UNE 70 banner v2

Remember when...

2024 marks the 70th anniversary of the University of New England. Over seven decades, the University has grown from humble beginnings and given generations of students a place to learn and play (and occasionally protest), creating some wonderful memories.

Here are some memories from our alumni...

Glenn Ronan: 1967-70 & 1973-76

I studied Rural Science, with lectures on ecosystems by Professor McClymont and walked up to lectures from Wright College. On one occasion I hitched up to campus with the Vice Chancellor, Sir Zelman Cowen, who had also been my Principal at Scotch College, Hawthorn. Later (‘73) I studied Ag Economics, switching to M Ec that year as the first possible, completing externally to ‘76. The external lectures were on cassette tapes and mailed notes, which worked well in the pre-Zoom era! I played AFL rules football for UNE and went to Williamtown RAAF base to play in 67. I was injured my hand/wrist in the 1st Q and went to hospital for an x-ray, ending the night in the Newcastle Hotel booked for the team. The rest of the team stayed on the RAAF base, much to the consternation of the hotel manager who had put on extra staff. I hitched back to UNE with my arm in a sling, eight rides to Armidale. Some weeks later the coach came to my room in Alpha to apologise for being left in Newcastle!

Share your Memories!

To help us celebrate this milestone we would love you to share your UNE memories with us!

If you would like to share your memories, please fill in the details below.

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