
All Estate & Built Environment (EBE) contractors and consultants working for UNE must:

  • meet legislative requirements
  • follow regulatory health, safety and environmental obligations
  • comply with UNE’s policies and procedures
  • complete the EBE Contractor induction
  • have the relevant licenses and insurances to do the job tasked

EBE are responsible for engaging contractors to undertake maintenance work relating to UNE building fabric, structure and services. Schools and faculties should not act as a principal contractor or engage contractors to undertake building-related work.

Coming on board

There are a number checks & balances that must be carried out before a contractor can be engaged by the University to either supply goods or provide services.

UNE’s guidelines for engaging Independent Contractors can be found on the Independent Contractors web site.

  • Before commencing work or suppling goods, contractors are to supply UNE with details about their business so that payment can be made. Details such as trading name, address, ABN & account information to name a few. These details are gathered by UNE via the New Supplier Form found on the Procurement web site.
  • If engaged by UNE using a Purchase Order then you will need to be aware of our Terms and Conditions

Who is an Independent Contractor?

An Independent Contractor is either a sole trader, a partnership, a trust or a company trading as a service or business entity that complies with all key legislative criteria of an independent contractor.

Additional information about partnering with UNE can be obtained from the UNE Procurement Policy

General Contractor Induction

All contractors must complete the University's Work Health & Safety Contractor Induction prior to coming onto site. The induction involves reading the course notes (Revision 6 - 16th May 2022) then answering the on-line questions.

Contractors working on site are also required to provide EBE with copies of:

  • any relevant licences to do the job they are tasked with
  • their workers compensation
  • third-party liability insurance.

If you employ staff who will be working on site, they too must also read the Contractor Induction & answer the on-line questions.

Contractors must complete the induction every 12 months to remain active as a registered contractor. If the induction is not completed prior to the expiry date (12 months from completion) swipe card access on your contractor card will cease preventing you from gaining entry to buildings until the Contractor Induction is completed.

Click on this link to access the University's Contractor Induction (Revision 6 - 16th May 2022) & online-questions.

Cleaners Laboratory Induction

Cleaners that have responsibility for cleaning University Laboratories are required to satisfactorily complete the WHS Cleaners Laboratory Induction before attempting such work. This online course highlights the types of hazards that can be found in University laboratories & what precautions should be taken to minimise the risks when working in such an environment.

Click on this link to access the University WHS Cleaners Induction.

ID Cards

After completion of the on-line induction contractors are required to obtain an ID Card which is to be carried at all times whilst on site as proof of identification. Further information about contractor ID cards can be found on the ID Card web page including the Staff/Contractor Application form

Note a couple of things–

  1. You will need to call into the Safety, Security & Information office so that they can take your photo & place it on the card.
  3. Before they take your photo you must show them a copy of your Contractor Induction Certificate of Completion as proof you have actually completed the induction.

Electronic Access (via Cardax)

If you require swipe card access to be placed on your contractor card you will need to get the EBE Project Manager that you report to, to complete the Electronic Access Request form authorising access to certain areas / doors to be placed on your card. This form is then forwarded to Safety, Security & Information to action this request.

Smoking on campus

It is a requirement of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 that the University as an employer does not expose staff members, students, contractors and visitors to risks to their health, safety, and welfare. As such UNE has in place a Smoke Free Workplace Protocol that contractors need to be aware of & comply with.


UNE operates under a Restricted Parking Area 24/7 where Pay for Parking is in force Monday – Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm excluding weekends & public Holidays. Contractors who bring a vehicle onto campus during the week between the hours mentioned above are required to pay for parking the same as staff, students & visitors do.

Contractors are eligible to apply for a Green Parking Permit which allows parking in Green bays & Loading bays around campus for indefinite periods. Green Bays & loading bays are generally located close to buildings.

A contractor is defined as an organisation or individual that engages with the University to undertake construction, maintenance or repair type work. A Contractor is not an organisation or individual that performs administrative, teaching or research type activities under a salary/contract arrangement with the University.

Information about parking can be obtained from the Parking web page.

A map showing where the University’s car parks including permit types & locations can be found on the UNE Map web page.

Access to Keys

Contractors who require access to areas such as Plant Rooms or Electrical Switchboards, where the door is not controlled by electronic access (Cardax) you will need access to certain keys. This is arranged through one of the University’s Key watcher Systems.

A Key watcher is an electronic system that stores, tracks & restricts access to keys to certain people. If EBE determine that the work being undertaken requires you to have a key to access the space you are working in then Key watcher access will be set up for you & you will be shown how to use it.

To access the EBE Key Watcher 24/7 located in building N005 you will also have swipe card access placed on your contractor ID card to this building. This applies to other Key Watchers around campus as well.

Approved Contractors will be issued with a User & Pin number & shown how to operate the Key Watchers.

Links to relevant :

Forms, Policy’s, Protocols, Procedures & Guidelines


WHS F021 Hard Copy Incident Report Form

WHS F022 Hard Copy Hazard Report Form.

Work Health & Safety Protocols

Work Health & Safety Procedures

Work Health & Safety Guidelines

WHS G002 Guideline for the Temporary Barricading of Pedestrian Access

WHS OP015 (Interim) Children in the Workplace Procedure

WHS OP011 (Interim) Work at Height Procedure

WHS – Safe Work Method Statement Form

WHS P005 First Aid Management Protocol

Bio Safety

Defibrillator Locations

Emergency Management Plan

Hazardous Substances

Safe Operating Procedures


EBE Forms

Purchase Order – Terms & Conditions

UNE Supplier of Goods and Services Application or Amendment Form

Contract Management

Privacy Management

Right to Information

Organisational Structure

UNE Policies


UNE – Water Management

UNE – Waste Management

UNE - Urban Forest Maintenance