Winter Graduation celebrates student achievement

Published 18 August 2023

Comprising three ceremonies, Winter Graduation will take place on Friday 25 and Saturday 26, August and will mark the culmination of many years of study and hard work for graduands and their families.

On Friday, 25 August at 3pm graduands from the Faculty of Science, Agriculture, Business and Law (SABL) will be presented with their testamurs. UNE Distinguished Alumni Award and Order of Australia recipient Inaam Tabbaa, will deliver the Occasional Address, sharing a lifetime of career achievements with students.

On Saturday morning at 10.30am it is the turn of graduands from the Faculty of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences and Education (HASSE) to receive their awards with UNE alumna, Police Commissioner Karen Webb, presenting the Occasional Address, offering valuable perspectives on leadership and community service.

The Faculty of Medicine and Health will hold their Awards Ceremony on Saturday afternoon at 3pm and Australia’s second National Rural Health Commissioner Adjunct Professor Ruth Stewart MBBS will address the cohort.

In addition to Graduation, Armidale Regional Council will host two exciting events to entertain visitors on the same weekend:

  • On Saturday there will be a Book Week for All in the Mall, with stalls and literary events, from 12 to 3pm in the Beardy Street Mall.
  • This will be followed by Markets in the Mall on Sunday morning from 9am-1pm. Talented country singer/songwriter Hudson Rose will be performing on the mall stage from 9:30am-12.30pm.

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