Lazenby Upper Foyer Refurbishment and Associated Works

The Lazenby Upper Foyer is a critical travel path for the Central court yard, Lazenby Hall, Stro, Northern court yard and car park, as well access to essential services such as Student assist, Services UNE, News Agency and cafeteria. The upper foyer underwent a finishes refurbishment which included:

  •        Installation of a disability lift platform to cater for disability access issues.
  •        New ceiling system
  •        New carpet
  •        Modified step arrangement
  •        New paint
  •        Relocation of vending machines

Lazenby Breezeway Lazenby Breezeway Lazenby Breezeway

  Lazenby Breezeway Lazenby Breezeway Lazenby Breezeway

In addition to the refurbishment works the opportunity was taken to concrete the bitumen unloading and disability car parks at the entrance to the northern court yard to overcome and improve:

  •        Un-even surfaces
  •        Slip, trips and falls
  •        Improved pavement surface
  •        Improved surface water treatment
  •        General visual improvement to court yard entrance.

Union Shops DrivewayUnion Shops Driveway