Innovation for Regional Success

The Innovation for Regional Success (IRS) research group supports the development, sustainability and liveability of regional communities in Australia and internationally through research focused on regional innovation, entrepreneurship and capacity building. IRS engages with government, industry and community organisations to achieve sustainable development for regional communities. Our multidisciplinary team recognises that the major challenges of regional societies require new thinking based on high quality research that strives for social impact. IRS builds on the regional focus of the UNE by connecting to an international network of researchers in this area. We interpret regional contexts as any non-metropolitan environment and engage in research and development activities that connect regional communities to the world.

Convener: Leopold Bayerlein

  • Staff
  • Publications
  • Postgraduate Students
  • Projects

Our staff

Professor Bernice Kotey

Professor of Entrepreneurship - UNE Business School

Expertise: Small business management, Entrepreneurship and regional development.


Phone: +61 2 6773 2830

Derek BakerProfessor Derek Baker

Professor , Agribusiness - UNE Business School

Expertise: Measurement and analysis of food industry performance, particularly in the development of empirical value chain analysis.


Phone: +61 2 6773 2627

Mobile: +61 429 905 093

Dr Isaac Koomson

Casual Lecturer - UNE Business School

Expertise: Applied econometrics, Microfinance, Managerial economics, Finance and development economics


Phone: +61 2 6773 3559

Leopold BayerleinDr Leopold Bayerlein

Senior Lecturer , Accounting - Faculty of Science, Agriculture, Business and Law; Human Resource Services; UNE Business School

Expertise: Business and accounting education, Environmental reporting, Sustainable development, Emerging reporting frameworks Financial reporting quality.


Phone: +61 2 6773 3576

Lou ConwayDr Lou Conway

Director - UNE Business School

Expertise: Regional development and the role of government, public policy and business in regional communities.


Phone: +61 2 6773 3919

Mobile: 0429629747

Twitter: @lou_conway12

Sujana AdapaAssociate Professor Sujana Adapa

Associate Professor - UNE Business School

Expertise: Corporate social responsibility, Communication information, Systems research, Destination branding, Cross-cultural studies.


Phone: +61 2 6773 2915

Publications 2017 - 2019
2019 Publications
  • Adapa, S. & Sheridan, A. (2019). A case of multiple oppressions: women's career opportunities in Malaysian SME accounting firms, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, DOI: 10.1080/09584192.1583269. - A
  • Azeem, M. M., Baker, D., Villano, A. R., Mounter, S., & Griffith, G. (2019). Response to stockout in grocery stores: a small city case in a changing competitive environment. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. - A
  • Kotey B. and Koomson I. (2019). Firm size differences in financial returns from flexible work arrangements (FWAs). Small Business Economics. - A
  • Kotey. B., & Sharma, B. (2019). Pathways from flexible work arrangements to financial performance. Personnel Review, 48 (1). - A
  • Dalton, V. and Cooksey, R. (2019). "Becoming a Sustaining Organisation: The Case of Greening the Wharf at Sydney Theatre Company and Its Impacts." - BC
2018 Publications
  • Adapa, S., (2018). Factors influencing consumption and anti-consumption of recycled water: Evidence from Australia. Journal of Cleaner Production, 201, 624-635. - A*
  • Adapa, S. (2018). Indian Smart Cities and Cleaner Production Initiatives - Integrated Framework and Recommendations. Journal of Cleaner Production, 172, 3351-3366. - A*
  • Azeem, M.M., Baker, D., Villano, R.A., Mounter, S., & Griffith, G. (2018). Food shoppers’ share of wallet: a small city case in a changing competitive environment. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 43, 119-30. - A
  • Fazal-e-Hasan, S.M., Ahmadi, H., Mortimer, G., Grimmer, M., & Kelly, L. (2018). Examining the role of consumer hope in explaining the impact of perceived brand value on customer–brand relationship outcomes in an online retailing environment. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 41, 101-111. - A
  • Kharouf, H., Sekhon, H., Fazal-e-Hasan, S.M., & Mortimer, G. (2018). The role of effective communication and trustworthiness in determining guests' loyalty. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management. - A
  • Adapa, S. (2018). Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility or Responsible Performance of Sporting Organisations in Australia. International Journal of Sports Management and Marketing, 18, 83-104. - B
  • Ahmad, S., Kaleem, A., & Fazal-e-Hasan, S.M. (2018). How Ethical Leadership Stimulates Academics' Retention in Universities: The Mediating Role of Job-related Affective Well-being. International Journal of Educational Management. - B
  • Bianchi, C., Wiese, M., Fazal-e-Hasan, S., Cuneo, A., & Andrew, L. (2018). Segmenting brands' social network sites (SNS) consumers: A four country study. Journal of International Consumer Marketing.  - B
  • Adapa, S., & Rice, J. (2018). Elements of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Accounting Firms in India. In M. P. Miles, M. Battisti, A. Lau & M. Terziovski (Eds.), Economic Gardening - Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Small Business Ecosystems in Regional, Rural and International Development (pp. 169-191). Tilde University Press, Australia. - BC
2017 Publications
  • Adapa, S. & Roy, S. K., (2017). Consumers' post-adoption behaviour towards Internet banking: empirical evidence from Australia, Behaviour & Information Technology, DOI: 10.1080/0144929X.2017.1319498. - A
  • Bayerlein, L., & Jeske, D. (2017). Student learning opportunities in traditional and computer-mediated internships. Education + Training. - A
  • Dizyee, K., Baker, D., & Rich, K.M. (2017). A quantitative value chain analysis of policy options for the beef sector in Botswana. Agricultural Systems, 156, 13-24. - A
  • Fortunato, W. P., Alter, T., Adapa, S. & Thomas, P., (2017). Intentional Innovation Communities: Concepts and Preliminary Evidence, Economic Development Quarterly, DOI: 10.1177/0891242417691610. - A
  • Kotey, B., (2017). Flexible Working Arrangements and Strategic Positions in SME's, Personnel Review, 46(2), pp.355-370. - A
  • Fisher, J., & Bonn, I. (2017). Sustainability and Undergraduate Management Curricula: Changes Over a 5-Year Period. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 33(1), 18-33. - B
  • Bayerlein, L., & Jeske, D. (2017). The potential of computer-mediated internships for higher education. International Journal of Educational Management. - B
  • Adapa, S., & Sheridan, A. (2017). Small and Medium-Sized Accounting Firms in India: Inclusive or Exclusive Leadership? In S. Adapa & A. Sheridan (Eds.), Inclusive Leadership Negotiating Gendered Spaces (pp. 67-92). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, eBook. - BC
  • Rindfleish, J. (2017). Promoting Healthy Leader-Follower Dynamics to Enhance Workplace Equality. In S. Adapa & A. Sheridan (Eds.), Inclusive Leadership Negotiating Gendered Spaces (pp. 179-202). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, eBook. - BC
  • Smith-Ruig, T. (2017). Champions for Charities: Exploring Inclusive Leadership in the Non-profit Sector in Australia. In S. Adapa & A. Sheridan (Eds.), Inclusive Leadership Negotiating Gendered Spaces (pp. 21-42). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, eBook. - BC
  • Jabri, M. (2017). Managing organizational change: Process, social construction and dialogue, (2nd edition). London: Palgrave Macmillan. - BK
Publications 2014 - 2016
2016 Publications
  • Bayerlein, L. & McGrath, N., (2016). Collaborating for success: an analysis of the working relationship between academics and educational development professionals, Studies in Higher Education. - A*
  • Bayerlein, L. & Timpson, M., (2016). Do accredited undergraduate accounting programmes in Australia meet the needs and expectations of the accounting profession? Education + Training.  - A*
  • Adapa, S., Bhullar, N. & De Souza, S., (2016). A Systematic Review and Agenda for Using alternative Water Sources for Consumer Markets in Australia, Journal of Cleaner Production. - A
  • Baker, D., Dizyee, K., Parker, W., Scrimgeour, F. & Griffith, G., (2016). Primary industry chains and networks: analysis for public and private interests, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 33(3). - A
  • Baker, D., Mtimet, N., Pica-Ciamarra, U. & Nsiima, L., (2016). Consumers’ preferences for animal source foods and retail outlets: the case of Tanzania, African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 11(3). - B
  • Kotey, B., (2016). Enablers and Barriers to Exit of Regional Small Business Owners in Australia, Australian Geographer, 47(2), pp. 195-214. - B
  • Adapa, S. & Sheridan, A., (2016), The complex hues of entrepreneurial identity amongst women owning accounting firms, In Kumar, P., eds, Chapter 2, Indian Women as Entrepreneurs - An Exploration of Self-identity, Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp.21-42. - BC
2015 Publications
  • Adapa, S., (2015). Small and medium-sized regional accounting firms: Information and communication technologies, Chapter 8, SMEs in the Digital Economy, Surviving the digital revolution. - BC
  • Kotey, B. & Battisti, M., (2015). The digital economy and its impact on Australian and New Zealand SMEs, Chapter 1, SMEs in the Digital Economy, Surviving the digital revolution. - BC
  • Kotey, B., Mazzarol, M., Clark, D., McKeown, T. & Battisti, M., (2015). SMEs in the Digital Economy, Surviving the digital revolution, Tilde University Press, Victoria, Australia. - EB
  • Thomas, P., Adapa, S., Fortunato, M. W. P. & Alter, T., (2015). Theory and practice of regional community based intentional innovation in Northern Inland New south Wales, Australasian Journal of Regional Studies, 21(3), 323–348. - B
  • Adapa, S. & Laukkanen, T., (2015). Revisit Intentions of Malaysian Consumers to Heritage Sites, Academy of Taiwan Business Management Review, 11(1), pp. 31-38. - B
  • Adapa, S., Sheridan, A. & Rindfleish, J., (2015). Career enablers for women in regional and metropolitan accounting SMEs, Australasian Journal of Regional Studies, 21(2), pp. 178-201. - B
  • Dwyer, B. & Kotey, B., (2015). Financing SME Growth: The Role of the National Stock Exchange of Australia and Business Advisors, Australian Accounting Review, 25(2), pp. 114-123. - B
  • Kotey, B., (2015). Demographic and Economic Changes in Remote Australia, Australian Geographer, 46(2), pp. 183–201. - B
  • Thomas, P., Adapa, S. & Joyce, B. K., (2015). Innovation Landscape within Family Services Integration: Evidence from Australia, Contemporary Management Research, 11(3), pp. 249-276. - B
  • Dwyer, B. & Kotey, B., (2015). Identifying High Growth Firms: Where are We?, Journal of Management and Organizations. - B
  • Adapa, S., Rindfleish, J. & Sheridan, A., (2015). ‘Doing gender’ in a regional context: Explaining women’s absence from senior roles in regional accounting firms in Australia, Critical Perspectives on Accounting. - A
  • Helin, J. & Jabri, M., (2015). Family business succession in dialogue: The case of differing backgrounds and views, International Small Business Journal. - A
  • Kotey, B. & Sharma, B., (2015). Predictors of flexible arrangement provision in small and medium enterprises (SME’s), The International Journal of Human Resource Management, pp. 1-8. - A
  • Liao, T. S., Rice, J. & Lu, J. C., (2015). The Vicissitudes of Competitive Advantage: Empirical Evidence from Australian Manufacturing SMEs, Journal of Small Business Management, 53(2), pp. 469-481. - A
  • Rice, J., Liao, T. S., Galvin, P. & Martin, N., (2015). A configuration-based approach to integrating dynamic capabilities and market transformation in small and medium-sized enterprises to achieve firm performance, International Small Business Journal, 33(3), pp. 231-253. - A
  • Shabani, F. & Kotey, B., (2015). Future distribution of cotton and wheat in Australia under potential climate change, The Journal of Agricultural Science, pp. 1-11.  - A
  • Bayerlein, L., (2015). Curriculum Innovation in Undergraduate Accounting Degree Programmes through “Virtual Internships”, Education + Training. - A
2014 Publications
  • "Bayerlein, L., (2014). Students’ feedback preferences: how do students react to timely and automatically generated assessment feedback?, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 39(8). - A"
  • Chen, G., Kotey, B. & Valadkhani, A., (2014).  Asymmetric changes in Australia’s small business loan rate, Small Business Economics.  - A
  • Hempsall, K., (2014). Developing leadership in higher education: perspectives from the USA, the UK and Australia, Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 36(4), pp. 383-394. - B
  • Kotey, B. & Rolfe, J., (2014). Demographic and Economic Impact of Mining on Remote Communities in Australia, Resources Policy, 42, pp. 65 – 72. - B
  • Kotey, B. & Sorensen, A., (2014). Barriers to Small Business Innovation in Rural Australia, Australasian Journal of Regional Studies, 20(3), pp. 405 – 428. - B
  • Kotey, B., (2014). Small business innovation in the hostile environment of Australia's drought stricken rural communities [online], Australasian Journal of Regional Studies, 20(2), pp. 325-350. - B
  • Kotey, B., (2014). Exit Planning in Small Australian Firms, Kotey B., Mazzarol T., Clark D., Foley, D. & McKeown T., (editors), Meeting the Globalisation Challenge: Smart and innovative SMEs in a globally competitive environment, Chapter 11, Tilde UP, Australia. - EB
  • Kotey, B., (2014). Exit Planning in Small Australian Firms, Kotey B. Mazzarol T., Clark D., Foley, D. and McKeown T., (editors), Meeting the Globalisation Challenge: Smart and innovative SMEs in a globally competitive environment, Chapter 11, Tilde UP, Australia. - BC




Project title

Benjamin Murray
Australia Corporate regulation: A shared understanding of Indigenous corporation financial reporting
Carson Duan
New Zealand
Contemporary Chinese Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Australia and New Zealand: Motives, Access and Use of Resources and Opportunities in Home and Host Countries and Performance Outcomes
Denise Palmer
Airbnb and Brand Innovativeness
Edmund Mazwai
South Africa
Effect of personal values on firm creation, survival and growth: A study of Soweto entrepreneurs
Emmanuel Bunei
Agrifood Safety Regulatory Compliance in Kenya
Godfrey Banda
Entrepreneurial orientation and other determinants of performance of small-scale miners in Zimbabwe
Hani Albogami
Saudi Arabia
The effect of internal and external audit mechanisms on earnings quality: Evidence from Saudi Arabia
Hiu Ching Athena Tse
Barriers to entrepreneurship among minority groups in Australia
Igor Ivannikov
Accounting and financial reporting of Crown Land and infrastructure assets in NSW local government
Isaac Koomson
Impact of financial literacy on financial inclusion and household welfare in Ghana
Julian Atapattu
Australian Economics of Innovation, Agriculture and Export Growth
Maram (Mary) Ahmed A Alhawsawi
Saudi Arabia
Bridging the educational gap in the Saudi accounting education system
Maram Hamoud M Alotaibi
Saudi Arabia
AI Marketing and Entrepreneurial Resilience
Maria Saupin
CSR Reporting in SMEs
Miguel Angelo Saavedra Horna
Evaluating operations and impact of virtual business incubators (VBI)
Obaid Almutairi
Saudi Arabia
Consumer Online Reviews in Saudi Arabia
Osama Hamad M Alowaimer
Saudi Arabia
Undergraduate accounting curriculum in Saudi Arabia: Redesigning content
Phillip Dowler
Evaluating the effectiveness of an innovation hub in Vietnam
Sadia Abbas
Barriers to firm level innovation in the South Asian economies
Sara Safdar
Online Consumer Reviews and Online Retailers
Sarah Thorneycroft
Human from Scratch: Frameworks for culture-making in higher education
Yeo Woon (Nicole) Koo
MPA graduate perceptions of the expectations-performance gap in accounting higher education and the workplace

Project titleParticipantsFunding Agency
Unlocking the power of digital technologies for the poultry meat sector.Derek Baker and Masood AzeemAgrifutures
Automatic feedback for formal assessment tasks.Leopold BayerleinAustralian National University
Thresholds for resilience in regional communities - through UniMelb. 2018-20.Ruth Nettle and Bernice KoteyCotton Research and Development Corporation
ASEAN Virtual Business Plan Competition and Trade Information Website. 2017-18.Bernice KoteyDepartment of Foreign Affairs and Trade - Australia - ASEAN Council
Developing the enterprising skills of University students in a virtual space. 2015-16.Bernice Kotey and Sujana AdapaOffice for Learning and Teaching Extension Grant
Working for our future: Modernising workplace relations.Sujana Adapa, John Rice and Alison SheridanSEAANZ
Improving institutional blended learning adoption through organisational design.Leopold Bayerlein and Susanne WeissmanState Government of Bavaria, Germany
Creation of an exemplar blended learning unit through a virtual internship environment.Leopold BayerleinUNE
Embeding sustainability in management education.Leopold Bayerlein, Stephanie Perkiss, Bonnie Dean and Stephanos AnastasiadisUNE
The role of flexible work arrangements and market competition.Masood Azeem and Bernice KoteyUNE
Human capital endowments, establishments’ practices, and Innovation: a Cross-Country Analysis of the Food and Beverage Industry.Masood Azeem and Derek BakerUNE
Women to women: Enabling innovation and firm performance in cultures with prescriptive gender norms.Masood Azeem, Sujana Adapa and Alison SheridanUNE
Business-to-business collaborations and firms’ innovation performance: a quantitative empirical analysis of Australian food and agribusiness firms.Masood Azeem, Syed Fazle Hassan, Leo Gutierrez-Gutierrez, and Derek BakerUNE
Evaluating accreditation in accounting education programs in Australia.Leopold Bayerlein and Mel TimpsonUNE
Australian female agricultural entrepreneurs. ongoing.Lucie Newsome, Alison Sheridan and Theresa Smith- RuigUNEBS
Global WikiRate platform engagement in undergraduate business.Stephanie Perkiss, Bonnie Dean, Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez, Theresa Heithaus, Pilar Acosta, Richard Mills, Belinda Gibbons, Stephanos Anastasiadis, Leopold Bayerlein, Hannah Jun, Roman Mesicek, and Alec WersunUniversity of Wollongong
Vertical coordination in Agribusiness and firm level innovation.Masood AzeemUNE