Dixson Library Capex Works

The Dixson Library has been identified in the University of New England Facilities Management Master Plan (March 2010) as a 'key building in the primary courtyard of the Academic precinct' and states that 'the proposed refurbishment works need to respond to and enhance the social opportunities provided by this key facility'.

The refurbishment of the areas, as identified in this project, aligns with the University's 2011-2015 Strategic Plan priority 'to distinguish ourselves by the quality of our on-campus experience'.

Ground Floor

South west and south east Informal Learning Spaces

The south-western and south-eastern corner of the ground floor are being developed into Informal Learning Space which will be a multipurpose collaborative learning area where students can congregate, share ideas, socialise, and receive assistance from Advisers, Support Staff and peer assisted Learning.

Security Office & Staff area

As part of our commitment to improving the quality of UNE's on-campus experience, EBE are in the process of co-locating a Safety and Security service desk within the Dixson Library. This will greatly enhance the ease of access to a range of Safety and Security services such as ID cards, parking administration and lost property. Students, and staff alike, will soon be able to access the Library, IT, Student Central and Safety and Security service desks from one convenient location in the Learning Commons.

Lower Ground Floor

Work Generally includes minor demolition works to un-functional areas which will make way for the installation of new compactus units along with general improvements for storage.

All Levels

Installation of new PA system to bring it in line with today's technology. The System will improve functions such as general announcements, music and radio.