UNE is actively planning for the most likely scenario for Trimester Two, which is that the majority of teaching continues online. Further updates to this information will be provided as appropriate, in line with government relaxation of travel and social distancing restrictions.

UNE is striving to support students to be successful in their studies through several measures. From 6th June onwards, if students require an extension of 14 days or more for a Trimester 1 assessment, please refer to the special extensions of time application process found here.

UNE has cancelled in-person, paper based exams for Trimester 1. Details and timetables are now available.

All intensives starting from April 2020 will be postponed, deferred or re-profiled.

Restricted access for study purposes at the Regional Study Centres will re-commence from June 15. Refer to UNE Regional Study Centres  for the most up to date access details.

All of UNE’s services are operating and contactable through various online channels.

UNE has commenced planning for a staged opening of facilities and return of staff and students to all of our campuses once the approved public health guidance provides clearance to do so. Any return to ‘on-campus’ programmes will likely take some time (weeks/months) to execute and we will need the support and patience of all in our community.

We continue to follow the guidance and direction of State and Federal governments and health authorities and are unable to provide any specific timing around the commencement of these activities at this time.

Campus Status

All University of New England campuses are operating remotely or are accessible via special arrangement.

This advice was last updated 9 April 2020.

The University is following approved Emergency Management protocols and has established a Special Incident Group who meet daily to manage the prevention and containment of COVID-19 infections as this pandemic evolves.

In light of growing concerns, the Special Incident Group (C19) has decided to share key directives daily through this central communications portal.

Individuals and designated groups should note the communications below and consider appropriate actions.

Still current at: 1 July 2024

Updated: 11 June 2020

To the UNE Community,

UNE continues to implement a ‘containment and prevention’ strategy based on advice from Public Health specialists. Proactive personal hygiene measures and respectful social distancing remain our best defence.

We are in constant communication and consultation with Federal and State authorities to manage the COVID-19 outbreak.
UNE is aware of one member of our community testing positive to COVID-19 who has recently returned from an overseas trip. This individual followed all public health protocols, has not attended any UNE campus prior to being identified positive, and will not in the near future.

In line with the latest Government announcement, movement on campus is now limited to two people at a time and staying at least 1.5 metres apart. Face-to-face conversations in offices and other areas of work have also been restricted to two people at least 1.5 metres apart.

All students can complete their course online and will be supported if they need to change their mode of study.

Funding has been made available from the University to support quick response grants for UNE students experiencing financial hardship impacting their ability to continue their academic studies (course program or research) at the University.

Cyber-security warning: The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) has warned of a significant increase in people being targeted with COVID-19 related scams and phishing emails. Staff and students are urged to remain vigilant whilst working online. See the link to Stay Smart Online for more.

To further ensure that our business continuity plans address the safety and well-being of staff and students, UNE has agreed to:

  • Limit support for external community activities;
  • Maintain a strong commitment to effective social distancing and encourage all to maintain a distance of more than 1.5 metres for person-to-person interactions;
  • Provide boxed and wrapped single-serve food in the Colleges and campus cafes;
  • Use only disposable cups, table ware and cutlery;
  • Encourage individuals with compromised immunity systems to seek medical advice and self-isolate at home;
  • Make provision for an enhanced number of flu vaccinations when supplies become available in April;
  • Increase the cleaning rotas in priority public places; and
  • Boost Student Hardship Funds.

Going forward, UNE will also:

  • Promote virtual meeting technologies (e.g. ZOOM) as the preferred mode for business meetings;
  • Develop practical ‘work from home’ scenarios for staff;
  • Extend on-campus quarantine facilities at the Armidale campus; and
  • Agree to special provisions to support casual staff.

Please continue to observe enhanced hygiene practices and connect with all public health advisory notices.

Authorised by Professor Brigid Heywood, Vice Chancellor and CEO

Previous Coronavirus Updates

Links to the latest Government advice: