Unit Enrolment Guide (Continuing in the Same Course)

Welcome Back to Study at UNE

It's time to enrol in your units.

Unit enrolment is completed through the Online Enrolment Portal.

To enrol into units, you will need to make sure the units in which you wish to enrol meet the requirements of your course, otherwise, there may be issues at the end of your study.

A Quick Guide to Enrolling into Units

  1. Plan your enrolment - Be sure that the units you select to enrol in form part of the rules for your course.
  2. Ensure you have set up your student IT access and can login to the MyUNE student portal.
  3. Enrol online - Log into MyUNE and access the Enrolment Portal, select units and save your selected units,
  4. Re-check your selections.

Important information on managing your enrolment can be found below.

Managing Your Enrolment

Getting Started

Planning Your Enrolment

Before you begin enrolling, make a plan to ensure you will meet your course requirements by the end of your degree. The information below will help you understand where you find the requirements for your course.

  • Make sure you check your course rules in the Course and Unit Catalogue (CAUC) or the UNE Handbook. Check the year you commenced or the year you have changed to. Check the course plans to work out which units you are going to enrol in.
  • Unit information for the current year is now in the UNE Handbook
    • Only choose appropriate units for your course from the current year in the UNE Handbook.
    • Please note that each year the University deletes units, changes unit codes and adds new units - check the Courses Updates page for details.
    • It is helpful to open two browser windows or tabs of the Course and Unit Catalogue (CAUC) or the UNE Handbook while planning your enrolment; set one to the year you are under (open to your course plan) and a second window set to the current year (to search for units):
    • On Campus students make sure you check the timetable to ensure there are no on campus or intensive school clashes for the units you have chosen
    • Online students - check for units with Mandatory Intensive schools and do not enrol in units if you cannot attend
    • it is recommended that you enrol as early as possible and for the full academic year. Except for year-long units fees are charged and invoiced on a trimester basis, not the full academic year. Enrolling early ensures that you secure your place in the unit. It is also a good idea to check the textbook requirements for your units and place your orders early to ensure delivery prior to the commencement of the teaching period.

    You should also take the time to read the following information.

    Important Information about Managing Your Re-Enrolment

How to Access the Online Enrolment Portal and Enrol into Units

Once you have set up your student IT access, you can login to MyUNE student portal.

Under the Enrol or MyEnrol tab, you'll see a link to open your enrolment portal.

MyUNE page showing tabs labelled Home, my Study, myEnrol,Account, myLibrary, and myAssist The myEnrool tab is highlighted, and beneath is a level 2 heading of "Enrolment Portal", followined by text saying A"ll of your enrolment information is now managed in the Enrolment Portal. Once you open your portal, you can navigate to all of the below functions and more, without returning to MyUNE." and a large button link labelled "OPEN YOUR ENROLMENT PORTAL"


To begin enrolment for your course, you will need to access the Self-Enrolment process under Course Details via the link on the enrolment home page or in the enrolment menu.

Enrolment dashboard screen indicating the location of links to Self-enrolment in under Course Details in the Navigation menu and the fourth tile link in the main content area

Enrolling online - enrolment steps

Completing self-enrolment consists of accepting the terms and conditions of studying with UNE, confirming your personal and contact details, and financial options, accepting your offer, and choosing the units for your first teaching period/s. The full process is contained in up to ten steps. Ensure you read the Enrolment Guidelines provided before you commence. They include important information for ensuring you are successfully enrolled.

TIP: Read the instructions for each step. As you progress through self-enrolment, you can find helpful tips for the current step via the information link at the top of the screen.

Infiormation link expanded, showing details for the Address step

Selecting units

Unit enrolment works like a shopping cart - you will need to:

  1. search for units,
  2. select the desired offering for each unit, then
  3. add them to your unit cart;
  4. proceed to the checkout step,
  5. check your selection, and
  6. save your unit selections to finalise your enrolment

Please note: you will not be enrolled until you have completed checkout and seen a confirmation message that your unit enrolment has been saved.

Step 4. My Unit - Receipt., above large green tick in circle and message "Unit Enrolment successfully saved."

How to Resolve Invalid Units

If you select any units for which you have not satisfied a condition of enrolment, they will be marked 'INVALID' at the checkout step. This usually means you haven't completed a pre-requisite unit, or you are enrolled in another that can't be studied in conjunction with the selected unit. You may still enrol in the unit, but you will likely have to request permission once you have completed unit enrolment.

Reason for invalid units

To find out the specific reason that a selected uni is invalid, expand the information link next to the INVALID status in the unit cart table. This will tell you what action is needed, which is usually to submit one of the following forms in AskUNE:

Expnded invalid message, reading: Student has not satisfied a co-requisite for unit HLTH423. To request permission to undertake this unit please complete the Waive Requisite form in AskUNE.

Submit the form after you have saved the unit cart, including the invalid unit/s.

If you have chosen an invalid unit by mistake, you can go back and remove it from your cart before completing checkout.

Don't leave unsaved units in your cart, even if they are invalid.

Hints and Tips

Try enrolling as early as possible and for the entire academic year (all available teaching periods). Enrolling early ensures that you secure your place in the unit. The best part is: you can change your enrolment right up to the beginning of each teaching period so you are not locked in if something changes.

Unit fees are charged at the beginning of the teaching period, so early enrolment won't affect when you pay.

Make sure you check the textbook requirements for your units and place your orders early to ensure delivery prior to the commencement of the teaching period.

If you have chosen an invalid unit by mistake, you can go back and remove it from your cart before completing checkout.

Access the Study Assist website. This site contains a lot of useful information about undertaking higher education studies at an Australian university.

After re-enrolling online, it is advisable to re-check the units you have enrolled in to ensure they will count towards the requirements of your course.

Knowing Your Rules and Planning Ahead

You will need to check the rules for your course as presented in the UNE Handbook, or for 2020 students and prior, the Course and Unit Catalogue.

It may assist to bookmark and/or print out your program of study and course plans to keep track of when you complete such things as core units, prescribed units and elective units. Re-check to make sure that the units you have enrolled in definitely count towards completing your course.

Sometimes courses have changes to their study plan. The Course Updates page may assist you to understand any changes.

If you believe there is a problem with your enrolment, Course Advising is available from Student Success staff. Contact us via AskUNE or by phoning 02 6773 2000.

System Errors (Troubleshooting)

Errors You May Encounter as a Result of Not Saving Units in Your Cart

If you encounter an enrolment error in your Units step when attempting to save a unit, which states [unit code] followed by the reasoning (for example, ‘CHEM110 unit attempt does not exist or already exists’ or ‘ANCH313 cannot be withdrawn if it does not have a status of enrolled’), you will need to click on the Clear Unsaved Changes:

This will clear everything in your cart, so you will need to re-add the units to your enrolment. Ensure you click ‘proceed to checkout’ and ‘Save and Continue’ to save your enrolment.

Cannot Upload TFN Certificate of Application

If you are having issues uploading your TFN Certificate of Application, please try clearing your browser cache and deleting your cookies. This should fix this issue. You may need to use a search engine to find out how to do this for your browser.

Information You Need to Provide When Seeking Assistance for Any Technical Online Enrolment Errors You May Encounter

If any further errors persist, please note down the step you are on in the enrolment process and the exact wording of the error message (or take a screen shot) and submit an enquiry to AskUNE with the subject heading ‘Online Enrolment Error’. Provide the details as mentioned above and one of our technical officers will investigate.

Current (Continuing) Students Enrolment Video

Handbook Navigation Video (2021 onwards)