My eQuals information

My eQuals is here

From December 2021, all new UNE graduates will receive digitally certified copies of their graduation documents within ten working days of their ceremony.

Documents will be distributed through My eQuals, a secure service used by 47 universities across Australia and New Zealand.

My eQuals is an example of how Australian universities are committed to the Groningen Declaration, which states: "Citizens worldwide should be able to consult and share their authentic educational data with whomever they want, whenever they want, wherever."

My eQuals uses advanced cryptographic security to ensure the integrity of your records and minimise the possibility of document fraud. You can securely share your documents with third parties, such as employers, registering bodies and other institutions.

Learn more about My eQuals

Who is eligible and how much will it cost?


Digital AHEGS

Digital academic transcript

Digital Testamur

Graduates 2021



Graduates prior to 2021



$90 (Replacement Only)

Current students yet to graduate




Students who historically have not graduated




If you wish to order a replacement testamur, please use this link.

If you wish to order a transcript, please use this link.

If you wish to order an official letter, please apply via AskUNE.

My eQuals FAQ

What is My eQuals? 

My eQuals is a secure and trusted provider of certified digital document services. My eQuals is an online service allowing Education Providers, such as University of New England, to issue secure digital certified academic documents.  The recipients of these documents (students and graduates) can access and share them with third parties.

How will I access my digital qualifications? 

If you are eligible to receive digital academic documents from UNE, you will be sent an email  with a personalised link. The email will provide you with all the information you need to access your digital documents.  If using My eQuals for the first time you will need to register. You will then receive a second email with a link to activate your account.

During the setup, you will be required to use your personal email address and set your own password.

Will I need to pay for a digital qualification? 

From December 2021 we will provide you with digital AHEGS and Testamur free, when you graduate.

If you require a transcripts or replacement Testamur, you will need to order and pay for them using the payment portal.

How will I share my documents? 

Through My eQuals you'll be able to:

  • Create a link and then add this link to an email or document such as your curriculum vitae (CV)
  • Create a link and send it via email directly from My eQuals
  • Share to a registered organisation

You can download your document in PDF format; however, this won't be a certified copy.

When can I get my digital documents? 

Once you graduate, your certified digital copies of your AHEGS and Testamur will be made available to you through My eQuals, free of charge, within 10 working days after your graduation ceremony, regardless of whether you graduated in person or in absentia.

Who do I contact if My eQuals documents are incorrect or not up to date?

Use the contact details below if you believe your My eQuals certified documents are not correct.

For corrections to transcripts, Testamurs and AHEGS, contact AskUNE

Who do I contact if My eQuals is not working?

If My eQuals is not working, first ensure that your are using the latest browser version of Chrome, Firefox or Safari. If the problem persists email AskUNE with the topic Graduation Enquiries.