The New England Award

The prestigious New England Award (NEA) is presented to students who have embraced the full UNE experience by getting involved in social and community activities that develop life skills, such as:

  • participation in social, cultural and sporting events
  • training undertaken in addition to your degree
  • committee membership
  • event organisation
  • paid and voluntary work
  • contribution to your local community and to the University.

Why take part in the New England Award?

The New England Award (NEA) will add value to your CV, and provide evidence of your commitment to developing the UNE Graduate Attributes and preparing yourself for graduate employment.

The NEA acknowledges the development of the skills and attributes necessary for successful study at UNE, workplace attributes and good citizenship. It will be a valuable addition to your academic record (AHEGS) and CV to enhance your employability.

How does it work? About the Activities.

Getting involved in social and community activities, like those outlined above, will contribute to achieving your New England Award.

Eligible roles and activities are worth a number of points towards the NEA. Point value of each activity is determined in consultation with the NEA Progam Manager.

Independent evidence of satisfactory completion of ALL aspects of an activity is required. All activities and skills developed are recorded in an online portfolio through the New England Award myLearn site.

See the eligible activities list for a sample list of eligible activities.  Please note that you are not limited to the activities in the activity list.  You can propose that a new activity be recognised by the New England Award by filling out an NEA Activity Proposal Form. However, for a new activity to be recognised it must fit into one of the three New England Award categories.

If you would like to include an activity in your New England Award portfolio and believe it will be worth 50 or more points you MUST seek approval from the NEA Program Manager in advance. If you do not have approval you may find that the activity, or evidence of completion, is not approved for NEA purposes.

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