining ethic-ontologies of academic bodies: Plugging into vital matter through arts-based work, PESA, UNSW Sydney

Thraves, G. Gregory, S., Charteris, J., Anderson, J., & Mutuota, R. (2022). A systematic review of literature of pedagogies for gifted and or talented students. Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE ) 28th November – 1st December

Nye, A., & Charteris, J. (2022). Epistemological shudders: emergent thinking political and historical awakenings. Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE ) 28th November – 1st December

Palmer, E.,  Wanner, T., Carbone, A., & Charteris, J. (2022). Addressing the impacts of COVID-19 in higher education in Australia: A systematic literature review. Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE ) 28th November – 1st December

Page, A., Anderson, J., Charteris, J., Vira, A. (2022). Investigating Teacher and Community Perceptions of Inclusive Education in Vanuatu: Sharing Local Voice to Create Change. The Pacific Circle Consortium Conference. 27th to 30th July 2022

Edwards, F., & Cowie, B., Trask, S., & Charteris, J., (2021). Leaving the field: Understanding the linked lives of researchers and research partners. NZ Association for Research in Education (NZARE) 14th-16 November

Thraves, G. & Charteris, J., (2022). Paradigms, Policy and Perspectives in gifted education in Australasia. Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented. 1st -2nd October.

Charteris, J., Smardon, D., Kemmis, S. (2021). Reflexive modernity and the perfectly self-managing society: Changing people and practices in the built spaces of Innovative Learning Environments. Australian Association of Research in Education (AARE) 28 November -2 December.

Anderson, J. & Charteris, J., Page A. (2021). Innovative Learning Environments that facilitate inclusion: An ecological framework for inclusive design.A framework for inclusive designAustralian Association of Research in Education (AARE) 28 November -2 December.

Charteris, J., Trask, S., Edwards, F., & Cowie, B., Anderson, J., (2021). Student learning in Innovative Learning Environments:  How do learners orient to learning?  New Zealand Association of Research in Education (NZARE) 15-18 November.

Page A., Anderson, J. & Charteris, J. (2021). Students with Disabilities in Innovative Learning Environments (ILEs) – A framework for inclusive design. Australian Association of Special Education (AASE) 8-10 September.

Page A., Charteris, J. & Anderson, J. (2021). Findings from a Study on Inclusion and Disability within ILEs (Innovative Learning Environments). ECI Group - Early Childhood Inclusion Group - ECI Group, Sydney

Page A., Anderson, J. & Charteris, J. (2019). New generation learning environments and inclusive education. Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE), Brisbane, 1-5 December.

Page, A., & Charteris, J. (2019). Inclusive education in ILEs – the nexus of policy and practice in Aotearoa. Transitions 2019 Conference, Melbourne University -2 October.

Charteris, J. (2019). Teaching Performance Assessments in Australia and the Micropolitics of Teacher Education. Invited presentation at the University of Bath, 16th July.

Charteris, J. (2018). New weapons in the ruins of capitalist pedagogy. Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE), Sydney, 2-6 Dec.

Charteris, J., Nye, A., & Jones, M. (2017). Affective flows in the media firestorm: Belonging, lust, resistance, and hope through the networked gaze. Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE), Melbourne, 26-30 Nov.

Charteris, J., & Gregory, S. (2016). Snapchat and digitally mediated sexualized communication: Becoming-teen ruptures in the school home nexus. Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia, Fiji, 7-10 December

Charteris, J., & Smardon, D., & Nelson, E. (2016). Innovative learning environments and the conjunctural epoch: A new material reading of the spatial politics of schooling. Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE), Melbourne, 28-31 Nov.

Charteris, J., Nye, A., & Jones, M. (2016). Choral refrains-Joussiance an ecstasy of escape. Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE), Melbourne, 28-31 Nov.

Charteris, J., Gregory, S., Masters, M., Maple, M.,  & Kennedy, A. (2016). Snapchat at school – ‘Now you see it…’ : Networked affect – cyber bullying, harassment and sexting. Ascilite Conference. Adelaide. 28-30 Nov. Available from

Charteris, J., & Gregory, S. (2016). Sexting, cyberbulling and the use of disappearing social media in Australian schools.  New Zealand Association of Research in Education  (NZARE) Wellington, 20-22 November.

Charteris, J., & Smardon, D. (2016). Assessment for learning territories: A cartography of practices. Research and Innovation in Classroom Assessment Conference. Brisbane, 21st – 23rd September.

Barker, L., Charteris, J., & Nye, A. (2016). Learning through generations: Matrilineal narratives of care. Australian Women’s and Gender Studies International Biennial Conference, Queensland University of Technology, Gardens Point, 29th June -1st July

Charteris, J., & Smardon, D. (2016). Learning leadership and relational trust: The challenge of innovating the pedagogical core of schooling. 2nd Annual International Conference on Education.  Bangkok, Thailand, 21st – 22nd April.

Charteris, J., & Masters, Y. (2014). Embracing Diverse Funds of Knowledge in First Year Higher Education. The Sixth Asian Conference on Education Osaka, Japan. 28th Oct- 2 Nov.

Masters, Y., & Charteris, J. (2014). First Years, Funds of Knowledge and Third Spaces. First Year Experience Conference Dallas, Texas, USA. Feb

Charteris, J. (2014).  Troubling the familiar: Epistemological Shudders as an analytic lens to explore performativity. International Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE), Brisbane. 30 Nov- 4 Dec.

Charteris, J. (2014). Upholding the Spirit of Assessment for Learning. Asia Pacific Educational Research Association Conference (Apera) Hong Kong. 19-21 Nov

Charteris, J., Gregory, S., & Masters, Y. (2014). Snapchat 'selfies': The case of disappearing data. Ascilite Conference. Dunedin, NZ. 23-26 Nov. Available from

Charteris J., Quinn, F., Parkes, M., & Fletcher, P. (2014). Assessment for Learning and Digital Technologies in Pre-Service Teacher Education Courses. Ulearn -elearning in Education Conference Rotorua New Zealand 8-10 Oct.

Charteris, J. (2013). Agency as performative: An analysis of agency in a secondary classroom. International Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE), Adelaide, 1-5 Dec.

Charteris J., & Smardon, D. (2013). Intellectual Expansiveness through Rhizomatic Thinking: A Rhizoanalysis of Transformational Teacher Learning. Social Psychology of the Classroom International Conference Auckland, 15-18 July

Non-traditional Research Outputs

The following 20 NTRO outputs are a series of videos on the topic of high ability that were commissioned by the Victorian Department of Education. These videos were developed from interviews with 52 school leaders and students in Victorian schools.

Thraves, G., Anderson, J., Charteris, J., & Gregory, S. (2021). Addressing high ability in Literacy [Video; NTRO]. VIC Department of Education.

Thraves, G., Anderson, J., Charteris, J., & Gregory, S. (2021). Data in practice [Video; NTRO]. VIC Department of Education.

Thraves, G., Anderson, J., Charteris, J., & Gregory, S. (2021). A day in the life of a HAPL [Video; NTRO]. VIC Department of Education.

Thraves, G., Anderson, J., Charteris, J., & Gregory, S. (2021). Normalising high ability [Video; NTRO]. VIC Department of Education.

Thraves, G., Anderson, J., Charteris, J., & Gregory, S. (2021). Supporting high-ability Koorie students [Video; NTRO]. VIC Department of Education.

Thraves, G., Anderson, J., Charteris, J., & Gregory, S. (2021). Victorian High-Ability Program [Video; NTRO]. VIC Department of Education.

Thraves, G., Anderson, J., Charteris, J., & Gregory, S. (2022). Differentiating for interest [Video; NTRO]. VIC Department of Education.

Thraves, G., Anderson, J., Charteris, J., & Gregory, S. (2022). Differentiation [Video; NTRO]. VIC Department of Education.

Thraves, G., Anderson, J., Charteris, J., & Gregory, S. (2022). Extending high ability learners [Video; NTRO]. VIC Department of Education.

Thraves, G., Anderson, J., Charteris, J., & Gregory, S. (2022). High ability and Mathematics [Video; NTRO]. VIC Department of Education.

Thraves, G., Anderson, J., Charteris, J., & Gregory, S. (2022). High ability in a metro primary school (Tarneit Rise Primary school)[Video; NTRO]. VIC Department of Education.

Thraves, G., Anderson, J., Charteris, J., & Gregory, S. (2022). High ability in a metro secondary school (Mill Park Secondary College)[Video; NTRO]. VIC Department of Education.

Thraves, G., Anderson, J., Charteris, J., & Gregory, S. (2022). High ability in a regional primary school (Warrnambool Primary school)[Video; NTRO]. VIC Department of Education.

Thraves, G., Anderson, J., Charteris, J., & Gregory, S. (2022). High ability in a regional secondary school (Brauer College) [Video; NTRO]. VIC Department of Education.

Thraves, G., Anderson, J., Charteris, J., & Gregory, S. (2022). High ability in the creative domain [Video; NTRO]. Vic Department of Education.

Thraves, G., Anderson, J., Charteris, J., & Gregory, S. (2022). Identifying high ability [Video; NTRO]. Vic Department of Education.

Thraves, G., Anderson, J., Charteris, J., & Gregory, S. (2022). IEPs for high-ability students [Video; NTRO]. VIC Department of Education.

Thraves, G., Anderson, J., Charteris, J., & Gregory, S. (2022). Perfectionism [Video; NTRO]. VIC Department of Education.

Thraves, G., Anderson, J., Charteris, J., & Gregory, S. (2022). Supporting high ability in the social domain [Video; NTRO]. Vic Department of Education.

Thraves, G., Anderson, J., Charteris, J., & Gregory, S. (2022). Working with a twice-exceptional student [Video; NTRO]. VIC Department of Education.