Parking Machines

UNE has 1 x Parking Machine on Campus. Its located directly outside the Safety, Security & Information Office in the central courtyard adjacent to building C018.

Parking Machine - Outside Security

This parking machines accepts coin ONLY. Coins accepted are $2, $1, 50 cents, 20 cents & 10 cents. 5 cent coins are not accepted. Given that there are limited places on campus to obtain change, it is advisable that if you intend to purchase parking from this machine, that you bring enough coin with you to do so.

This coin only machine has been made available to customers who:

  1. either don't have a credit card, or
  2. prefer not to use their credit card, or
  3. prefer not to download & use the Strada Parking phone app, or
  4. don't have a smart phone.

This parking machine issues physical parking permits because the machine is not linked to the University's virtual permit system. As a result permits from this machine are not linked to your vehicles registration number like they are when using the parking Strada app. Physical permits must be displayed on the dashboard in full view from outside the vehicle so the permit can be seen by the University's Parking Officers. Failure to display the parking permit may result in the issuing of a Penalty Notice.

Tariff Rates : 

  • Daily - Minimum purchase $1.00 (equals 1 hour of parking time) up to $8.00 (equals 8 hours parking time). Proportional rates apply in between.
  • 7 x Days - $15.00 (flat fee)

Please read & follow the directions on the machine carefully, as the steps are slightly different when purchasing a daily permit (proportional rates) to a weekly permit (flat rate).

Where to park ?

With the purchase of either a physical permit from this machine or using the Strada mobile parking app the customer is entitle to park in either a Purple (visitor) or Blue (general) Permit parking bay for the period of time purchased.

Strada Mobile Parking App

Virtual short term Purple permits can also be purchased from the Strada Mobile parking app. The app can be downloading from or use the QR code below to download the app onto your phone. From both the Parking Machine & the Strada Mobile Parking App you can purchase short term parking from 1 hour to 7 days.

Note - Virtual permits purchased via the Strada mobile app can be purchased in advance before coming to campus. This avoids the need to purchase your parking from the coin ONLY parking machine when you get here.

Note - When using a credit or debit card there is a 1.2% surcharge added to cost of the virtual permit

Enforcement - Virtual Permit

Enforcement is carried out electronically by checking the vehicles registration number with the parking system to determine if parking has been paid. This happens in real time.

Enforcement - Physical Permit

Enforcement is verified by having the permit displayed on the dashboard in full view from outside the vehicle.


All appeals against the issuing of a Penalty Notice are to be directed to Revenue NSW who manage the appeals process on behalf of UNE.