Proof of Insurance

Do you need Proof of Insurance? Please email your request to providing the following information: 

A: For Student Work Experience activities (undertaken as a course requirement and approved by your School):

  1. Your Full name
  2. Your contact details in the event we need to speak with you to clarify the request / information provided
  3. Your Student Number
  4. Your School
  5. Your Course
  6. Copy of the your School's approval; stating the name of the business entity  and the dates of your engagement
  7. The name and address of the entity, including contact name, position and their email address
  8. The type of certificate required (if known). e.g. Student Accident Cover and/or Public Liability

B:  Where an entity requests a copy of the University's General and Products Liability or any other policy :

  1. Name of the entity
  2. Business address of entity, including contact name, position and their email address
  3. Copy of the request from the entity (if available)
  4. Copy of contract (if applicable)
  5. Brief reason for the request
  6. Where the certificate is required to cover a UNE event- a copy of the University School, or Department's approval to hold the event

For all other certificates or if letters are required to meet Visa or other contractual requirements, or should you require further information or assistance please contact our Insurance Office