
21 Day Taiwan Study Program

Trimester 2, 2024

Expression of Interest

The School of Law, Business School, and the School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences are pleased to offer our students an exciting opportunity to participate in a 21 day Taiwan Study Program in Trimester 2 2024. Students are invited to submit an expression of interest, by the date shown below. The program provides students with unique opportunities to build global networks and to learn Taiwanese legal system, politics and international relations, business, society, culture, history, and indigenous issues with a special reference of Taiwan in the Asia Pacific region. In addition to classroom lectures and discussion, student’s learning experiences will be enriched through a series of field trips, professional visits, as well as memorable cultural activities.

All activities will be at Fu Jen Catholic University, New Taipei City unless otherwise noted.

Some schedule highlights:

  1. Classes relating to Taiwanese Law and Society
  2. Meeting with scholars and diplomates regarding the Taiwanese Australian relationship
  3. Visit the Office of the President and Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall.
  4. Visit to the Legislative Yuan and Judicial Yuan
  5. Tour of Hsinchu Hi-Tech Industrial Park including Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company
  6. Tour of cultural sites and night markets in Taipei area
  7. Meeting with Austrade/InvestmentNSW, Taipei Office and local law firms
  8. Visit to the Council of Indigenous Peoples and Taipei Indigenous Village visit
  9. Travel to Taichung: Visiting the Agricultural Industry in Taiwan

Students will also have the opportunity to explore Taiwan through several trip opportunities.

Unit Requirement

Students will be required to attend all sessions in Taiwan and to submit a presentation and a 3000 word research essay at the end of T2 on a topic chosen with the agreement of the Unit Coordinator. Such topic could include: Taiwanese law or business, indigenous rights in Taiwan, the international relations of Taiwan and Australia or the Asia-Pacific, Taiwan business, or international trade.

New Columbo Plant Student Grants

The Commonwealth of Australia under the New Colombo Mobility Plan has provided limited number of scholarships (up to $3500 per student) for UNE learners  to assist paying the cost. This determination of scholarship will be made by an academic committee based on merit and a case-by-case assessment.

Dates:  August 4-25, 2024

Approximate Cost: AU $5900.00 per person (twin room sharing), this includes in country travel, breakfast and lunch and all activities

DOES NOT including international airfares (ex-Sydney) and dinners

Travel Destinations: Taipei

Field trips and cultural activities are subject to change and confirmation.

Any interested student is invited to submit an Expression of Interest by 7 July 2024 to relevant school contact (see School Contacts below).

Please see table below for eligibility and OS-HELP (fee) assistance.

18 Day Bangladesh Study Program

Trimester 3, 2024

Expression of Interest

Bangladesh has transformed remarkably, making significant progress in various areas, including economic growth, human development, and geopolitical influence. Bangladesh is expected to become one of the 25 largest economies globally by 2030. This country is the home of the second largest ready-made garments-producing and ship-building industries. The importance of Bangladesh is not only due to its impressive economic growth but also its considerable population. With nearly 170 million people, it ranks as the eighth-largest country in population. The Bangladeshi diaspora, currently at about 8 million, is also expanding. Bangladesh's strategic location has enhanced its geopolitical significance alongside other smaller states like Sri Lanka, Maldives, Nepal, and Bhutan, making it increasingly important in the global landscape.

In this unit, students will be introduced to various topics, including the justice delivery system, judicial administration, global supply industry regulation, women's empowerment, modern slavery, industrial pollution, and the culture of Bangladesh. The course will explore how Bangladesh is addressing the challenges of resource distribution inequality, promoting women's empowerment in a society dominated by men and religion, and upholding human rights in the labor-oriented global supply industries.

Dates:T3 2024 (TBA)

Approximate Cost: AU $4200 per person (twin room sharing), including international airfares (ex-Sydney), travel in country, most meals and all activities.

Travel Destinations: Dhaka, Chittagong and Cox’s Baz

Field trips and cultural activities are subject to change and confirmation.

Any interested student is invited to submit an Expression of Interest by 3 November 2024 to relevant school contact (see School Contacts below).

To read about previous student experiences from OSSE 2019 please visit the School of Law Blog

Students in both undergraduate and postgraduate programs (on-campus and online) are eligible. Undergraduate students enrol in OSSE300 and must have completed 48 credit points and receive permission from the Head of School. Interested students, who have not completed 48 credit points, may submit an expression of interest, and the Head of School will assess your eligibility on a case by case basis. Postgraduate students enrol in OSSE500, and require permission of the Course Coordinator or the Head of School. Assessment will be undertaken during and post program for unit credit.

Students will be granted 6 credit points on successful completion of the unit as a listed unit towards the Bachelor of Laws or the Master of Laws, Bachelor of Accounting, Bachelor of Agribusiness, Bachelor of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Bachelor of Business, Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Economics, Bachelor of Economics, Graduate Certificate in Agribusiness, Graduate Certificate in Business, Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management, Graduate Certificate in Management, Graduate Diploma in Economics, Master of Commerce, Master of Economic and Regional Development, Master of Economics or Master of Human Resource Management. This applies to students admitted prior to 201

Students in both undergraduate and postgraduate programs (on-campus and online) are eligible. Undergraduate students enrol in HASS301 and must have completed any 36cp in a relevant discipline area and permission of Head of School (or delegate). Postgraduate students enrol in HASS506 and must have completed any 18cp at 500-level, including a research training or methods unit such as HASS500 or equivalent, and prior consultation with supervisor, and permission of Head of School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (or delegate). Interested students, who have not met the pre-requisites, may submit an expression of interest, and the Head of School (or delegate) will assess your eligibility on a case by case basis. Assessment will be undertaken during and post program for achieving unit credit.

Students will be granted 6 credit points on successful completion of the unit as an elective unit towards Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of International Studies, Bachelor of Social Sciences, or Master of Arts. This applies to students admitted prior to 2019.

Undergraduate students are able to apply for OS-Help Assistance (provided by the Australian Government) for the cost of the tour. Conditions apply. For students who may be working and/or studying, and in areas of relevance to the visit and study content, this program may offer taxation benefits. However, please refer to your financial advisor.

Business School: Associate Professor George Chen

School of Law: Associate Professor Guy Charlton

School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences: Dr Xiang Gao