Centre for Advanced Animal Studies - Stage 1B

The Centre for Advanced Animal Studies Stage 1B(CFAAS) construction will complete the new Animal House Precinct. Stage's 1A & 2 where previously constructed in 2010-2012.

Stage 1B involves the construction of two new buildings, W072 & W074, Extension of W012, construction of new delivery/access road and refurbishment of W002.

The building design was endorsed & approved by the Steering Committee on 27th May 2013. The design is expected to go out to tender in June 2013 with the expected commencement date for construction being October 2013



W002 - Animal House

This is an existing building which currently houses multipurpose rooms and temperature controlled rooms used for research purposes, grain processing and storage and animal holding room (96 sheep capacity). This is a brick cavity wall building with a pitch metal sheet roof.

It is proposed to refurbish part of this building to provide specialised teaching and research laboratories and supporting functions and upgrade the existing mechanical services.


W012 - Sheep Holding

This is an existing building which currently accommodates sheep in group and single animal pens and animal feed room.

The building has a steel structure and metal sheeting to roof and walls (a simple shed structure) it is

suspended above ground level due to the steep gradient at the south end of the site.

The proposed works include an extension to the east of this building (to match existing in structure and materials) the building use will not change, a new feed store and improved provision of natural ventilation and light.

The final capacity in W012 will be 7 x group pens (G1-7) and 176 single pens (97 of which will be relocated from the existing W002 sheep holding area)


W072 - Mill House

The Millhouse is a new building which replaces the animal feed functions currently carried out in W002.

It provides a point to where grain is delivered to a loading dock on the west of the building, received and stored on site. The grain is then processed, bagged and stored for distribution on site via alight vehicle over the new ramped walkway. The Millhouse is centrally located among the animal buildings to allow ease of distribution of food.


W074 - Multipurpose Building

The Multipurpose building is a new building which will be used for research and laboratory work. There are two blood testing laboratories in the building and a large multipurpose space which can be sub-divided in to 4 independent spaces if required.

The Design provides a covered ramped walkway running north-south through the centre of the site provides access for pedestrians (students/staff/escorted visitors) and a light vehicle for distribution of food.

Security fencing to the overall animal house site has been is to be provided around the CFAAS.

Access Control systems, closed circuit TV systems and Perimeter Door Monitoring is to be provided and interfaced to the existing campus monitoring arrangements.