Important Information about Managing Your Re-Enrolment

At UNE it is the responsibility of each student to manage their own enrolment – this involves:

  • understanding the requirements of your course and following the course rules relevant to the year you commenced your course for the duration of your candidature
  • planning appropriate units you will enrol in for each year
  • if you are on campus, checking the on-campus class and intensive school timetables for chosen unit clashes
  • checking for units with Mandatory Intensive schools that are scheduled prior to the commencement of a teaching period and do not enrol in units that have Mandatory Intensive schools that you cannot attend
  • enrolling online at the times specified by the University
  • assessing the impact that varying your enrolment will have on meeting unit enrolments rules and your course completion time, and
  • checking that you are on track to meet the overall requirements of your course so that you can graduate

The implications of not managing your enrolment can include not completing your course in the minimum period of time and not graduating when you expect to, or undertaking units which may not count towards your course and incurring additional fees associated with these excess units.

It is important therefore that you actively manage your own enrolment and use the resources the University makes available to you in the most effective way.

The basic Steps to Managing your Enrolment is below.

1. Move to Latest Course Rules or Transferring Course

Each year the University may change existing course rules or introduce new courses. In most cases you will be able to complete your course under the rules you commenced, subject to completing your course within the permitted period of candidature. Information on changes to courses can be found in Course updates.

If you wish to change from your current course rules to the latest course rules, you will need to ensure that the units you have completed fit within the rules for the latest version of the course, and then complete and submit a Move to Latest course Rules found at forms to facilitate this change. Once you have submitted this form you can complete your online enrolment. Please be sure to monitor your UNE e-mail account in case the University needs to contact you regarding your request to change rules.

If you wish to transfer from your current course to a new or different course, you must formally apply for admission. Relevant application information, and closing dates, can be accessed from Admissions.

If you have already applied for admission and been made an offer, you will be able to enrol in your new course through myUNE.

2. Withdrawing from my course

Students are not permitted to withdraw from ALL UNITS without receiving course advice. Please complete the online Course Withdrawal form if you wish to withdraw from all units and your course. If available, you may be eligible for an Exit Pathway course.

3. Students with special needs

Students with Special Needs can seek assistance through Student Accessibility and Wellbeing.

4. Enrolment variations

If you have already enrolled and now need to vary your enrolment, you are able to do so online through myUNE. Please ensure you check the timetable for on campus and intensive school unit clashes. You also need to be aware of the following:

  • Census Dates
    Each teaching period has a census date, if you withdraw from a unit by the census date you will not incur the cost of the unit. If you withdraw after the census date, you will still incur the cost of studying that unit. For more important date information please refer to the Principal Dates
  • Withdrawal Dates
    As well as Census Dates there are also dates specified by UNE as to when you can withdraw, withdrawing without academic penalty. If you withdraw by the census date the unit will not appear on your academic record. If you withdraw after the census date and by the last day to withdraw without failure, you will incur the cost of studying the unit but will not incur an academic penalty. If you withdraw after the last day to withdraw without failure and before the first day of the examination period, you will incur the cost of studying the unit and an academic penalty. It is not possible to withdraw once the examination period has commenced. To find out these dates, check answers in AskUNE or Principal Dates

When it comes to reassessing your course plan to take into account the variation you make to your enrolment you need to re-think your overall course plan.

5. Check you are on track to meet the overall requirements of your course 

Finally the main component of managing your enrolment is keeping track of what units you've successfully completed, what units you're currently studying and what units you plan to do in the future.  Depending on the rules of your course, you may also need to be keeping track of the major (or majors) that you want to graduate with; or making sure that you undertake practical experience requirements if these are part of the rules of your course.

If you need assistance with planning your unit enrolment and progression you may reach out to us via AskUNE  by phoning 02 6773 2000.