Food Systems & Rural Development

About Us

The primary focus for research in this group is food systems, rural development (including agriculture, forestry, tourism), the socio-economics of land use change and adaptation. We have participated in many projects in Australia, Africa (e.g. Ghana, Ethiopia and Zimbabwe), South-East Asia (e.g. Vietnam, Myanmar, Indonesia) and South Asia (e.g. Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan). This work has used diverse research methods to address a wide range of issues from crop production, soil science, socio-economic impact assessment, extension services, marketing and agrobusiness.

Our Research

Sustainable agricultural practices: topics we have researched include biofertilisers, biochar, waste management, integrated soil fertility management, non-chemical weed control and herbicide resistance, production of certified goods, consumer demand and preferences.

Land use adaptation in developing countries: topics of interest include socio-economic analysis of the impacts of land use changes (e.g. agroforestry and forestry harvesting, eco-tourism, handicrafts, migration and labour) as well as the drivers of participation and diversity, and impacts of policy settings on farmer behaviour and household livelihood outcomes.

Crop diversification in Asian Mega-Deltas: supporting the development and upscaling of new and emerging crops through research and training on agronomy, market engagement, capacity building for support agencies, and policy analysis.

Marketing and value chains in developing countries: topics of interest include inclusivity in agribusiness markets (e.g. gender, youth, ethnic minorities), and socio-economic impacts of financial tools in agribusiness (e.g. contracts, insurance).

Capacity-building and incorporating Local Knowledge: Researching what types of governance arrangements and agriculture innovation can improve capacity of local people to adapt, learn and undergo transformational change.

Join Us

Enquiries from prospective Honours, Masters and PhD students are welcome. We are interested to hear from people who want to work as part of a research team and who have a keen interest in food systems, agriculture and rural development, especially in an international setting in the Asia-Pacific.


Our People

Mr Michael Coleman

A/Prof Paul Kristiansen

Dr Nicolette Larder

A/Prof Lisa Lobry de Bruyn

Contact Us

To find out more about Food Systems & Rural Development, or to enquire about research opportunities, please contact Associate Professor Paul Kristiansen

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X/Twitter - @lisalobry