EOI Research Committee Early Career Researcher

Calling for Expressions of Interest

The Chair of the Research Committee, Associate Professor Clara Murray, is calling for expressions of interest from eligible early career researchers who wish to be considered for appointment to the Research Committee.

The  Research Committee is a Committee of Academic Board and its role is to oversee and report to the Academic Board on the academic governance of research and research training at the University.

The appointment, as per the Terms of Reference, will be made by the Research Committee after a call for expressions of interest. This appointment is for a period of three years, commencing immediately.


Following external legal requirements, the Standing Orders – Academic Board and Committees, and the Research Committee Terms of Reference, to be eligible for appointment staff need to:

  1. be an early career researcher (i.e. awarded a PhD within the past five years or is within 5 years of commencing their first academic appointment);
  2. be a current academic staff member at UNE;
  3. preferably be employed on a continuing basis or on a fixed-term basis with sufficient service remaining to fulfil their period of office (3 years);
  4. discuss their potential appointment to this position with their supervisor; and
  5. be willing to make a declaration that they are a fit and proper person under the Tertiary Education Quality Standards Agency (TEQSA) Act 2011 (Cth) and Educational Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000 (Cth).

Further information

For further information on this position, please contact the Chair of the Research Committee, Associate Professor Clara Murray (+612 6773 1793 or chairrescom@une.edu.au) or Deputy Returning Officer Academic Board Elections, Jenny Croaker (+612 6773 4359 or returning_officer@une.edu.au).

How to apply

If you are interested in this position on the Research Committee, please forward your Expression of Interest to Jenny Croaker, Deputy Returning Officer Academic Board Elections via returning_officer@une.edu.au by 12 noon AEST Monday, 29 July 2024 and include:

  • the name of the Committee and the position in which you are interested; and
  • a brief statement (up to one A4 page) outlining your interest and suitability for the position.