About the Centre

The UNE Centre for Local Government is a multi-disciplinary centre for research, consultancy and educational activities.

Our Mission

To provide an umbrella organisation for activities of the University of New England that are relevant to local government so as to facilitate support, service, education and leadership to all sectors of local government in Australia. This is achieved through four core areas of activities: education, professional development, consultancy and research.

Our Purpose

The Centre seeks to provide support, service, education and leadership to all sectors of local government in Australia. This is achieved through four core areas of activities:

  • Research
  • Consultancy
  • Education
  • Professional Development.

The Centre is interested in negotiating with industry partners for grants from State and Federal Government agencies, as well as local government bodies.

In fulfilling our mission, the UNE Centre for Local Government:

  • works in conjunction with all faculties of UNE, the Australian Local Government Association, the Local Government NSW, Local Government Managers Australia, local councils in the New England region and other local government bodies servicing the needs of local government within NSW and Australia with a view to providing the most comprehensive and co-operative structure to assist local authorities
  • encourages and supports the development of research into issues affecting local government both at UNE and by linking with other Australian and international universities, associations and centres dedicated to research and development in local government; and
  • involves people working in local government with the activities of the Centre in order to develop a partnership between local councils, researchers, consultants and education providers.

Our publications

The Centre for Local Government produces a number of publications each year, including:


Contact the Centre's Director: Professor Brian Dollery