Graduation Process Guide

Assessing your eligibility to graduate

Graduation eligibility will be confirmed after final grades are released each trimester. You will receive an email advising you that you are being assessed for graduation eligibility.

1. Confirm your USI (Unique Student Identifier)

For all students graduating after January 1st 2023, a USI (Unique Student Identifier) number must be provided and verified before a student can graduate into their course.

What is a USI?

A USI is a number issued by the Australian Government to help keep records relating to your tertiary studies. You can find further information about USIs on the Government USI website.

How do I get a USI?

If you completed study at TAFE or with an RTO (Registered Training Organisation) after 2015, you might already have a USI. You can check if you already have a USI on the Australian Government's Find your USI page.

If you do not have a USI, you can generate one on the Australian Government's Get a USI page.

How do I provide my USI to UNE?

You can provide your USE via MyUNE

1. Navigate to myEnrol and click on the Enrolment Portal
2. Click on the USI Verification option under Course Details on the left-hand side of the screen
3. Add your USI in the field labelled Unique Student Identifier
4. Click Verify

2. Settle any outstanding debts to the University

All debts need to settled by the release of your final trimester results.

Please note if your record indicates that you have an encumbrance (outstanding debt) this will prevent you from being assessed for graduation eligibility. Any encumbrance will need to be cleared before Monday 1 July 2024 to be eligible to graduate in August. Please be aware that it can take 3-5 working days for payments to be processed.

You can determine whether you have an encumbrance by following these steps:

  1. Log into MyUNE
  2. Go to MyEnrol
  3. Enter the Enrolment Portal

Look at your outstanding balance in the Finance section.

3. Receive your official invitation to graduate

If you are eligible to graduate, you will receive an invitation to attend your Graduation Ceremony. This will be sent to your UNE email account. Invitations will begin going out in mid-June and will continue through to mid-July for the August 2024 graduation.

4. Check your personal and contact details are up to date
  1. Log into MyUNE
  2. Go to MyEnrol
  3. Enter the Enrolment Portal

Check that you are being assessed for the correct course, that the correct majors and unit sets will appear on your graduation documents, that your legal name is spelled properly, and that your mailing address is current.

Please note: there is a difference between 'home' and 'mailing' address, so please double-check your mailing address.

We will use your personal email address stored in UNE Student to issue your digital transcript and testamur when you graduate.

Preparing for graduation

1. Respond to your invitation and access the Graduation Invitation Portal

If you are eligible to graduate, an invitation will be emailed to your UNE email address after assessment.

For the August graduation ceremonies invitations will be sent from mid-June to mid-July. Please assist us by responding to your invitation promptly whether you are attending the ceremony or not.

We request that all students process a response to their Graduation Invitation to aid in confirming ceremony numbers. If you do not respond to your invitation, you will still graduate on your ceremony date, "In Absentia".

When you receive your invitation and link to the Graduation Invitation Portal, you can select your attendance preference.

2. Check your details

Your graduation name is the name that will be printed on your graduation documents. It is a legal requirement, under the Higher Education Standards Framework that qualifications are issued in the full legal name of the person to whom the document applies.

When you enter the Graduation Invitation Portal, please check that your name listed is your full name. If this needs to be updated, please submit a Change of Name Form prior to your graduation day.

You can also check your award title in the Graduation Invitation Portal. If there are any discrepancies between what is displayed in the portal and the award you are expecting to receive, please contact the Graduation Team via AskUNE and let us know.

3. Unable to attend your ceremony?

If you are unable to attend your graduation ceremony, please advise us of this after receiving your invitation, using the Graduation Invitation Portal.

We will post you your gradation documents after your ceremony. Please ensure your mailing address is up to date in MyUNE before Friday 23 August to ensure your physical documents are posted to the correct address.

You can also request to attend a future graduation ceremony. Please contact the Graduation Team via AskUNE with your request and for more information.

4. Changing your response

You can change your ceremony attendance preference in the Graduation Invitation Portal anytime between receiving your invitation and up to the RSVP cut-off date.

If you change your mind regarding attendance after the cut-off date has passed, or if you want to check to see if/how you have responded, you will no longer be able to access your Graduation Invitation Portal information online.

Don't worry about this - just contact the Graduation Team via AskUNE and let us know.

5. Your graduation documents

Your graduation documents consist of your testamur and Australian Higher Education Graduate Statement (AHEGS). You will receive;

  • A paper testamur
  • A digital testamur and digital AHEGS through My eQuals

These documents are all provided free upon graduating, however if you need a replacement copy, a processing fee will apply. (Please note extra copies of your AHEGS are not available.)

For students within Australia, printed graduation documents (testamur and graduation ceremony booklet) will be available when you attend a graduation event.  If you do not attend you can arrange to have your official documents collected by someone on your behalf after the official ceremony day has passed, or we will have them posted to you by registered post, after the event has concluded. Please ensure your full name is listed accurately and your mailing address is up to date in MyUNE.

For students overseas, printed graduation documents (testamur and graduation ceremony booklet) will be posted to you via Australia Post Express Courier. Please ensure your mailing address, phone number and preferred email is up to date in MyUNE. We will send you an email advising your specific tracking number.

6. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Students

Oorala holds a Sashing Ceremony on each Graduation Day. The Ceremony is to acknowledge and celebrate Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander students’ academic achievements alongside other Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander students and their families and is held in the Oorala Lecture Theatre prior to the Graduation Ceremony.

All graduating Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander students are welcome to attend this special event where they will be personally presented with their Indigenous Sash by the UNE Executive. The Sash can be worn as part of the official Graduation Ceremony formal wear.  Oorala Staff will be on hand to assist you in gowning up and to direct you on where you need to be on the day.

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander students that are unable to attend the graduation ceremony are still able to receive a Graduation Sash, which can be sent via post upon request.

To find out more and register your interest, visit the Oorala Graduation page.

Organising academic dress

You will be able to organise the hire of your academic dress, photography and other services through the GradPak Portal. This will be available from Tuesday 6 August.

Log in  with your student number and date of birth to select your services for the day. The portal will automatically select your gown colours, though you will need to supply your height in centimeters to ensure an appropriate fit.

If you would like to purchase a gown to keep rather than hire one, simply select Hire Gown – No in the GradPak Portal and visit The Shop to make make your purchase. You can have your shop gown sent to you in advance, or you can pick up from The Shop on the day.

Questions and information

If you have any questions about graduation, contact the Graduation Team via AskUNE.