Between Two Psychs with Isabelle Tombleson

Published 09 September 2024

You would never have guessed today, but clinical psychologist and UNE alumna, Isabelle Tombleson was ‘quietly terrified’ to begin her studies in psychology at UNE.

Originally from Coffs Harbour, Isabelle chose to study at UNE for its supportive environment and flexible study options.

Initially beginning her tertiary education with a foundation bridging course, Isabelle's passion for psychology wasn’t ignited until she came across a unit in organisational psychology.

“When I enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts, I chose psychology as a major - although it took some convincing as I was quietly terrified of learning about psychology and, subsequently, myself!” Isabelle says.

“I knew instantly psych was what I wanted to focus on. I was a mature-aged student who didn’t finish high school, so I was not sure I could pull it off (becoming a psychologist) but I followed my gut, and here I am today, a fully qualified clinical psychologist.

“My motivation for studying psych was to be a professional helper. I had always been a person who loved to talk to people and hear their experiences and stories, and I liked the idea of making that a formal qualification that I could use to do something I love.”

Profile picture of a young woman smiling.Today, Isabelle works as a clinical psychologist with NSW Health Community Drugs & Alcohol, where she ensures client safety and provides evidence-based treatment. Actively engaged in research, she examines the impact of pre-appointment calls on client attendance, demonstrating her dedication to advancing the field of psychology.

Isabelle also co-hosts the podcast “Between Two Psychs” with fellow psychologist, Claire Trevitt. “The podcast is for trainee psychologists and other students of psychotherapy and talk therapy,” says Isabelle.

“Both Claire and I are board-approved supervisors and we have found that there are common experiences shared between new psychologists and therapists that we wanted to share, so they can be normalised and supported.”

“We provide practical episodes on things such as how to record observations, and other more personal episodes such as what it’s like to be a therapist who has had to get their own therapy. One episode I love talks about whether we are weird for wanting to be psychologists and hear the sometimes-painful stories that we hear.”

Her journey is marked by significant achievements, including completing her Master of Clinical Psychology and successfully navigating the demands of a profession that requires mental resilience. Isabelle advises students considering a career in psychology to explore various pathways, focus on personal growth, and maintain professionalism to succeed.

“Know that if you want to be a ‘talk therapist’ or professional helper, there are many options you can pursue, from psych, to social work, counselling and psychotherapy; even nurses can do a master of mental health now and be a talk therapist,” she said.

“Psychology is very competitive. I was lucky that I studied externally for my entire four-year bachelor and had no idea about how competitive it was! I was oblivious and that helped me a lot, because I just focused on myself, worked hard independently, and demonstrated to my course coordinators that I was capable of being professional, independent and thoughtful, with my student colleagues and lecturers, etc. That helped me a lot when it came to getting a referral into the Master’s programs.”

Driven by a desire to practise what she preaches, Isabelle is committed to authenticity and continuous learning: “I want to role model doing the things that are scary, learning from my mistakes, being authentic, genuine and just make the most of this amazing gift of life.”

Follow Isabelle’s podcast, “Between Two Psychs”, for insights and support from experienced professionals in the field.

The podcast is a must-listen for trainee psychologists and students of psychotherapy. Isabelle and Claire address common experiences and challenges faced in the field, offering practical advice and personal stories to foster a supportive community for upcoming therapists, you can listen to the series on the following platforms: