
UNE requires students to have access to an internet enabled computer for their studies at UNE. Below is information on the minimum technical requirements, a browser check and a internet speed test. Please contact IT Support if you have any questions.

Research students are able to request UNE computing equipment;  see Standard Equipment Requests – (HDR).

Step 1: Minimum specifications:

Operating System:

A computer that can run Mac OS10.13 (or higher) or Windows 10.

To update Mac computers: Apple -> About this Mac -> Software Update

To update Windows computers:

  • Windows 10: Start button -> Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update

Note that Windows 10 S does not allow installs from all sources other than the Windows Store. This may cause issues when installing software that may be essential for study,  or support software such as TeamViewer. ProctorU is also not supported by Windows 10 S, so for any exams, it is recommended that you disable Windows 10 S.

See the Microsoft support page on Windows 10 S for more information.

Device Specifications:

If you are completing an online exam, your device will need to meet the ProctorU minimum specification requirements. Please see the ProctorU requirements page here. Recommended specifications are:

Internet ConnectionWifi ConnectionWired Connection
PC UsersWindows 10Windows 10
Mac UsersMacOS 10.13 (Oldest Still Maintained Version)MacOS 10.15
CPUmore than 2 core CPU
less than 85% CPU Usage
more than 4 core CPU
less than 50% CPU Usage
Webcam640x480 resolution1280x720 resolution
Internet Download Speed1 Mbps12 Mbps
Internet Upload Speed1 Mbps3 Mbps
less than 95% Ram Usage
16 GB
less than 90% Usage
Screen Resolution1366 x 7681920 x 1080 and above


  • Headphones or speakers (required to listen to lecture and other media provided in units, a USB style headset has proven to provide superior audio quality to the jack style headset when used for online teaching software)
  • Headset, including microphone (highly recommended for participation in virtual classrooms)
  • Webcam with minimum 1280 x 720 resolution (required for online supervised exams, participation in virtual classrooms and/or media presentations)

Recommended Software


At least TWO from the list below (though we recommend that you have a second browser installed as backup)

  • Google Chrome  (download Chrome)
  • Firefox  (download Firefox) - Firefox is the recommended browser
  • Microsoft Edge (pre-installed on Windows)
  • Safari  for Mac (pre-installed on MacOS)

Step 2: Browser check:

UNE's browser test will check your browser to make sure that all relevant settings are set to allow make full use of our electronic resources. it will take a few seconds to display the results.

Step 3: Bandwidth check:

Run the bandwidth check at  Speed Test

Hardware Speed Test

A decent network connection is highly recommended when studying online with UNE, as lectures and tutorials are streamed from the web. You are also encouraged to participate in live tutorials, which do have demands on bandwidth.

A connection/download speed of 1.5Mbps minimum is required for study at UNE. This will give you a decent connection to the internet and should cause little delay with downloads of large files (such as electronic readings or podcasts). This speed should be sufficient for low quality audio streams. (Satellite, ADSL, 3G, NBN Fixed Wireless).

Video streaming (such as videoconferencing) or high-quality audio streams require at least 3Mbps. (ADSL 2, ADSL 2+, 3G, 4G, Wireless Broadband, NBN Fibre).

If you take part in a 2-way conversation (for example in an Zoom classroom or during a Teams meeting) and have to have your video and well as your audio active to participate, an upload speed of about 400kbps is recommended.

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