Services for Students

Under the Disability Standards for Education 2005, education providers are required to provide reasonable adjustments to students with a disability to enable them to participate on the same basis as other students in all aspects of university life.

UNE aims to support all students, who face barriers to higher education, to success in their studies. We are therefore providing services for students in a range of circumstances beyond those with a disability and/or health condition.

We provide Study Access Plans (SAPs) to eligible students that outline recommendations for study adjustments that aim to assist students in overcoming barriers to their studies.

SAWO is a free and confidential service.


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We understand that students are disclosing personal and often sensitive information and we take privacy and confidentiality very seriously. We are bound by relevant State and Commonwealth legislation and UNE’s Privacy Management Plan. Without your permission we never disclose the nature of your disability or health condition, unless there is an immediate risk to yours or other’s safety. We will only discuss the impact of your condition on your academic studies and what reasonable adjustments will be required to UNE staff, who need that information to provide adjustments.

Disclosure is a difficult choice for most students and is one that presents a number of challenges and opportunities. More information about disclosure and the issues that you.

Be assured that you are not alone.

At any one time, up to 10% of all UNE students are registered with SAWO and many more manage their health condition/disability, caring responsibilities and other commitments without additional support.

How to get support

Follow the registration process that is most relevant to you here.

Have a chat

A consultation is not required to register with SAWO and receive a Study Access Plan (SAP); however, a conversation allows us to better understand your situation and gives you the opportunity to ask any questions and better understand UNE’s processes and support services.

We may discuss your situation to discuss appropriate reasonable adjustments, your current studies, your past experiences and any concerns you may have. We will also consider the academic integrity and inherent requirements of your course when determining reasonable adjustments.

Support we offer

Reasonable adjustments to participate in lectures, tutorials and seminars need to be discussed with each unit coordinator with support from SAWO. They may include:

  • Permission to record tutorial and other small sessions (all lectures and many tutorials are available online to review in your own time. Transcripts of lectures can be made available to students.)
  • Attendance close to accessible bathrooms
  • Level access to venues
  • Permission to take guide dog
  • Access to lecture theatres with a hearing loop
  • Attendance variation
  • Height adjustable desk in laboratory spaces
  • Use of computer and assistive technology to listen to, participate in and take notes of lectures.
  • Use of FM radio, where the lecturer wears a small microphone and FM transmitter that the student provides at the beginning of each lecture/tutorial.

SAWO is unable to provide academic support, such as mentors or participation assistance. If you require academic support, please see the Academic Skills Office. If you are a first-year student, you may also contact a First Year Advisor to talk about academic support services available.

Your Study Access Plan (SAP) may include, where appropriate, reasonable adjustments for assignments and/or timed assessments (myLearn and in-class quizzes), which may include:

  • extra time to complete and/or take rest breaks
  • alternative assessments
  • permissions to manage health conditions, such as checking blood glucose levels or consuming food and drinks
  • in-class quiz assistance, such as a reader/scribe/computer

If you would like to use the assignment and/or timed assessment adjustments in your SAP, for each individual assignment or timed assessment/quiz you must request your adjustment before the assignment due date. You will need to contact your unit coordinator or appropriate contact within your school (as per your School’s policy/processes) to request these adjustments.

If you require the use of a reader/scribe or other additional assistance for a quiz, you will need to contact SAWO at least two (2) weeks before the assessment is held, so we can make the necessary arrangements.

Your Study Access Plan (SAP) may include, where appropriate, reasonable adjustments for invigilated online examinations. These will be implemented by the UNE Exams Office. You will receive specific exam instructions with your adjustments in an email from the Exams Office about four (4) weeks prior to the exam period.

Your exam adjustments will NOT be reflected in your MyUNE Exams timetable, only in the email you receive from the Exams Office.

Reasonable adjustments may include:

  • extra time to complete and/or take rest breaks
  • permission to hand-write part of an exam
  • permission to use ergonomic equipment
  • permission to eat/drink or administer medication
  • examination assistance e.g. reader/scribe

When considering whether to enrol in units that have mandatory intensive schools, please think about the cost and time required to fulfil this requirement. Intensive schools run for full days over several days and cover the trimester’s content of that unit within a very short time. You will need to manage the impact this may have on your health, knowing that all students have to work hard during this time.

Where appropriate, adjustments may include:

  • amendments to group work activities
  • level access to sessions
  • additional short rest breaks
  • alternatively formatted handouts
  • separate room to manage health systems
  • Permission to bring guide dog or carer to sessions

There are accessible toilets on UNE's campus in Armidale.

Some lecture theatres have hearing loops.

Exemption from attendance at mandatory intensive schools is not possible in most cases. If you do not attend the mandatory intensive school, you will incur a Fail (NI) for that unit, unless you withdraw from the unit. Withdrawals after Census or after the last date for withdrawal without academic penalty will incur a HECS liability and/or the academic penalty.

UNE has accommodation on campus available to students; however places are limited so we encourage you to book early. You can request accommodation here .

Most textbooks can be loaned from Dixson Library in e-format. Students with a SAP are eligible for assistance with formatting of study materials. Please contact Dixson Library directly for assistance.

Should you require a textbook in a particular format and this is unavailable, please contact SAWO as soon as possible, so we can have the material converted for you. You will need to have provided supporting documentation to be eligible to have textbooks converted to a particular format.

All students have access to automatic closed captions and can download transcriptions for recorded lectures and tutorials through UNE’s learning portal MyLearn.

Should a student require closed captions and transcriptions that are professionally prepared with an approved accuracy rating, they need to contact SAWO and provide supporting documentation.

In-Class Materials

Should you require material, such as hard copy and PowerPoint presentations, in electronic format, you will need to request these from each unit coordinator in the beginning of the trimester. SAWO does not have access to this material.

For support with academic skills, such as assignment writing and referencing, you should consult the Academic Skills Office.

Assistive Technology

We work with students to utilise inclusive technology and other techniques to access their learning material independently. This is to support students in increasing their independence during and after university studies in the workplace. For example:

Students requiring their readings in a larger font or coloured paper can use available technology on their device to change the layout of their computer.

Students with reading difficulties (for a wide range of reasons) may benefit from text-to-speech technology, such as Dragon Naturally Speaking.

Similarly, students with difficulties writing may work with speech-to-text technology.

Microsoft has a comprehensive and user-friendly resource about tools and systems to assist students with diverse needs   .

The Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training (ADCET) also has an excellent resource on inclusive technology options for specific disabilities.

Student Feedback

"I have told many friends that I would recommend UNE, particularly if they have special needs. I would not have attempted my course if I had not received such excellent support from Special Needs [now SAWO] and Online Exams."

"The [SAWO] Officer advised me of what I needed to do clearly on the phone, and again by email. It's great to have the follow up email in case I missed something on the phone. She also contacted the online exam staff for me, which saved me two calls - a call to them and then back to her.  I have been raving to everyone about the support I get at UNE. Special Needs [now SAWO] and online exams have exceeded my expectations every time I need help."

Other UNE Support Services