Our Philosophy

Our Philosophy is seen as a living document, continually evolving in the light of new research and the ideas and input of children, families, educators and our community.

Our Vision

  • We believe that every child is unique and has the right to be provided with a stimulating, play-based environment.
  • Vision is guided by our evolving core values:
    • Respect
    • Inclusion
    • Collaboration
  • Through regular conversations, we strive to develop and maintain strong relationships between educators, children, family, and community.
  • We aim to create a home-like environment that encompasses warm, supportive, and inclusive relationships with children and families.

Our Philosophy

We believe in providing children with the highest quality of education and care allowing each child to reach their full potential, enhancing all areas of their growth and development.

Quality Area One – Program and Practice

  • We offer an indoor/outdoor program, where possible, and promote a sensory enriched child-led, play-based learning environment, focussing on the child’s interests, strengths and abilities.
  • Meaningful, regular observations of individual children and group interactions, with follow-up experiences implemented appropriately.

Quality Area Two – Health and Safety

  • We provide a healthy menu that offers well-balanced and nutritional meals that are adaptable to each child’s dietary requirements.
  • We provide options for rest, relaxation, and sleep in a safe, warm and spacious environment for all children, indoor and outdoor.

Quality Area Three – Physical Environment

  • We provide a combination of resources and experiences that enable children to both be an advocate of their own learning as well as being guided by educators.
  • We will encourage children to become environmentally aware citizens.

Quality Area Four – Staffing

  • Staff are consistent, friendly, respectful, trustworthy, empathetic and unprejudiced.
  • Staff are always learning and taking on professional development to provide the latest and most relevant care and will apply this to children’s learning, development and self-regulation.

Quality Area Five – Relationships with children

  • Listen to all children and acknowledge children’s feelings and help support positive interactions that aim to form relationships with children that are meaningful and create secure attachments.
  • Advocate for children’s voices to be heard, acknowledged and respected as individuals.

Quality Area Six – Collaboration partnerships with families and communities

  • Invite and encourage family and community to be actively involved in events at Yarm Gwanga with connections through parent advisory groups and the School of Education.
  • Encouraging children to connect with the wider community through excursions around the university and into the wider community promoting being, belonging, becoming, as they make connections that scaffold for lifelong learning.

Quality Area Seven – Governance and Leadership

  • Educational leader supports and provides guidance, feedback, and suggestions as needed.
  • Regular and effective communication between management, staff, and families.

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