Oorala Community Partners

Are you interested in becoming an Oorala community partner?

Here at Oorala we aim to engage and connect with members of the local Aboriginal community on a number of our programs, events and projects. To support this, we have established the Oorala Community Partners register. If you have a skill or experience that you would like to share with future and current students of UNE, please complete our Oorala Community Partners online expression of interest form.

Join our community

Oorala holds a number of community engagement events throughout the year. If you, or your organisation, would like to be included on our invitation lists for upcoming events please contact us.

Community Grants

The Oorala Aboriginal Centre supports a range of community events, initiatives, and activities as part of our commitment to fostering a strong sense of culture, community and belonging.

These grants will be offered three times a year, with both general grants and NAIDOC Week grants available Applications that can demonstrate a strong alignment with Oorala’s core business and values, will be given priority.


Applications are open to:

  • Individuals, who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander owned/operated organisations/services

When can I apply?


  • Open: 11th March
  • Close: 31st March

NAIDOC GRANT – ROUND TWO - (specifically for NAIDOC Week events/program/activities/projects)
(NB – only open for 2 weeks)

  • Open:  13th May
  • Close: 26th June


  • Open: 26th August 2024
  • Close: COB, 16th September 2024

Applications received outside of these times will not be considered until the next applicable Community Grants round.

Community Grants Application Form

How much can I apply for?

  • Up to $2000

What can I apply for?

The following are examples of the types of activities that applicants can apply for, where in alignment with the Oorala Aboriginal Centre’s objectives.

  • Delivery of an educational cultural workshop
  • Assist with costs of equipment, travel, and accommodation expenses of a sporting team
  • Facilitate the booking of a guest speaker or facilitator
  • Assist with cost of attendance an educational event
  • Support costs involved with the production of community or public educational resources for community-led research projects on Aboriginal history
  • Events that celebrate cultural dates of significance such as NAIDOC Week or National Reconciliation Week

The Oorala Aboriginal Centre will not support activities that do not fall within the University of New England’s policies.

Contact Oorala Management for more information - ooralamgt@une.edu.au