Our Staff (by area)

Head of School Office

Head of School Professor Sue Gregory hosedu@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 3716
Head of Department, Early Childhood Education Professor Caroline Cohrsseneduhod-des@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 5501 
Head of Department, Leadership, Pedagogy, Diversity and Inclusion Professor Jennifer Charteriseduhod-llt@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 3513 
Head of Department, STEM Education A/Professor Brendan Jacobseduhod-stem@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 5967 
Head of Department, CurriculumA/Professor Leonardo Velizeduhod-curric@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 1109
Administrative Officer Anne Carlon acarlon@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 3716
Chair, School Education CommitteeDr Joshua Matthewsjmatth28@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 5808
Accreditation Co-ordinatorDr Rachael Adlingtonrachael.adlington@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 4224
Convenor of Program Impact and EngagementDr Casey Mainsbridge
+61 2 6773 1341
Research Co-ordinatorA/Professor Jill Fielding
Graduate Teaching Performance Assessment (GTPA) Co-ordinatorDr Sally Larsenslarsen3@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 2075
HDR (Higher Degrees Research) CoordinatorDr Jo Birdeduchdr@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 5802
LANTITE CoordinatorAndrew Simpsonasimpso9@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 4298 

Office for Professional Learning

DirectorA/Professor Anna du Plessishttp://www.une.edu.au/opl-contact
+61 2 6773 3898
Coordinator: SupportVacanthttp://www.une.edu.au/opl-contact
+61 2 6773 3898
Placement Officer/Early ChildhoodKim Vallance http://www.une.edu.au/opl-contact
+61 2 6773 3898
Placement Officer/Training, Results and ReportingDaniel Coffeyhttp://www.une.edu.au/opl-contact
+61 2 6773 3898 
Placement Officer/BEd and MTeachSusan Moore

+61 2 6773 3898

Placement Officer
Placement Officer
Nicholas Allingham
Sue Wilkinson

+61 2 6773 3898

Professional Staff

Name Position Contact
Brett Bennett Administrative Assistant (Department of Early Childhood Education)bbennett@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 5642 
Robyn Bultitude Administrative Assistant (Department of Leadership, Pedagogy, Diversity and Inclusion)rbultitu@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 3046
Carol ElderAdministrative Assistant (Department of STEM)carol.elder@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 3835 
Jasmin Webel Administrative Assistant (Department of Curriculum)jwebel3@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 4514 

First Year & Academic Advisor

Jennifer VaughanFirst Year AdvisorHumanities, Arts, Social Science and Education (HASSE) unitsRoom G21, Arts Building
+ 61 2 6773 2396 

Academic Subject Areas

Contextual Studies In Education

Dr Maria CotterLecturermcotter@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 5035 
Dr Vegneskumar Maniam Lecturer vmaniam@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 2509
Dr Adele Nye Senior Lectureranye@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 3171

Creative and Performing Arts Education

Dr Lynn Everett Lecturer leverett@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 2723
Dr Myung-Sook Auh Senior Lecturer mauh@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 2917

Early Childhood Education

Dr Somayeh Ba AkhlaghLecturersbaakhla@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 5253 
Dr Jo BirdSenior Lecturerjbird21@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 5802
Professor Caroline CohrssenProfessorccohrsse@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 5501
Dr Majida Mehana
(On leave) 
+61 2 6773 1103 
Dr Angel Mok Lecturer mmok2@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 1858
Dr Marg RogersSenior Lecturer mbaber@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 2218
Dr Haoran ZhengLecturerhzheng6@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 5410 

English, Literacies and Language Education, including TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) and EAL/D (English as an Additional Language or Dialect)

Diane Hansford Lecturer dhansfo2@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 5012
A/Professor Helen HarperAssociate Professor hharper2@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 4374 
Dr Mutuota Kigotho Lecturer mkigotho@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 3829
Erin Kim-RichLecturerekimrich@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 5282 
Andrew SimpsonLecturerasimpso9@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 4298 
A/Professor Leonardo VelizAssociate Professorlveliz@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 1109
Dr Zuocheng Zhang Senior Lecturer zzhang26@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 3362

Health, Physical and Sports Studies Education

Dr Casey MainsbridgeSenior Lecturercmainsbr@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 1341 
Dr Kristy O'NeillSenior Lecturerkristy.oneill@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 2942 

Digital Technologies for Learning

Dr Peter Fletcher Lecturer in STEM Educationpfletch2@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 3904
Martin LevinsLecturermlevins2@une.edu.au 
Dr Stoo SeppSenior Lecturerstoo.sepp@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 1643

Learning and Teaching, Special and Inclusive Education

Stafford CameronLecturerscamer21@une.edu.au
Professor Jennifer Charteris Professorjcharte5@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 3513
A/Professor Ingrid Harrington Associate Professoriharring@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 5968
Dr Sally LarsenSenior Lecturer
+61 2 6773 2075
Dr Josh MatthewsSenior Lecturer
+61 2 6773 5808
Dr Rose MutuotaLecturernmutuota@une.edu.au
 +61 2 6773 1294
Sarah OlukLecturersoluk2@une.edu.au
Professor Huy Phan Professor hphan2@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 3327
Dr Genevieve ThravesSenior Lecturer
+61 2 6773 3272

Mathematics Education

Professor Pep BakerProfessor pbaker31@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 2378
A/Professor Jill FieldingAssociate Professorjill.fielding@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 5472 
A/Professor Bing Ngu Associate Professor bngu@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 2328
Dr Theodosia Prodromou Senior Lecturer theodosia.prodromou@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 3237
Dr Martin Schmude Senior Lecturer mschmud2@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 2943
Seonia WarkLecturerswark4@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 5924

Pacific Education & Development

Professor Pep Baker Project Leader pbaker31@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 2378 

Science Education

Dr Barbara BannisterLecturerbbannis3@une.edu.au 
A/Professor Brendan JacobsAssociate Professorbjacobs7@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 5967 
Dr Frances Quinn Senior Lecturer fquinn@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 3411
Dr Nadya Rizk Senior Lecturer nrizk3@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 3714

Social Science Education

Dr Aaron Sigauke Lecturer a.sigauke@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 3885
Dr Catherine Rita Volpe JohnstonLecturer


Professor John Pegg Director jpegg@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 5070

A/Professor Joy Hardy

Deputy Director

+61 2 6773 2520
A/Professor Eveline Chan eveline_chan@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 3818
Dr Ken Vine UNE-PNU Project kvine@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 2319
Silvia Danieli Executive Officer sdanieli@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 5871
Martin Trotman QuickSmart Social Inclusion mtrotma3@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 3135
Alwaleed Alssamani IT Manageraalssam2@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 3809
June Billings Executive Assistant to John Pegg jbillin5@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 5065
Ambrose McDermott QuickSmart Project Officer amcderm5@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 3193
Sean RoddenIT Support Officersrodden@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 5404
Joshua BuanFull Stack Developerjbuan@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773485
Off campus  
Esther EggerQuickSmart Education OfficerEsther.Egger@nt.gov.au
Dr Stefan Horarik QuickSmart Data Analysis shorarik@une.edu.au
+61 2 6773 3256

Adjunct Staff

Professor Robert BoughtonAdjunct Professorrboughto@une.edu.au
Associate Professor Robyn CoxAdjunct Associate Professorrcox23@une.edu.au
Associate Professor Linley CornishAdjunct Associate Professorlcornis2@une.edu.au
Associate Professor Brian DenmanAdjunct Associate Professor bdenman@une.edu.au
Dr Sue ElliottAdjunct Senior Lecturersue.elliott22@gmail.com
Associate Professor Susan FeezAdjunct Professor sfeez@une.edu.au
Associate Professor Kerrie IkinAdjunct Associate Professorkikin2@une.edu.au
Professor Tom Maxwell Adjunct Professor tmaxwell47@gmail.com
Associate Professor Judith MillerAdjunct Associate Professorjmiller7@une.edu.au
Dr Chris Reading Adjunct Senior Lecturer creading@une.edu.au
Associate Professor Mark SchierAdjunct Associate Professormschier@une.edu.au
Associate Professor Dorothy SmithAdjunct Associate Professordorothy.smith@une.edu.au
Professor Neil TaylorAdjunct Professorntaylor6@une.edu.au
Professor Steve Tobias Adjunct Professor stobias@une.edu.au
Professor Graham Webb Adjunct Professor gwebb4@une.edu.au
Professor James (Jim) White Adjunct Professor jwhite51@une.edu.au