Safety, Security and Information

Safety, Security & Information officers patrol campus 24/7. If you require assistance you can contact us any time on 6773 2099.

In emergency situations always call '000'.

Then call Safety, Security & Information on 6773 2099 so we can provide assistance until emergency services arrive.

Download the UNE Safe App that contains these & other emergency phone numbers

Campus Safety Centre

There are two UNE Life Safety, Security & Information offices:

Security operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, sometimes they’re not always in the office, however, a Safety, Security & Information officer is always available to attend any urgent incident or provide a helpful presence if for any reason you feel concerned for your safety.

  1. B089 Bellevue Precinct Office: Located in the College precinct near the corner of Elm Avenue and Handel Street.
  2. C018 Ingrid Moses Courtyard Office: Located to the right of The Shop at Ingrid Moses Courtyard. This office is staffed Monday to Friday during regular office hours.

An officer is always available to attend to any urgent incidents or provide a helpful presence if you have any safety concerns. To contact Safety, Security & Information at any hour, please call 6773 2099 or simply dial 2099 from an internal phone.

Security Staff in Office

Services Include

  • ID Card & Building Access
  • Parking Assistance & Way Finding
  • Lost Property
  • Incident Reporting
  • Flat Battery Assistance
  • Maps & General Directions
  • UNE Shuttle Bus services

Additional Information and Resources