Academic Board Membership

The Academic Board is the peak academic governance body at UNE. The board’s functions are defined under Section 21 of the UNE By-law as advising the Council and the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer on all developments and initiatives relating to and affecting the University’s teaching and research activities and its educational programs. Further functions are as delegated by the Council.

The Academic Board is the body that oversees Academic Governance at the University. The Academic Board is the link between the University’s internal quality assurance arrangements and the accountability of the Council for the quality of the higher education the University offers and for meeting the requirements of the Higher Education Standards Framework.

The Academic Board’s role is to provide assurance (or otherwise) to the Council about the following matters at the University:

  1. Processes and structures are established and responsibilities are assigned that collectively:
    1. achieve effective academic oversight of the quality of teaching, learning, research and research training;
    2. set and monitor institutional benchmarks for academic quality and outcomes;
    3. establish and maintain academic leadership at an institutional level, consistent with the types and levels of higher education offered; and
    4. provide competent advice to the corporate governing body and management on academic matters, including advice on academic outcomes, policies and practices.
  2. Academic oversight assures the quality of teaching, learning, research and research training effectively, including by:
    1. developing, monitoring and reviewing academic policies and their effectiveness;
    2. confirming that delegations of academic authority are implemented;
    3. critically scrutinising, approving and accrediting or advising on approving and accrediting, courses of study and their associated qualifications;
    4. maintaining oversight of academic and research integrity, including monitoring of potential risks;
    5. monitoring and initiating action to improve performance against institutional benchmarks for academic quality and outcomes;
    6. critically evaluating the quality and effectiveness of educational innovations or proposals for innovations;
    7. evaluating the effectiveness of institutional monitoring, review and improvement of academic activities; and
    8. monitoring and reporting to the corporate governing body on the quality of teaching, learning, research and research training.
  3. Students have opportunities to participate in Academic Governance.

The Academic Board will consider University rules and policies that are developed to form part of Academic Governance, and any replacement of or major changes to them. If the rule or policy is considered to be in order then the Academic Board will endorse it to the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer (or delegate) for approval. The Academic Board will also take into consideration any recommendations from its committees about such rules and policies.

The full terms of reference of Academic Board provide further information regarding the membership, functions and conduct of the board.







Associate Professor Jennifer McDonell

Elected by Academic Board membership

until June 2025

Deputy Chair

Professor Ljiljana Brankovic

Elected by Academic Board membership

until June 2025

Deputy Chair


Elected by Academic Board membership

2 year term

Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer

Professor Chris Moran

ex officio

for the period they hold the ex officio role

Deputy Vice-Chancellor

Professor Simon Evans

ex officio

for the period they hold the ex officio role

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)

Professor Chris Armstrong

ex officio

for the period they hold the ex officio role

Pro Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Strategy) TBA

ex officio

for the period they hold the ex officio role

Executive Principal, Education Futures

Sue Crew

ex officio

for the period they hold the ex officio role

Dean of Science, Agriculture, Business and Law (SABL)

Professor Sujana Adapa (acting)

ex officio

for the period they hold the ex officio role

Dean of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences and Education (HASSE)

Professor Jane Edwards

ex officio

for the period they hold the ex officio role

Dean of Medicine and Health (M&H)

Professor Jane Clark (acting)

ex officio

for the period they hold the ex officio role

Director of the Oorala Centre

Ms Samantha Fowler (acting)

ex officio

for the period they hold the ex officio role

Chair of Teaching and Learning Committee

Professor Paul McDonald

ex officio

for the period they hold the ex officio role

Chair of Curriculum Committee

Associate Professor Janelle Wilkes

ex officio

for the period they hold the ex officio role

Chair of Research Committee

Associate Professor Clara Murray

ex officio

for the period they hold the ex officio role

Level E representativeProfessor Ljiljana Brankovic

Elected by eligible Level E Academic staff

until June 2026
Level E representativeProfessor Adrian Walsh

Elected by eligible Level E Academic staff

until June 2026

SABL D/E representative

Professor Gerd Schmalz

Elected by eligible SABL Faculty Academic staff

until June 2024

SABL D/E representative

Associate Professor Mia Rahim

Elected by eligible SABL Faculty Academic staff

until June 2024

HASSE D/E representative

Associate Professor Finex Ndhlovu

Elected by eligible HASSE Faculty Academic staff

until June 2026

HASSE D/E representative

Associate Professor Jennifer McDonell

Elected by eligible HASSE Faculty Academic staff

until June 2026

M&H D/E representative

Associate Professor Amy Lykins

Elected by eligible M&H Faculty Academic staff

until June 2024

M&H D/E representative

Associate Professor Stuart Wark

Elected by eligible M&H Faculty Academic staff

until June 2024

SABL B/C representative

Dr Subrata Chakraborty

Elected by eligible SABL Faculty Academic staff

until June 2025

SABL B/C representative

Dr Siew Chong

Elected by eligible SABL Faculty Academic staff

until June 2025

HASSE B/C representative

Dr Xiang Gao

Elected by eligible HASSE Faculty Academic staff

until June 2025

HASSE B/C representative

Dr Tristan Taylor

Elected by eligible HASSE Faculty Academic staff

until June 2026

M&H B/C representative

Dr Induwara Gunarathne

Elected by eligible M&H Faculty Academic staff

until June 2024

M&H B/C representative

Ms Anna Barwick

Elected by eligible M&H Faculty Academic staff

until June 2024

Professional staff HEO6-HEO10

Mr Ben Gooley

Elected by eligible Professional Staff

until June 2026

Professional staff HEO6-HEO10


Elected by eligible Professional Staff

2 year term

Undergraduate student

Ms Victoria Shakeshaft

Elected by students

until May 2025

Undergraduate student

Ms Felicity Williams

Elected by students

until June 2024

Postgraduate coursework student

Mr Nabaraj Giri

Elected by students

until May 2025

Postgraduate HDR student

Mr Goodness Adebo

Elected by students

until May 2025

Co-opted members


Academic Board meetings are held in person on the UNE Armidale campus and via videoconference (Zoom) from 9.00am - 12noon Mondays (unless otherwise advised).

Observers (right of attendance and debate)

Director Governance and University Secretary

Members of the University's Senior Executive

Observers are welcome to attend Academic Board meetings but are asked to seek an invitation from the Chair by emailing at least one week prior to the meeting.