Academic Dress

How to wear Academic Dress

The Hood

The hood is worn loosely on the back, so as to fall naturally, It should be arranged so as to show the lines for the degree. The hood should not be allowed to slip from one shoulder. It should not be spread out stiffly or artificially. The neckband to the hood passes below the tie (if worn), or it may be fastened with a pin or brooch with low-neck dress styles.

The Stole

The stole falls from the back of the neck, down the chest, with equal lengths on each side

The Trencher (Cap)

The square top of the trencher is worn horizontally, with the shorter peak to the front, and the tassel hanging to the left to assist photographers. Ceremonial academic dress includes the wearing of all three of its elements of cap, gown and hood.

The Bonnet

The Doctoral bonnet is also worn level, with the tassel to the left.


At a Graduation Ceremony it is correct for a person on whom an award is being conferred to wear the academic dress of that award, even if they are entitled to wear the dress of a more senior award. It is not correct to wear more than one hood or stole simultaneously.

Arranging Your Academic Dress

Academic dress can be hired through the GradPak Portal. This will be available for Winter 2024 graduation from Tuesday 6 August.

If your have any issues processing your hire through the portal, reach out and get in touch with the friendly and helpful staff at Reed Graduation Services. Phone:1300 361 806  or Email:

If you would like to purchase a gown to keep rather than hire one, simply visit The Shop to make your purchase. You can have your shop gown sent to you in advance, or you can pick up from The Shop on the day.

If you have any questions about purchasing your academic dress, please contact UNE Life Graduation Services directly:

Telephone: 02 6773 3073
Find out more:

Colour standards for Academic Dress

The colours of the silk linings and facings of the academic dress for graduates and graduands of the University as described in the Academic Dress Policy.

Diploma Academic Colours
Aboriginal Family and Community Counselling (DipAFCC) peony red (BCC 37)
Agriculture (DipAgr) dioptase (BCC 203)
Arts (DipArts) white (BCC 1)
Business (DipBus) peacock blue (BCC 120)
Commerce (DipCom) peacock blue (BCC 120)
Indigenous Archaeology (DipIndiArch) white (BCC 1)
Modern Languages (DipModLang) white (BCC 1)
The Sciences (DipSc) straw (BCC 51)
Town Planning (DipTownPlan) mace (BCC 73)
Advanced Diploma Academic Colours
Agriculture (AdvDipAgr) dioptase (BCC 203)
Arts (AdvDipArts) white (BCC 1)
Local, Family and Applied History (AdvDipLocFamAppHist) white (BCC 1)
Nursing (AdvDipNurs) peony red (BCC 37)
The Sciences (AdvDipSc) straw (BCC 51)
Degree of Bachelor Academic Colours
Administrative Leadership (BAdminLead) violet (BCC 179)
Agribusiness (BAgBus) peacock blue (BCC 120)
Agribusiness with Honours (BAgBus(Hons)) peacock blue (BCC 120)
Agricultural and Resource Economics (BAgResEc) peacock blue (BCC 120)
Agricultural and Resource Economics with Honours (BAgResEc(Hons)) peacock blue (BCC 120)
Agricultural Economics (BAgEc) peacock blue (BCC 120)
Agricultural Economics with Honours (BAgEc(Hons)) peacock blue (BCC 120)
Agriculture (BAgr) dioptase (BCC 203)
Agriculture/Business (BAgr/BBus)2 dioptase (BCC 203)/peacock blue (BCC 120)
Agriculture/Laws (BAgr/LLB)1 dioptase (BCC 203)/ultramarine (BCC 148)
Agrifood Systems (BAgrifoodSys) dioptase (BCC 203)
Animal Science (BAnimSc) reseda (BCC 77)
Applied Health (BAppHlth) peony red (BCC 37)
Archaeology with Honours (BArch(Hons)) white (BCC 1)
Arts (BA) white (BCC 1)
Arts with Honours (BA(Hons)) white (BCC 1)
Arts/Business (BA/BBus)2 white (BCC 1)/peacock blue (BCC 120)
Arts/Commerce (BA/BCom)2 white (BCC 1)/peacock blue (BCC 120)
Arts/Laws (BA/LLB)1 white (BCC 1)/ultramarine (BCC 148)
Arts/Science (BA/BSc) white (BCC 1)/straw (BCC 51)
Arts/Teaching (BA/BTeach)2 violet (BCC 179)
Asian Studies (BAsianSt) black/post office box red (BCC 209)
Asian Studies with Honours (BAsianSt(Hons)) black/post office box red (BCC 209)
Audiometry (BAudiometry) old rose (BCC 157)
Biomedical Science (BBiomedSc) straw (BCC 51)
Business (BBus) peacock blue (BCC 120)
Business/Economics (BBus/BEc)2 peacock blue (BCC 120)
Business/Laws (BBus/LLB)7 peacock blue (BCC 120)/ultramarine (BCC 148)
Business/Teaching (BBus/BTeach)2 violet (BCC 179)
Clinical Exercise Physiology (BClinExerPhys) straw (BCC 51)
Commerce (BCom) peacock blue (BCC 120)
Commerce/Economics (BCom/BEc)2 peacock blue (BCC 120)
Commerce/Laws (BCom/LLB)1 peacock blue (BCC 120)/ultramarine (BCC 148)
Commerce/Teaching (BCom/BTeach)2 violet (BCC 179)
Commerce (Accounting) (BCom(Acct)) spectrum orange (BCC 57)
Communication Studies (BCommunication) white (BCC 1)
Computer Science (BCompSc) powder blue (BCC 193)
Computer Science with Honours (BCompSc(Hons)) powder blue (BCC 193)
Computer Science/Laws (BCompSc/LLB)1 powder blue (BCC 193)/ultramarine (BCC 148)
Criminology (BCrim) old rose (BCC 157)
Criminology with Honours (BCrim(Hons)) old rose (BCC 157)
Criminology/Laws (BCrim/LLB) old rose (BCC 157)/Ultramarine (BCC 148)
Ecology (BEcol) reseda (BCC 77)
Economics (BEc) peacock blue (BCC 120)
Economics with Honours (BEc(Hons)) peacock blue (BCC 120)
Economics/Laws (BEc/LLB)1 peacock blue (BCC 120)/ultramarine (BCC 148)
Education (BEd) violet (BCC 179)
Education (Early Childhood Teaching) (BEd(ECTeach)) violet (BCC 179)
Education (Primary) (BEd(Prim)) violet (BCC 179)
Education (K-12 Teaching) (Bed(K-12 Teach) violet (BCC 179)
Educational Studies (BEdStuds) violet (BCC 179)
Education with Honours (BEd(Hons)) violet (BCC 179)
Engineering Technology (BEngTech) copper brown (BCC 59)
Environmental Science (BEnvSc) malachite green (BCC 23)
Environmental Science with Honours (BEnvSc(Hons)) malachite green (BCC 23)
Environmental Science/Laws (BEnvSc/LLB)5 malachite green (BCC 23)/ultramarine (BCC 148)
Exercise Physiology (BExerPhys) straw (BCC 51)
Exercise Science (BExerSc) straw (BCC 51)
Exercise and Sports Science (BExSpSc) straw (BCC 51)
Financial Administration (BFinAdmin) spectrum orange (BCC 57)
Financial Administration with Honours (BFinAdmin(Hons)) spectrum orange (BCC 57)
Financial Administration/Laws (BFinAdmin/LLB)1 spectrum orange (BCC 57)/ultramarine (BCC 148)
General Studies (BGenStuds) old rose (BCC 157)/white (BCC 1)
General Studies/Teaching (BGenStuds/BTeach)2 violet (BCC 179)
GeoScience (BGeoSc) straw (BCC 51)
Health, Ageing and Community Services (BHACS)4 peony red (BCC 37)
Health Management (BHM) peony red (BCC 37)
Health Practice (BHlthPrac) peony red (BCC 37)
Health Science (BHSc)5 peony red (BCC 37)
Health Science with Honours (BHSc(Hons))5 peony red (BCC 37)
Historical Inquiry and Practice (BHistInqPrac) white (BCC 1)
Indigenous Studies (BIndigSt) white (BCC 1)
Information Technology (BInfoTech) powder blue (BCC 193)
Information Technology/Teaching (BInfoTech/BTeach) violet (BCC 179)
International Studies (BIntSt) white (BCC 1)
International Studies (Advanced) (BIntSt(Adv)) white (BCC 1)
International Studies with Honours (BIntSt(Hons)) white (BCC 1)
International and Language Studies (BIntLangSt) white (BCC 1)
Languages (BLang) black/post office box red (BCC 209)
Languages and International Business (BLangIntBus) black/post office box red (BCC 209)
Laws (LLB) ultramarine (BCC 148)
Laws with Honours (LLB(Hons)) ultramarine (BCC 148)
Livestock Science (BLivestockSc) dioptase (BCC 203)
Livestock Science with Honours (BLivestockSc(Hons)) dioptase (BCC 203)
Marine Science and Management (BMSM) straw (BCC 51)
Mathematics/Teaching(BMath/BTeach) violet (BCC 179)
Media and Communications (BMediaComm) white (BCC 1)
Media and Communications with Honours (BMediaComm(Hons)) white (BCC 1)
Medicine (BMed) peony red (BCC 37)
Music (BMus) spectrum green (BCC 100)
Music with Honours (BMus(Hons)) spectrum green (BCC 100)
Music/Teaching (BMus/BTeach)2 violet (BCC 179)
Natural Resources (BNatRes) reseda (BCC 77)
Natural Resources with Honours (BNatRes(Hons)) reseda (BCC 77)
Natural Resources/Engineering (BNatRes/Eng)1 reseda (BCC 77)/copper brown (BCC 59)
Natural Resources/Laws (BNatRes/LLB)1 reseda (BCC 77)/ultramarine (BCC 148)
Natural Resources/Urban and Regional Planning (BNatRes)/BUrbRegPlan)1 reseda (BCC 77)/mace (BCC 73)
Nursing (BNurs) peony red (BCC 37)
Nursing with Honours (BNurs(Hons)) peony red (BCC 37)
Nursing Studies (BNursSt) peony red (BCC 37)
Organisational Leadership (BOrgLead) violet (BCC 179)
Pharmacy (BPharm) peony red (BCC 37)
Pharmacy with Honours (BPharm(Hons)) peony red (BCC 37)
Plant Science (BPlantSc) straw (BCC 51)
Professional Nursing (BProfNurs) peony red (BCC 37)
Professional Studies (BProfSt)6 old rose (BCC 157)
Psychological Science (BPsychSc) old rose (BCC 157)
Psychology with Honours (BPsych(Hons)) old rose (BCC 157)
Rural Science (BRurSc) dioptase (BCC 203)
Rural Science with Honours (BRurSc(Hons)) dioptase (BCC 203)
Science (BSc) straw (BCC 51)
Science with Honours (BSc(Hons)) straw (BCC 51)
Science(Advanced) (BSc(Adv)) straw (BCC 51)
Science(Advanced) with Honours (BSc(Adv)(Hons)) straw (BCC 51)
Science/Laws (BSc/LLB)1 straw (BCC 51)/ultramarine (BCC 148)
Science/Teaching (BSc/BTeach)2 violet (BCC 179)
Social Science (BSocSc) old rose (BCC 157)
Social Science with Honours (BSocSc(Hons)) old rose (BCC 157)
Social Work (BSW) old rose (BCC 157)
Special Education (Primary)/Disability Studies (BSpecEd(Prim)/BDS) violet (BCC 179)
Sports Science (BSportSc) straw (BCC 51)
Sustainability (BSustainability) mace (BCC 73)
Teaching (BTeach)7 violet (BCC 179)
Teaching (Early Childhood Education) (BTeach(ECE)) violet (BCC 179)
Theatre Studies (BTheaSt) spectrum green (BCC 100)
Theatre Studies (BTheaSt) spectrum green (BCC 100)
Theatre and Performance (BThPerf) spectrum green (BCC 100)
Technology (BTech) peach (BCC 92)
Training and Development (BTrngDev) violet (BCC 179)
Urban and Regional Planning (BUrbRegPlan) mace (BCC 73)
Urban and Regional Planning with Honours (BUrbRegPlan(Hons)) mace (BCC 73)
Zoology (BZool) cardinal (BCC 186)
Graduate Certificate Academic Colours
Accounting (GradCertAcct) spectrum orange (BCC 57)
Acute Care Nursing (GradCertACNurs) peony red (BCC 37)
Adult Education (GradCertAdEd) violet (BCC 179)
Anatomy by Dissection (Surgery and Radiology) (GradCertAnat) peony red (BCC 37)
Arts (GradCertArts) white (BCC 1)
Behaviour Management (GradCertBehMgt) violet (BCC 179)
Business (GradCertBus) spectrum orange (BCC 57)
Computer Science (GradCertCompSc) powder blue (BCC 193)
Counselling (GradCertCouns) old rose (BCC 157)
Educational Management (GradCertEdMgmt)8 violet (BCC 179)
Education Studies (GradCertEdStud)9 violet (BCC 179)
eLearning (GradCerteLearning) violet (BCC 179)
Environmental Systems, Markets and Climate Change (GradCertESMCC) reseda (BCC 77)
Geographic Information Science (GradCertGIS) reseda (BCC 77)
Gerontology (GradCertGerontology) peony red (BCC 37)
Gifted and Talented Education (GradCertGiftTalEd) violet (BCC 179)
Health Management (GradCertHM)10 peony red (BCC 37)
Higher Education (GradCertHighEd) violet (BCC 179)
Human Resource Management (GradCertHRM) spectrum orange (BCC 57)
Indigenous Australian Education (GradCertIndigAustEd) violet (BCC 179)
Information Technology (GradCertInfoTech) powder blue (BCC 193)
International Schooling, Education and Development (GradCertIntSchEdDev) violet (BCC 179)
Management (GradCertMgt) spectrum orange (BCC 57)
Marine Science and Management (GradCertMSM) straw (BCC 51)
Mental Health Nursing (GradCertMHNurs) peony red (BCC 37)
Mental Health Practice (GradCertMentalHlthPrac) old rose (BCC 157)
Natural Resources (GradCertNatRes) reseda (BCC 77)
Practice Management (GradCertPracMgt) spectrum orange (BCC 57)
Professional Accounting (GradCertProfAcc) spectrum orange (BCC 57)
Project Management (GradCertProjMgt) spectrum orange (BCC 57)
Resource Governance (GradCertResGov) ultramarine (BCC 148)
Rural Science (GradCertRurSc) dioptase (BCC 203)
School Leadership (GradCertSchLeadership) violet (BCC 179)
Science (GradCertSc) straw (BCC 51)
Special Education (GradCertSpecialEd) violet (BCC 179)
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (GradCertTESOL) violet (BCC 179)
Tertiary Education (GradCertTertiaryEd) violet (BCC 179)
World Religions (GradCertWorldRel) white (BCC 1)
Writing (GradCertWriting) white (BCC 1)
Graduate Diploma Academic Colours
Accounting (GradDipAcct) spectrum orange (BCC 57)
Acute Care Nursing (GradDipACN) peony red (BCC 37)
Adult Education (GradDipAdEd) violet (BCC 179)
Agricultural Economics (GradDipAgEc) peacock blue (BCC 120)
Business Studies (GradDipBusStud) spectrum orange (BCC 57
Computer Science (GradDipCompSc) powder blue (BCC 193)
Counselling (GradDipCouns) old rose (BCC 157)
Counselling for Health and Social Care (GradDipCounsHlthSocCare) old rose (BCC 157)
Econometrics (GradDipEconometrics) peacock blue (BCC 120)
Economics (GradDipEc) peacock blue (BCC 120)
Education (GradDipEd) violet (BCC 179)
Educational Studies (GradDipEdSt) violet (BCC 179)
Environmental Systems, Markets and Climate Change (GradDipESMCC) malachite green (BCC 23)
Financial Management (GradDipFinMgt) spectrum orange (BCC 57)
Geographic Information Science (GradDipGIS) reseda (BCC 77)
Gerontology (GradDipGerontology)11 peony red (BCC 37)
Health Management (GradDipHM) peony red (BCC 37)
Health Science (GradDipHlthSc)12 peony red (BCC 37)
Humanities (GradDipHumanities) white (BCC 1)
Information Technology (GradDipInfoTech) powder blue (BCC 193)
International Business (GradDipIntBus) spectrum orange (BCC 57)
Islamic Studies (GradDipIslamicStudies) black/post office box red (BCC 209)
Legal Studies (GradDipLegStuds) ultramarine (BCC 148)
Local, Family and Applied History (GradDipLocFamAppHist) white (BCC 1)
Management (GradDipMgt) spectrum orange (BCC 57)
Marine Science and Management (GradDipMSM) straw (BCC 51)
Natural Resources (GradDipNatRes) reseda (BCC 77)
Nursing (Community Health) (GradDipNurs) peony red (BCC 37)
Postgraduate Diploma in Psychology (PGDipPsych) old rose (BCC 157)
Rural Science (GradDipRurSc) dioptase (BCC 203)
Science (GradDipSc) straw (BCC 51)
Social Science (GradDipSocSc) old rose (BCC 157)
Urban and Regional Planning (GradDipUrbRegPlan) mace (BCC 73)
Degree of Master Academic Colours
Administrative Leadership (MAdminLead) violet (BCC 179)
Administrative Leadership with Honours (MAdminLead(Hons)) violet (BCC 179)
Agriculture (MAgr) turquoise green (BCC 121)
Applied Theatre Studies (MAppThSt) turquoise blue (BCC 118)
Arts (MA) white (BCC 1)
Arts (Applied Linguistics) (MA(AppLing)) white (BCC 1)
Arts in Applied Linguistics with Honours (MAAL(Hons)) white (BCC 1)
Arts with Honours (MA(Hons)) ice blue (BCC 234)
Business (MBus) peacock blue (BCC 120)
Business Administration (MBA) string (BCC 127)
Business Research (MBusRes) peacock blue (BCC 120)
Business Research with Honours (MBusRes(Hons)) peacock blue (BCC 120)
Commerce (MCom) peacock blue (BCC 120)
Commerce (Professional Accounting) (MComm(ProfAcc)) peacock blue (BCC 120)
Computer Studies (MCompStud) powder blue (BCC 193)
Counselling (MCouns) old rose (BCC 157)
Counselling with Honours (MCouns(Hons)) old rose (BCC 157)
Economic Studies (MEcSt) peacock blue (BCC 120)
Economics (MEc) peacock blue (BCC 120)
Education (MEd)13 violet (BCC 179)
Educational Administration (MEdAdmin) magenta (BCC 198)
Educational Administration with Honours (MEdAdmin(Hons)) magenta (BCC 198)
Environmental Management (MEnvMgt) reseda (BCC 77)
Environmental Systems, Markets and Climate Change (MESMCC) reseda (BCC 77)
Geographic Information Science (MGISc) reseda (BCC 77)
Gerontology (MGerontology)14 peony red (BCC 37)
Gerontology with Honours (MGerontology(Hons)) peony red (BCC 37)
Health Management (MHM) peony red (BCC 37)
Health Management with Honours (MHM(Hons)) peony red (BCC 37)
Health Science (MHSc)15 peony red (BCC 37)
Health Science with Honours (MHSc(Hons)) peony red (BCC 37)
Hospitality and Tourism Management (MHTM) peacock blue (BCC 120)
History (MHist) white (BCC 1)
Information Systems (MInfoSys) powder blue (BCC 193)
Information Systems with Honours (MInfoSys(Hons)) powder blue (BCC 193)
Information Systems (Extended) (MInfoSys(Extended) powder blue (BCC 193)
Information Technology (MInfoTech) powder blue (BCC 193)
Information Technology with Honours (MInfoTech(Hons)) powder blue (BCC 193)
Information Technology (Extended) (MinfoTech(Extended) powder blue (BCC 193)
International Business (MIntBus) spectrum orange (BCC 57)
International Health Management (MIHM) peony red (BCC 37)
Juris Doctor (JD) ultramarine (BBC 148)
Laws (LLM) ultramarine (BCC 148)
Laws (Research) (LLM) ultramarine (BCC 148)
Marine Science and Management (MMSM) straw (BCC 51)
Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine  (BMedSc/MD)peony red (BCC 37)
Music with Honours (MMus) spectrum green (BCC 100)
Natural Resources (MNatRes) reseda (BCC 77)
Nursing (MNurs)16 peony red (BCC 37)
Nursing Practice (MNursPrac) peony red (BCC 37)
Nursing with Honours (MNurs(Hons)) peony red (BCC 37)
Organisational Development and Strategic Human Resource Management (MODSHRM) string (BCC 127)
Professional Accounting (MPA) spectrum orange (BCC 57)
Professional Accounting and Business (MPABus) spectrum orange (BCC 57)
Professional Studies (MProfSt)17 old rose (BCC 157)
Professional Studies with Honours (MProfSt(Hons))17 old rose (BCC 157)
Psychology (Clinical) (MPsych(Clin)) old rose (BCC 157)
Resource Science (MResSc) water green (BCC 99)
Rural Science (MRurSc) dioptase (BCC 203)
Science (MSc) straw (BCC 51)
Science in Agriculture (MScAg) turquoise green (BCC 121)
Scientific Studies (MScStud) strawberry pink (BCC 182)
Teaching (Primary) (MTeach(Primary)) violet (BCC 179)
Teaching (Secondary) (MTeach(Sec)) violet (BCC 179)
Training and Development (MTrngDev) violet (BCC 179)
Urban and Regional Planning (MUrbRegPlan) mace (BCC 73)
Urban and Regional Planning with Honours (MUrbRegPlan(Hons)) mace (BCC 73)
Degree of Doctor Academic Colours
Economics (DEc) peacock blue (BCC 120)
Education (EdD) violet (BCC 179)
Engineering (DEng) copper brown (BCC 59)
Judicial Science (SJD) ultramarine (BCC 148)
Letters (DLitt) ice blue (BCC 234)
Health Services Management (DHSM) peony red (BCC 37)
Philosophy (PhD) white (BCC 1)
Philosophy (Clinical Psychology) (PhD(ClinPsych)) white (BCC 1)
Professional Doctorate for Industry/Professions (ProfD) corn husk (BCC 142)
Professional Doctorate in Science (ProfD) purple navy (BCC 219)
Psychology (Clinical) (DPsych(Clin)) old rose (BCC 157)
Resource Management (DResMgmt) reseda (BCC 77)/mace (BCC 73)
Rural Science (DRurSc) dioptase (BCC 203)
Science (DSc) straw (BCC 51)
Honorary Degree
Master of Arts (HonMA) ice blue (BCC 234)
Master of Economics (HonMEc) peacock blue (BCC 120)
Master of Education (HonMEd) violet (BCC 179)
Master of Resource Management (HonMResMgmt) reseda (BCC 77)/mace (BCC 73)
Master of Rural Science (HonMRurSc) dioptase (BCC 203)
Master of Science (HonMSc) straw (BCC 51)
Master of the University (HonMUniv) gold (BCC 114)/bottle green (BCC 25)
Doctor of Economics (HonDEc) peacock blue (BCC 120)
Doctor of Education (HonDEduc) violet (BCC 179)
Doctor of Letters (HonDLitt) ice blue (BCC 234)
Doctor of Resource Management (HonDResMgmt) reseda (BCC 77)/mace (BCC 73)
Doctor of Rural Science (HonDRurSc) dioptase (BCC 203)
Doctor of Science (HonDSc) straw (BCC 51)
Doctor of the University (HonDUniv) gold (BCC 114)/bottle green (BCC 25)


  1. Students are presented with two testamurs and wear the hood of their choice.
  2. Students are presented with only one testamur and wear only one hood.
  3. Areas of specialisation offered in the Bachelor of Education: Administrative Leadership; Adult Education; Early Childhood Education; Educational Management; Information and Communication Technology Education; Physical Education; Primary; and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages.
  4. Areas of specialisation offered in the Bachelor of Health, Ageing and Community Services: Aged Care; Community Care; Counselling Studies; Disability Care.
  5. Areas of specialisation offered in the Bachelor of Health Science: Aesthetics Therapy; Homoeopathic Medicine; Natural Therapy; Naturopathy; and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
  6. Areas of specialisation offered in the Bachelor of Professional Studies: Civil Care and Security; Commercial Music Production and Management; Human Resource Development; Peace Studies; and Policing.
  7. Areas of specialisation offered in the Bachelor of Teaching: Early Childhood Education; Primary; and Secondary.
  8. Areas of specialisation offered in the Graduate Certificate in Educational Management; Boarding.
  9. Areas of specialisation offered in the Graduate Certificate in Education Studies: International Schooling, Education and Development; Middle Years Schooling.
  10. Areas of specialisation offered in the Graduate Certificate in Health Management: Aged Care; Quality Management.
  11. Areas of specialisation offered in the Graduate Diploma in Gerontology: Aged Care; Dementia Care; and Health Management.
  12. Areas of specialisation offered in the Graduate Diploma in Health Science: Herbal Medicine.
  13. Areas of specialisation offered in the Master of Education and Master of Education with Honours: Aboriginal Education; Adult Education; Archaeology and Ancient History; Arts Education; Biological Sciences; Communities, Cultures and Education; Computing Studies (MEd only); Curriculum Studies; Early Childhood Education (MEd(Hons) only); Gifted and Talented; Information and Communication Technology Education; International Schooling, Education and Development; Mathematics Education; Physical Education; Physical Sciences; Primary English Education; Psychology Education (MEd only); Science Education; Secondary English Education; Special Education; Teacher Development; Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages; Teaching Languages Other Than English; and Web Mediated Learning (MEd only).
  14. Areas of specialisation offered in the Master of Gerontology: Aged Care; Dementia Care; and Health Management.
  15. Areas of specialisation offered in the Master of Health Science: Herbal Medicine.
  16. Areas of specialisation offered in the Master of Nursing: Advanced Clinical Education; Advanced Clinical Nursing; Advanced Midwifery; Cardiac Care; Community Health Nursing; Dementia Care; Palliative Nursing; Rural Health; and Women’s Health.
  17. Areas of specialisation offered in the Master of Professional Studies and Master of Professional Studies with Honours: Aboriginal Studies; Civil Care and Security (MProfSt only); Global Futures, Migration and Cultures; and Peace Studies.