Professional Staff Campaign

Professional Staff campaign materials for the 2024 Council Elections will be posted here when  approved by the Returning Officer.

They appear in order of approval, with the most recently approved materials displaying first.

Chanel Hopkinson - Campaign Material - Approved by Returning Officer 29 May 2024

General email to professional staff from UNE staff email account

I am excited to announce my candidacy for the UNE Council, the governing body that oversees the operations of our university. I am eager to contribute to the decision-making processes and gain a deeper understanding of how the university functions.

My interest spans all aspects of university operations, including financial management, academic affairs, staff and student welfare, facilities, and community engagement. I am committed to ensuring that our university thrives in all these areas.

Eligible staff will have received an email with the voting details. I would greatly appreciate your support. Your vote can help me make a positive impact on our university.

Thank you for your support!

Kind regards ~ Chanel

Voting closes on 5:00 pm AEST Tuesday, 18 June 2024.


MSTeams Site – Group Chat – Office of DVCR only

Hi All - Voting is now open to elect a non-academic staff member to the UNE Council. Eligible staff will have received an email with the voting details.

I have decided to apply to be on UNE Council as a professional staff member as I am interested in governance and would like to learn how UNE Council makes decisions. I think it would also be a valuable opportunity to have input into decision making processes of UNE.

I hope you can take the time to support your fellow staff and take the time to vote. Voting closes on 5:00 pm AEST Tuesday, 18 June 2024.


Personal Social Media –  Facebook and LinkedIn

I have decided to apply to be part of the UNE Council which oversees the operation the university. I would like to be part of the decision-making processes of the university and learn how the university operates and how decisions are made.

I am also interested in university operations as whole and would like to be across how it is functioning and understand all the various facets (financial, academic, staff, students, facilities, community etc etc).  If any of my friends are UNE staff, I would appreciate your support. Eligible staff will have received an email outlining voting details. Thanks for your support 😊