Tahlia Hood

Tahlia Hood Tahlia Hood

Whilst completing seven years of study with UNE, Tahlia Hood found her sense of purpose working in communications for not-for-profit organisations across homelessness, refugee and migrant support and legal services.

What was your UNE qualification/s?

In 2020, I completed a combined Bachelor of Business (Majoring in Marketing) and Arts (Majoring in International Studies), then went on to complete a Graduate Certificate in Business in 2022.

Online or on-campus study?

Online was the best way for me to complete my studies with minimal interruptions as I moved between Sydney, Toowoomba and Townsville.

How was your experience with UNE lecturers?

I had thought that studying online would be quite lonely, but the lecturers were fantastic. I had regular contact with them and classmates through Moodle. It was a really collaborative approach to study.

How have your studies affected your career?

Studying online at UNE has given me the flexibility to work full-time whilst completing my studies late at night and on the weekends. Working in the not-for-profit sector often means working out of usual hours so flexibility truly has been the most important aspect of my studies.

I'm currently working as a Marketing and Communications Manager, supporting access to justice for people experiencing legal challenges associated with social and economic disadvantage.

The personal qualities needed to do your job?

A sense of purpose and a motivation to help others.

If you weren’t in this line of work, what do you think you’d be doing instead?

I can’t imagine being in another career - I love the NFP sector and working alongside others contributing to a better future.

Your advice for anyone interested in pursuing this type of career?

Volunteer, volunteer, volunteer!

Skill-based volunteering is the best way to determine if this is the right path for you. I volunteered with several organisations, utilising the skills I developed through my studies, before working in the sector.

The biggest highlight you’ve experienced through UNE?

I’ve had two major highlights throughout my course. The first was completing the New England Award program through professional development and volunteerism. It is a great qualification to have on my resume!

The second was attending one of the Overseas Study Experiences in 2017 to China and Hong Kong. It was an incredible experience to engage with business owners across various sectors on an international scale, and to meet so many like-minded individuals in similar courses (Especially where I wouldn’t have otherwise had the opportunity studying online!)

How has your UNE qualification aided you in your career?

Completing the marketing side of my degree gave me the specific skill set to complete day to day tasks, and the international studies side gave me the opportunity to research human rights, sustainability and other global issues to work in the NFP sector.