Mini Desktop Bin

Mini Desktop Bins

As part of UNE’s commitment to environmental sustainability we have changed the way we approach office waste.

We have removed your old under-desk bins in office areas and replaced them with desktop mini-bins.

You are responsible for your mini-bin - cleaners will no longer empty waste however they will continue to empty your blue paper and cardboard bin. You will need to empty your mini-bin at the central waste and recycling stations located within your building (typically these are in kitchen areas). The kitchenettes and centralised locations and bins will stay the same, the only difference is that now you will take your waste and recycling to them and empty them into the appropriate bin:

  • Blue - Clean paper and cardboard
  • Yellow – Recycling
  • Green – Organic
  • Red – General waste

Centralised waste management is fast becoming industry standard and the majority of office waste is recyclable or compostable. The number of under-desk bins contributes to this high volume of waste as it can be easy to get caught up with work and be tempted to throw recyclable in the bin instead of walking to the nearest recycling or green waste bin.

The small act of implementing desktop mini-bins with centralised waste and recycling stations in each building will:

  • Reduce waste going to landfill;
  • Increase recycling and green waste;
  • Save more than 100,000 plastic bin liners every year;
  • Increase individual responsibility for waste created; and
  • Reduce cleaning and waste disposal costs.

UNE Health and Wellbeing supports this initiative, as it encourages staff to take regular breaks from their desks to empty their desktop mini bin or paper recycling box. Consider waste disposal good for your health!

If you are unsure which bin to use, please refer to the A-Z guide of waste disposal.


What happens to the old bins?

Both metal and plastic bins are being stored by FMS until we can find a suitable charity or school to donate them to.

A COVIDSafe Workspace

In a time when maintaining hygiene and avoiding physical interaction is of the utmost importance, the new mini bins have the added benefit of minimising handling of waste other than your own personal waste. It also only holds a small amount of rubbish so it also encourages you to empty your bin daily instead of letting waste accumulate over several days. For more information please click here.

Accessibility Considerations

FMS is committed to maintaining an environment that is accessible and inclusive to people of all abilities. If your work environment needs to be adjusted, or if you require an under-desk bin, please talk to your supervisor.

Paper and Cardboard RecyclingRecyclingGreen WasteWaste