

Free high-resolution photos. You do not need to ask permission from or provide credit to the photographer or Unsplash, although it is appreciated when possible.

Free stock photos. Many of the images state "No attribution required".

Licensed to use with no attribution but attribution is appreciated.

An archive of stock photography for use in websites, printed materials and products. Images are provided free of charge for both commercial and personal use under an attribution license.

Photographic images available on a creative commons zero license.

The Open Photo Project is a photo sharing platform. Contributors have offered their images free of charge under terms of Creative Commons licensing.

A search engine for free photos which come from many sources. You can view the attribution license to determine under what conditions each photo can be used.

As well as icons, the Noun Project now has Creative Commons licensed images. You can download the basic version of the image for free - ​​Noncommercial use allowed, social media quality, no crop/edit allowed, must attribute artist. Registration required.

All images are available under a creative commons license.

Use the advanced search option to find creative commons images within Flickr.

Explore collections, artworks, places, articles, AI and more.

High-resolution photos in the public domain.

Browse through over 600 million items to reuse.

Includes biomedical, healthcare, and social history images. Images are available under one of two Creative Commons licences - either free use for any purpose or free use for non-commercial purposes only.

Diverse images

Stock photo library featuring images of trans and non-binary models.

Diverse images of people in tech.

Beautiful photos of Black and Brown people.

Stock photos of women of colour in tech.

Mix and match illustrations of people with a design library.

Icons and clip art

Searchable database of icons that can be used freely when attributed to creator. Registration required.

Many graphics and icons free to use with attribution. Not for commercial use.

Clip art and icons free to download and use for any purpose (Public domain), including commercial.

Science images

Includes forestry, IPM (Integrated pest management), insect and weed images with identification, taxonomy and descriptions. Images made under Creative Commons Licence for use in educational applications.

You can use the NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) images and videos material for educational or informational purposes.

Health and medical images

Browse collections or search by anatomical structure or keyword.

BodyParts3D is licensed under CC Attribution-Share Alike 2.1 Japan.

A collection of over 22,000 freely available digital materials for health sciences education.

Public health images from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Historical images

A collection of images in the public domain. Search by time, genre, content etc.

Search photographs, negatives, artworks, drawings, posters, postcards and other pictures, as well as physical objects such as puzzles, instruments and clothing.

Provides free and open access to over 800,000 images digitised from the The New York Public Library's vast collections, including illuminated manuscripts, historical maps, vintage posters, rare prints, photographs and more.

Historical advertising images. Images are able to be used without prior permission, with attribution, for educational purposes.

Edit images

Free, open source software for image editing.