Mass Participation: SFK

Mass Participation: SFK

Brace yourselves for the grand finale, the 6th and ultimate event of our 2024 SFK Competition

Date: Mon Sep 2, 2024 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Location: Lazenby Hall

Brace yourselves for the grand finale, the 6th and ultimate event of our 2024 SFK Competition – it's time for the spectacular Mass Participation! 🎉🌟🎭

Spearheaded by the rockstars from Mary White College SFK Representative Team, Mass Participation is where the stage becomes a college carnival, and everyone's invited to join the party!

Here's the deal: Teams, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to assemble a crew and concoct a performance that'll have the crowd cheering louder than a rock concert. But wait, there's judging involved! Two main categories will determine your fate:
1. How many people can your team get on a stage? (60%)
2. Is the performance entertaining? (40%)
First up, we're counting heads based on your current resident numbers. The more, the merrier, right?
Now, onto the showbiz scrutiny! Your performance will be evaluated on the following criteria, each carrying equal weight:
- Entertainment, Value & Presentation (Originality, Interpretation, Unity of Group)
- Suitability of Program Choice to the Audience
- Visual Appeal (Think dazzling backdrops, snazzy costumes, and visual enhancements)
- Our judges are on a mission, each with a specialist category to judge on (Music, Dance, Drama, and General Enjoyment)
Keep it between 6 - 10 minutes; go shorter than 4 minutes, lose points; go longer than 12 minutes, lose points. Balance is key, folks!

A few ground rules to keep it classy: No inappropriate shenanigans allowed! That means no explicit content, violence, offensive behavior, or any shenanigans that belong in the naughty corner. Play nice, or face the dreaded instant disqualification.
Bring your A-game, pack your own props (chairs not included), and let's make this Mass Participation a legendary finale! Need the deets? Hit up your team's SFK representative – they're your golden ticket to glory! 🏅✨

Who: All On-Campus UNE Students
When: Monday 2nd September, 2024 at 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Where: Lazenby Hall