Academic Staff Campaign

Academic Staff campaign materials for the 2024 Council Elections will be posted here when  approved by the Returning Officer.

They appear in order of approval, with the most recently approved materials displaying first.

Onoriode Coast - Campaign Material - Approved by Returning Officer 03 June 2024

Email to individual academic staff member from UNE staff email account

Dear [add name here]

My name is Coast. I am a Senior Lecturer in Crop Science in the School of Environmental and Rural Science. I don’t think we have met although we probably have attended the same virtual meetings as UNE staff.

I came around to your office last week but didn’t see you. I also took a photo of your name tag while I was there (see attached). I will try again to see you next week or the following week. My reason for trying to meet relates to the UNE Council Elections. If you are eligible to vote, you will have received an email from BigPulse and the UNE Returning Officer about the UNE Council Elections. Voting for the elections opened last week. I nominated for the Academic Member position on UNE Council. Please consider voting for me, if you haven’t already voted.

You can vote using the link in the email from BigPulse. The email was titled “Vote in the 2024 UNE Council Elections - Invitation to vote for the Academic Staff Member”. There are nine nominations from across the University and you probably know some of the others who are running. You can only vote for one academic. I hope I am the academic you vote for.

Please feel free to contact me (mobile 04XX XXX XXX) if you have any questions or thoughts about my nomination.

Jọ tou, Coast

Onoriode Coast - Campaign Material - Approved by Returning Officer 30 May 2024

General email to known academic staff from UNE staff email account

Dear [Add name here],

I came around to your office yesterday but didn’t see you. I will try again tomorrow or next week. But until then I reckon I should send an email.

If you are eligible to vote, you will have received an email from BigPulse and the UNE Returning Officer about the UNE Council Elections. Voting for the elections opened on Tuesday evening. I nominated for the Academic Member position on UNE Council. Please consider casting your vote for me, if you haven’t already voted for others.

You can vote using the link in the email from BigPulse. The email was titled “Vote in the 2024 UNE Council Elections - Invitation to vote for the Academic Staff Member”. There are nine nominations from across the University and you probably know some of the others who are running. You can only vote for one academic. I hope I am the academic you vote for.

Please feel free to contact me (mobile 04XX XXX XXX) if you have any questions or thoughts about my nomination.

Jọ tou, Coast