Past Exhibitions


A selection of works by Michael McPhillips

Michael was born in 1957 and grew up on the North Shore of Sydney. He obtained a degree in Architecture at Sydney University and worked for various firms before travelling to Japan and working for 9 months as an English teacher. In 1996 he relocated to Armidale in northern NSW, and in 2005 took over an architectural Practice, Magoffin & Deakin, which he continues to run. The practice has worked extensively in the New England/Northwest in the areas of residential, educational and institutional building.

Michael attended the John Ogburn Studio in Sydney for many years, an experience which has given him the inspiration and impetus to continue painting. He has exhibited annually at the Harrington Street gallery in group shows since 1982. The gallery is a registered Artist’s Co-operative located in Chippendale, Sydney. Michael has also exhibited paintings at the Armidale Art Gallery in the Mall and sculpture at NERAM. He has an interest in portraying themes of peace/conflict, social justice and environmental issues in his art.

A selection of works by Terry Cooke

Artist statement:

My drawings (Mixed Media Prints: Pen, Ink and Photography) are hand drawn with pen and ink and then combined with digital photographs to provide colour and texture. The final image is a digital photographic print and is available either framed or unframed.

Artist biography:

A retired land surveyor and information technology manager, Terry has photographed the people and landscapes of the New England High Country (Northern Tablelands, NSW, Australia) for nearly two decades and has published four books of his photography along with holding several successful exhibitions. More recently Terry has exhibited thought provoking environmental and local landscape themed drawings which have been well received.

David Phillips Collection

Twenty paintings by Western Arrernte artists of the Hermannsburg School were purchased in 1993 by the University of New England with the assistance of Ms Anna Glover. The paintings were acquired through Utopia Art in Sydney. The collection was named the David Phillips Collection in honour of Ms Glover’s husband, Dr David Phillips, who lectured in the UNE Department of Administrative, Higher and Adult Education until his untimely death.


Shield the Prize - Protect the Vision

Michael Brogan

Brogan Exhibition

Main Stairs, Dixson Library

In recognition of NAIDOC Week 2019, Dixson Library at the University of New England installed a series of powerful sculptures by Michael Brogan. Wrought from black irrigation hose, these striking shields grace the central staircase and front entrance of the Library.

Michael Brogan is a prominent art practitioner and arts educator, who is currently undertaking his PhD at the University of New England. Through his art, Brogan deals with the broader issues of alienation, personal narrative and social history, and explores many diverse and relevant avenues of contemporary visual dialogue.

Artist Statement

These works have become the extension of an ongoing dialogue I have orchestrated between the self and an invisible art audience. This particular body of work is constantly in transition … returning to the nature of things. These poly pipe sculpture pieces have been undergoing a transition of their own. From shield motifs morphing into organic augmentations that appear like oceanic life forms you might encounter washed up on the shoreline after the tide has gone out. Leaving the art object high and dry!

Animalia Obscura

Out of the Dark

Spanner Crab by Jonathon Clay

Level 2, Learning Commons, Dixson Library

Animalia Obscura is an installation of images taken by photographer Jonathon Clay (UNE Lab Technician by day) that shares his response to the rows and rows of preserved specimens tucked away in the UNE Natural History Museum’s collection storeroom.

Clay’s images showcase the weird and wonderful specimens within the collection. Shining a focused beam of light, Clay narrows our gaze to only a handful of creatures amongst the vast array of material held by the University for the academic pursuit of science. Aesthetically, this material offers so much more. Who can resist the deep mysterious appeal of the preserved Spanner Crab Ranina ranina or the distant and contemplative stare of the taxidermied Rhesus Macaque Macaca mullatta? Allow yourself to be drawn into how Clay sees the specimens on the shelf.

Monogenea: Parasite Obsession

The drawings of Professor Klaus Rohde
& his research group


Collaborative Learning Room at the Natural History Museum

The drawings exhibited here were made as part of an extensive study of the parasite fauna of marine fishes along the Australian East Coast in surface and deep waters in the early 1980’s. At this time very little was known about parasites of Australian marine animals. As a first step, parasites had to be collected and described from as many host species as possible. Ectoparasites were collected from the gills and body surface, endoparasites from the intestine, various organs and tissues. Most parasites are very small and have to be examined under the light microscope. They must be stained and drawn with a camera lucida, measured and compared with similar species already known. Our studies considered major groups of ectoparasites but focused particularly on the monogeneans.

Homo Floresiensis

'The Hobbit'

Level 2, Learning Commons, Dixson Library

A tiny, new human species discovered in 2003 at Liang Bua cave on the island of Flores by UNE researchers, their Indonesian counterparts and local Mangarri people. See the sculpture re-creation depicting what the 'Hobbit' might have looked like.

Your Place Our Country - Student Photography exhibition

20 September - 30 November 2022

Dixson Library and Online

The Your Place Our Country photograph competition closed in July. In this competition we invited students to discover the First Nations' Country on which they study and share their ‘place’ with us. Almost 40 students rose to the challenge, submitting more than 100 photographs. This exhibition displays the six winning images along with 12 honourable mentions.


Biological Musings: Line drawings with digital manipulations by Dr Tommy Leung

Collaborative Learning Room at the Natural History Museum

Tapeworm Queen

Biological Musings is an exhibition of creative works by UNE Parasitologist and Evolutionary Biologist Dr Tommy Leung. Leung is the Chief Investigator at UNE’s Evolutionary Ecology of Parasitism Lab. He also ‘likes to draw things sometimes’.

Leung’s works are artistic depictions of both real parasitic concepts along-side his vivid imaginings of what might be. He describes his art as ‘creative overspill’. Leung is a regular contributor to the ABC radio’s Creepy but Curious program and his images are used to visually represent the topic of the interview.

About Parasitism: Parasitism is by far the most common way of life on this planet — all types of organisms are infected with parasites of some sort at some stage of their lives, and parasitism has independently evolved multiple times in many different lineages of life. Parasites also play key (but hidden) roles in shaping the ecology and evolution of their hosts as well as how they interact with their environment.

The Microscape - UNE Biomedical teaching slide collection

Dixson Library

Enter the microscopic world our UNE scientists inhabit every day. Our incredibly beautiful ‘microscapes’ or microscopic landscapes, will take you on a journey. The journey that ingestion of food takes through the body and resulting impact across a spectrum of cells. We follow with the ethereal images of neuron motor cells, the vastness of a transverse spinal cord and the tree-like structures of nerves. Finally we look at other vital systems of the body — with skin, muscle, bone and blood showing where the nutrients from our food goes and the huge contrast between different structures within the body.


The art of the Illuminated Address

8 June 2016 – 31 December 2016

Dixson Libary

In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries illuminated addresses were often used to thank prominent individuals for their contributions to organisations. The word 'illuminated' refers to the use of gold and silver and bright colours to light up the pages in the tradition of medieval illuminated manuscripts. This revival of the medieval craft of making illuminated manuscripts was part of the broader Gothic Revival which shaped much of the art and architecture of the nineteenth century. The exhibition draws from illuminated addresses held by the UNE Museum of Education and the UNE Heritage Collections many of which include superb vignettes of New England landmarks.

And the winners are …

- 25 September 2016

Dixson Library

The University of New England School Acquisitive Art Prize (UNESAP) was established twelve years ago by the School of Education to encourage talented young artists throughout regional New South Wales. It is open to all school students aged 5 to 19 years and culminates in the Let’s Hang It! public exhibition held at the New England Regional Art Museum.

In 2015 over 700 students from 39 regional schools sent in artworks. From these entries only 62 finalists were chosen for exhibition. The best artworks in four categories were selected this year by guest judge, the well-known professional artist and educator, James White. The winners are acquired into the UNE Art Collection.

Australia! Story Country

17 August–25 September 2016

Dixson Library

The Children’s Book Council of Australia celebrates authors and illustrators with an annual award for the best Older Reader, Younger Reader, Early Childhood, Picture and Information book in the country. All the short-listed books are acquired for the Library collection and displayed each year in Dixson.

UNE Writers & Illustrators in Residence

12 August–25 September 2016

Dixson Library

From 2012 to 2014, Arts hosted a Writers and Illustrators in Residence program, supported by the Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund. Over three years, nine artists and authors came to Armidale to conduct workshops with teachers, students and adults on creating children’s and young adult literature. Published books by the Residents and the art of six of the illustrators is on display.


Bark Paintings

16 March 2015 – 16 October 2016

Dixson Library

Painting on bark is a tradition which extends back thousands of years. Traditionally bark paintings were only created to be viewed by people initiated to the proper level of knowledge. More recently, paintings have also been made for public viewing. This exhibition features bark paintings from the Museum of Antiquities and the Art collections.

My Dear Min: Letters from Gallipoli

24 April 2015 – 6 June 2016

Dixson Library

The UNE Heritage Centre holds three letters from Gallipoli written by Private Eric Ritchie to Miss Min Blaxland of Armidale. They provide a direct and personal connection with one man’s war experience. Ritchie is a lucid correspondent who writes with remarkable frankness and insight. To commemorate the centenary of the ANZAC landing the letters have been placed on public view for the first time. Ritchie’s words are complemented by photographs, held in an Armidale private collection, taken by Staff Sargeant Wilfred L. Nickson of the 4th Field Ambulance who served in Egypt and at Gallipoli.

Judith Wright: country that built my heart

20 November 2015 – 8 August 2016

Dixson Library

2015 marks the centenary of renowned Australian poet Judith Wright’s birth. Her and her family’s connection to the New England region was fundamental to her writing, and she described it in her poem Train Journey as ‘country that built my heart’. This exhibition draws together items held by the Heritage Centre, Dixson Library and the UNE Art Collection to illustrate the mark left by Judith Wright on the ‘high, lean country’ of New England.

Migrating in Time

2 January 2015 – 19 November 2015

Dixson Library

This series of five paintings highlights the geological evolution of landscapes in the area known as 'The Green Cauldron'. The geostory told by artist and geologist Dr John H Jackson is part of Australia's journey from Antarctica to Asia. Each painting represents a significant tectonic chapter in a four hundred million year history.

The 60th anniversary of the installation of the First Chancellor

23 June 2015 – 19 November 2015

Dixson Library

On 4 August 1955 the Rt Hon Sir Earle Page was installed as the first Chancellor of the University of New England. The event formalised the transition from a College of the University of Sydney to the first autonomous regional University in Australia.regional University in Australia.

Books Light up our World

4 August 2015 – 3 September 2015

Dixson Library

The Children's Book Council of Australia this year celebrates its 70th Book Week from 22-28 Aug. It is the longest running children's festival in Australia. The shortlisted books in six categories were on display in Dixson Library throughout August. Winners announced publicly on 21 August.


Find Art!

8 December 2014 – 5 April 2015

Dixson Library

Find Art! is an annual UNE student art competition run by the UNE Skills Trade Society. Tip and op shop materials are used to create sculptural, 2-dimensional or wearable artworks. The first place winner is acquired for the UNE Art Collection.

One War

11 August 2014 – 5 April 2015

Dixson Library

Many of the collections from New England families held by the Heritage Centre provide a scattering of objects, documents and photographs relevant to the story of the First World War. One War presents a number of historical snapshots provided through the eyes of the original collectors.

Edith Tattersall, Dixson Librarian

19 May 2014 – 5 April 2015

Dixson Library

In 1985 June Epstein wrote to her old Perth College school friend 'Tatters' for help in recalling people and events from her early life for an autobiography she was writing. Thus began a two year correspondence. Part of the correspondence was an eleven page typed manuscript, recollections for June that became in fact Edith's own autobiography, revealing a complex and intriguing individual.


10 March 2014 – 9 March 2015

Museum of Antiquities

The basketry known as 'Buka-ware' originated with the Buin in the south of Bougainville Island, known in Colonial days as 'Big Buka'. They are finely woven cane with patterns created by reversing the cane. During the 1970s the Ialibu and Pangian people of the Southern Highlands of PNG learned the technique and production has largely shifted to these areas. This collection is from Bougainville Province, c1970s.

In War, Charity

13 August – 19 October 2014

Booloominbah Dining Room

The Booloominbah homestead served as a convalescent home for wounded and returned soldiers during the First World War. The exhibition features a photographic narrative of this time with a display of historical items commemorating 100 years since the start of World War 1 and the 100th anniversary of the Australian Red Cros

The Best of the Best Connect to Reading: Children's Book Council of Australia

11 August – 5 October 2014

Dixson Library

Children's Book Week is the longest running children's festival in Australia. The 'best of the best' shortlisted and winning books for this year's awards are on display.

The Lindsays

19 May 2014 – 3 August 2014

Dixson Library

Five of the ten children born at Cheswick, Victoria to Dr Robert and Jane Lindsay — Percy, Lionel, Norman, Ruby and Daryl — became famous artists and authors. The art of Lionel, Norman and Daryl Lindsay held in the UNE Art Collection with commentary from each brother on techniques and on each other is displayed with illustrated books featuring additional work.

Research@UNE: HERDC 2013

19 May 2014 – 3 August 2014

Dixson Library

HERDC (Higher Education Data Collection) is the annual research income and research publications data collection process which the Australian Government undertakes to determine the allocation of research block grants. This year's HERDC will include a report on eligible Research Outputs — books, book chapters, journal articles and conference papers — published in 2013. The books on display have been contributed to by researchers affiliated with the University of New England.

And the Winners Are …

14 February 2014 – 31 December 2014

Dixson Library

The University of New England School Acquisitive Art Prize (UNESAP) was established in 2004 by the School of Education to encourage talented young artists throughout regional New South Wales. Over 600 students from more than 35 schools as far away as Grafton, Scone and Tenterfield send in artworks. From these entries only 60 finalists are chosen for the annual exhibition at the New England Regional Art Museum. The First Prize winners on display from the 2012 and 2013 exhibitions on reflect the amazing talent and imagination to be found in regional schools.

Whites with Wings, F J White Aviation Pioneer

7 February 2014 – 27 July 2014

Heritage Centre

The White family was involved with the emerging technology of air travel. During WWI the family purchased four fighter aircraft for the war effort at the substantial cost of £2,700 each. F J White's diaries show he began chartering QANTAS planes for short hops between his Queensland properties in 1925. The Whites and aviation are explored through this display.

Part of The White Connection, a series of simultaneous exhibitions exploring the contribution of the White family being held at UNE, the New England Regional Art Museum and Saumarez Homestead.

Mary White and the Colonial Revival

7 February 2014 – 11 May 2014

Dixson Library

Frances 'Mary' Fletcher White (1882–1948), the eldest child of Francis John White, was a member of the Society of Arts and Crafts of NSW, a skilled wood-carver, an amateur photographer and a collector of the work of contemporary Australian artists and rare books about Australia. During her lifetime she donated much of her collection to the Armidale Teachers' College and the New England University College. This display gives some insight into her taste.

Part of The White Connection, a series of simultaneous exhibitions exploring the contribution of the White family being held at UNE, the New England Regional Art Museum and Saumarez Homestead.

The PLC Year 6 Pottery Project 2013

4 December 2013 – 2 March 2014

Museum of Antiquities

Presbyterian Ladies' College Year 6 students explored pre-Colombian pottery during a visit to the Museum of Antiquities with their ceramics instructor. Back in the classroom they discussed how the pottery had developed, documenting styles and motifs for their own work. The resulting pieces on display blend and re-imagine traditional Pre-Columbian naturalistic, polychrome animal coil and slab pottery.

Literacy Snapshots: Our reading stories

8 November 2013 – 11 May 2014

Dixson Library

During 2012 and 2013 Indigenous students from four regional primary schools were given a disposable camera and asked to take photographs of reading in their lives: reading alone, with or to a family member; reading books, newspapers, magazines, computer screens. The students' favourite photographs were mounted on canvas and displayed with the story of the photograph at each of the schools. This exhibition brings together a selection of those student photographs. Presented by the School of Education.


The Pella Gift

7 March 2013 – 9 March 2015

Dixson Library

Since 1979 University of Sydney archaeologists have been excavating an extraordinary site at Pella, Jordan representing almost 10,000 years of human occupation. 25 artefacts from the digs, dating from 2100 BCE, were given to the Museum of Antiquities as celebration of 40 years of association between UNE and Prof J Basil Hennessy.

Read Across the Universe: Children's Book Week

12 August – 1 September 2013

Dixson Library

Children's Book Week is the longest running children's festival in Australia. The 29 books short listed to win this year's 'Book of the Year' for Older Readers, Younger Readers, Early Childhood, Picture Book and the Eve Pownall Award for Information Book are on display.

Let's Hang It!

20 July – 5 August 2013

New England Regional Art Museum

The School of Education presents the 10th annual UNE School Acquisitive Prize Exhibition featuring art by students across New South Wales. 65 Finalists are exhibited at the Art Museum and the winners of each of four categories become part of the UNE Art Collection.

UNE: Celebrating 75 Years of Excellence

5 April – 3 November 2013

Dixson Library

The University of New England was established in 1938 as a college of Sydney University. The first regional university in Australia, it gained autonomy in 1954. This exhibition looks at the early years of the New England University College through photographs and documents, objects and stories. The companion exhibition Portraits at Bool on the Ground Floor of Booloominbah will feature portraits of eight of the Foundation Members of the New England University College Advisory Council. Pictured: First Ceremony of Admission of Matriculants, 1938. UNE & Regional Archives.

Piecing Together the Past: Palealona Tomb 2

11 January – 24 December 2013

The Museum of Antiquities

The tombs of Palealona in Cyprus were cut into the side of a hill, accessed by passageways with their chamber entrances blocked off with large limestone slabs. However, landslides, flooding, walls collapsing, centuries of tomb re-use and tomb robbers make finding a whole ceramic object a cause for celebration. More often it is pieces and parts that make up the bulk of the finds and the patience, skill and ability of the field archaeologist to literally piece together past is an unremarked and unsung talent.


Selections from The Four Seasons

21 December 2012 – 3 November 2013

Dixson Library

The Four Seasons is a limited edition print portfolio pairing the poetry of Julian Croft, Emeritus Professor, Arts, with responses to the poems by ten contemporary Australian artists. This selection features the responses of eight of the artists: Kate Briscoe, Fred Cress, Bert Flugelman, Robyn Gordon, Graham Kuo, Michelle Perry, Guy Warren and Salvatore Zofrea.

Champions Read: Children's Book Week

2 August – 3 September 2012

Dixson Library

Book of the Year has been awarded by the Children's Book Council of Australia since 1946 and Book Week, established at the same time, is the longest running children's festival in Australia. The 30 short listed books for 2012 are on display in Dixson Library through the month of August under the Olympian theme of "Champions Read". Pictured: Playground: Listening to stories from country and from inside the heart, compiled by Nadia Wheatley and illustrated by Ken Searle. Short listed for the Eve Pownall Award for Information Book.

Let's Hang It!

20 July – 5 August 2012

New England Regional Art Museum

The Faculty of the Professions presents the 9th annual UNE School Acquisitive Prize Exhibition featuring art by students across New South Wales. The prize was initiated by the School of Education to encourage creativity in the arts. 65 Finalists are exhibited at the Art Museum and the winners of each of four categories become part of the UNE Art Collection. As part of the celebration, the 2011 UNESAP Winners will be on display in Dixson Library. Pictured: Landscape by Emily McDonnell, Year 7, Duval High School, UNESAP 2012 Finalist.

Transforming the Human Spirit

7 – 19 May 2012

Dixson Library

How can we rise above violence — to stop the rapid build-up of arms and forever ban the most fearsome weapons in history? Is it possible to transform a culture of violence to a culture of peace? This exhibition looks at how creating a global sense of deep connection among peoples is a first step. The exhibition is organised by Soka Gakkai International and sponsored by UNE Peace Studies in conjunction with the 3rd annual Nonviolence Film Festival 14-18 May.

Patrick White's Country Cousins

5 June 2012 – 28 March 2013

Dixson Library

This year marks the centenary of the birth of Patrick White, Australia's only Nobel Laureate in literature. In celebration the National Library of Australia is holding a major exhibition entitled The Life of Patrick White. It includes a rare photograph of a young Patrick White dressed as the Mad Hatter for a 1920 Charity Ball in Sydney. The photograph was discovered last year in the University of New England and Regional Archive and is part of the University's Saumarez Homestead Collection. Comprising over thirty albums, this collection documents the lives of Patrick White's Armidale cousins, their friends and the extended White family. Over the months this space will feature changing displays drawn from the Saumarez Homestead Collection exploring such themes as Houses, Family, Friends, Sport and Recreation.

Griffith Taylor's Antarctica

1 March 2012 – 28 March 2013

Dixson Library

In 1960 Thomas Griffith Taylor, one of the lucky survivors of Robert Falcon Scott's ill-fated Terra Nova Expedition to the Antarctic, opened a new Geography building at the University of New England. Taylor further acknowledged Australia's first regional university by donating his remarkable collection of artefacts from expedition. A selection of manuscripts, photographs, artwork, scientific instruments and recreational objects connected with one of the most famous and heroic voyages of discovery of all time is on display in commemoration of the expedition's 100th anniversary.

Charles Dickens: Australian Connections

3 February – 27 May 2012

Dixson Library

To celebrate the 200th year of Dickens' birth, Australian connections in Dickens' life and writing are explored through books, photographs and illustrations. Dickens introduced his English readers to Australia through his weekly journals, Household words and All the year round. From the very first issue, promoting Caroline Chisholm's Family Colonisation Loan Society, Dickens portrayed Australia as a place for a new start and prosperous life. Dickens also sent two of his sons to Australia and it was his country of choice for the emigrating residents of the "penitent women's home" he managed. Dickens' enthusiasm for Australia permeated his fiction with many of his characters — Abel Magwitch, Wilkins Micawber and Emily and Daniel Peggoty — finding a new beginning in the Colony.


Masks of Papua New Guinea

16 September 2011 – 15 April 2013

Dixson Library

There are over 800 Indigenous languages and more than 1000 cultural groups in New Guinea. The masks of Papua New Guinea are equally complex, referring to ancestors, clan spirits, totems, power and myth. This selection of masks includes 20th Century masks from Sepik River, Lae and Morobe provinces.

Let's Eat: Food Through the Centuries

2 September 2011 – 24 December 2012

Museum of Antiquities

The Museum houses artefacts from the ancient Mediterranean and the Near East; from Africa, Mesoamerica and South East Asia; from Australia, New Guinea and Oceania. What better place to explore the wealth and persity of food and eating through thousands of years! In celebration of History Week 2011 (3-11 September) the Museum will open a new exhibition featuring recipes and food customs, ancient and modern. A 'Food Trail' meandering through the cases will guide the discovery of all manner of eating vessels and storage containers — plain, fancy and unique.

One World, Many Stories

19 August 2011 – 29 August 2011

Dixson Library

Children's' Book Week celebrates books and Australian authors and illustrators. This year's display illustrates the theme, 'One world, many stories' and includes short-listed entries for the Children's Book Council of Australia Awards.

Let's Hang It!

22 July 2011 – 14 August 2011

New England Regional Art Museum

The UNE School of Education presents the 8th annual UNE School Acquisitive Prize exhibition featuring art by students from Kindergarten to Year 12 throughout northern New South Wales. The prize was initiated by the School to encourage creativity in the arts and winning artworks become part of the UNE Art Collection. Pictured: Frog, 2011, Jessica Deleiuen, 2011 Winner of Infants Section, Year 1, Woodford Dale Public School.

Basket Case

29 June – 28 August 2011

Museum of Antiquities

Basketry extends across civilisations, past and present. It is one of the oldest and widest spread crafts in the world. The Museum of Antiquities entry showcase displays a selection of baskets from Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Arnhem Land which can be used to winnow grain, keep fish and hold just about anything that will fit in a basket.

Cease Not to Learne Until You Cease to Live

27 May – 16 October 2011

Dixson Library

In 1938 the New England University College (NEUC) began operations in Booloominbah and the 19th century stained glass mottos found in the house provided students with advice to inspire their studies. From the NEUC's early years it was recognised that using one of the rooms in Booloominbah to accommodate the library was only a temporary arrangement. A generous library endowment of £5,000 by Sir William Dixson provided the foundation for a purpose-built library, finally realised in May 1961.

The ground floor of Dixson Library has been given over to the celebration of this building. Photographs from the UNE & Regional Archives and the Library show the buildings and spaces of the Library, the staff and the community of Library users from 1938 to the current day. Seldom exhibited selections from the Rare Book and Special Collections demonstrate the depths of the Library's holdings and the generosity of its donors. The change in Library technology from card catalogue to electronic access is also showcased.

Archaeology & Paleoanthropology

11 May 2011 – 28 June 2011

Museum of Antiquities

To celebrate National Archaeology Week (15-21 May) the Museum presents a display of field work 'tools of the trade', texts and information on the study of archaeology at the University and a slide show of UNE students and staff on digs through the years. Guest curator: Pauline Hams, UNE student and Museum of Antiquities volunteer.

Manual & Domestic Arts

11 February 2011 – 22 May 2011

Dixson LIbrary

The teaching of manual trade skills and domestic arts was an important part of the primary school curriculum from the 1880s. It included the use of tools for boys and sewing and cooking for girls. In 1904 a new syllabus stressed the need for education to be less dependent on books and rote learning and to be more practical. The objects on display are typical of these skills training projects. From the Museum of Education.

Society of Arts & Crafts of NSW Jubilee Gift

11 February 2011 – 22 May 2011

Dixson Library

In 1951 the Society of Arts & Crafts of New South Wales donated a collection of work to the Armidale Teachers' College (ATC) to celebrate the first 50 years of Federation. Many of these artists became prominent in their fields. The Society was formed on 9 August 1906 and remains one of the longest-surviving craft organisations in Australia. From the ATC Heritage Collections, Museum of Education.

The Armidale Environmental Centre Archives

11 February 2011 – 22 May 2011

Dixson Library

The Armidale branch of The Wilderness Society opened in 1987. It grew in the 1990s into the Armidale Environment Centre, incorporating the North East Forest Alliance and, later, Friends of the Earth. The Centre's archives, which date back to 1979, have been preserved and presented to the Dixson Library. The material covers a wide range of issues and includes calls for action, internal memoranda, policy statements, handwritten activist notes, leaflets, journals, posters and more.

Through the Collector's Lens

11 February 2011 – 15 May 2011

New England Regional Art Museum

In 1883 Frederick White commissioned the distinguished architect John Horbury Hunt to design a substantial country house near Armidale. Called Booloominbah, it was Hunt's largest and most memorable domestic commission. Thomas Forster, Sarah White's son-in-law purchased the estate from the other beneficiaries and presented it to the University of Sydney conditional on the establishment of the New England University College. Through this contingency, Hunt's masterpiece became the catalyst for developing one of the largest holdings of scientific and cultural material in regional Australia. Through the Collector's lens: Dissecting Booloominbah uses the house and its setting as the springboard to explore the collections it unwittingly created. The exhibition material is drawn from the Museum of Antiquities, the Zoology Museum, the N.C.W. Beadle Herbarium, the Mineral, Rock, Fossil and Drill Core Collection, the UNE & Regional Archives, the Museum of Education and the UNE Art Collection. A sampler of the exhibition is also displayed in Dixson Library.

Migrating in Time

13 January 2011 – 22 May 2011

Dixson Library

This series of five paintings highlights the geological evolution of landscapes in Southeast Queensland and Northeast New South Wales. This area, known as 'The Green Cauldron', includes the Scenic Rim, the Border Ranges, Mount Warning and parts of the Clarence Morton Basin and the Texas/Coffs Harbour Mega-fold. The geostory told by artist and geologist Dr. John H. Jackson is part of Australia's journey from Antarctica to Asia. Each painting represents a significant tectonic chapter in the four hundred million year old Green Cauldron.

The ERA Collection

13 January 2011 – 22 May 2011

Dixson Library

Excellence in Research for Australia is a Commonwealth initiative to assess research quality within Australia's higher education institutions. To meet eligibility criteria for books, a publication must be a critical scholarly text, exhibit new interpretations of historical events, or present new ideas or perspectives based on established research findings. The ERA Collection of Dixson Library holds published books and chapters in books authored by UNE staff. These selections from over 400 entries demonstrate the strength, depth and high standards of research at UNE.

The UNE Gift Collection

11 January 2011 – 22 May 2011

Dixson Library

These selections from the UNE Gift Collection feature the lacquerwork of China, Japan, Korea, Myanmar and Vietnam along with Su Xiu, Suzhou double-sided embroidery from Jiangsu Province.


Selections from the Library's Special Collections

1 October 2010 – 6 February 2011

Dixson Library

The Special Collections of Dixson Library preserve materials which are rare, fragile, valuable, of special importance, or relate to the New England Region. This exhibition features books from the New England Collection, letters from the Geoffrey Atkinson Collection of Manuscript Letters and facsimile medieval scores from the Gordon Athol Anderson Music Collection.

Rock-Solid Robb: A Celebration of 50 Years

1 October 2010 – 6 February 2011

Dixson Library

Established in 1958 as the "Third College" after Wright and Mary White, Robb College was named in honour of William Menzies Robb the first Registrar of the University. The new college was designed by 24-year-old Michael Dysart. Although the project had a tight budget, he showed great skill in avoiding bland homogeneity by creating a series of distinctive spaces. Each of the five courtyards has its own character. Distinguished architect and critic Robin Boyd praised Dysart's fine attention to detail. Sir Leslie Martin, Chairman of the Australian Universities Commission, saw Robb College as an exemplar of good design reportedly saying to other universities: this is how to do it, combine beauty and economy.

The Four Seasons: Spring Promises

1 September 2010 – 30 November 2010

Dixson Library

The Four Seasons is a limited edition print portfolio featuring the poetry of Julian Croft with the art of ten contemporary Australian artists: Kate Briscoe, Fred Cress, Herbert "Bert" Flugelman, Robyn Gordon, Graham Kuo, Euan Macleod, Michelle Perry, Peter Pinson, Guy Warren and Salvatore Zofrea. Julian Croft taught at UNE from 1970–2001 and is an Emeritus Professor. He is a published novelist and poet as well as a distinguished researcher. "Spring Promises" is the first of this poem/artistic response pairing to be exhibited. Pictured: Graham Kuo, Response to Spring Promises, 2002, screenprint.

Recent Acquisitions: UNE Museums & Collections

1 August 2010 – 28 September 2010

Dixson Library

Recent additions to the UNE's museums and collections are as varied as the entities themselves. This exhibition feature four new acquisitions: the 6th century BCE carved head of a young man purchased by the Museum of antiquities for their 50th anniversary celebration; a fragment of a mammoth tusk donated to the Zoology Museum by local collector, Bretton Homes; the watercolour by Pearl Sheldon donated to the University of New England & Regional Archives by Caroline Chapman; and an 1855 auction catalogue for the Salisbury Court sale of the household effects and store also donated to the Archives by Sir Owen Croft. The exhibition runs through the month of August.

Let's Hang It!

11 – 27 June 2010

New England Regional Art Museum

The seventh annual 'Let's Hang It' art exhibition features 60 works selected from 500 entries and is on Show at NERAM —  the New England Regional Art Museum in Kentucky Street, Armidale from 11 June, 2010 to 27 June, 2010.

The winning works become part of UNE's permanent collection, and are hung on the second and third floors of the University's Education Building. The competition and exhibition are supported by UNE's Faculty of The Professions, NERAM, and the art supply company S&S Creativity Unlimited.


China: Country, Custom, Culture

4 December 2009 – 28 September 2010

Dixson Library

In September 2009 a gift of over 100 books on China was presented to Dixson Library by the Confucius Institute Headquarters (Beijing) and the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China (Sydney). This exhibition has been prepared in honour of that gift.

Guatemalan Craft

3 November 2009 – 14 September 2011

Dixson Library

Each Guatemalan village has its own distinctive shape, design, style and colour. Colours and patterns signal where you belong. This selection of Guatemalan textiles is from the Bruce Reuman Collection of the Museum of Antiquities.

Recent Acquisitions: The Regional Artists Collection

23 October 2009 – 31 August 2010

Dixson Library

The UNE Art Collection holds many works by local and regional artists, donated to or purchased by Schools, Departments and Colleges. This selection of work represents the most recent acquisitions to the Regional Artists Collection.

Life with Father

3 September 2009 – 5 October 2010

Dixson Library

A look at life in New England through digital reproductions of early 20th century photographs from the Glass Plate Negative collections of the University Archives.

Arabic Calligraphy and Culture

25 August – 18 December 2009

Dixson Library

Islamic calligraphy (colloquially known as Arabic calligraphy) is the art of artistic handwriting. In the use of writing as decoration, Islamic art stands alone. Islamic calligraphy is used in painting, drawing and printmaking; on glass, ceramic and metal plates, cups, vessels and plaques; on coins and tiles; on wall hangings and tapestries. The exhibition was made possible through the contributions of the Muslim community of Armidale and New England, coordinated by the Rev. Mostafa E. Ghandar.

Indonesian Art & Craft

25 August – 18 December 2009

Dixson Library

A selection of traditional art and crafts from the Lombok, Ngada, Sentani, Dyak, Asmat and Nagakeo people of Indonesia featuring shadow puppets, canoe prows, masks, carved figures, clothing and shoes, baskets and trays. From the collection of the Museum of Antiquities.

Fashionista: Florence Martin Fashion Plates

7 – 21 August 2009

Dixson Library

Florence Martin was born in Ballarat, Victoria and studied with Archibald Colquhoun. She began her art career designing costumes and setting for the ballet and theatre including Borovansky's Australian Ballet Company and the Theatre Company in Melbourne before moving overseas in 1942. These pastel "fashion plate" drawings were donated to Dixson Library in 1997 by John P. Lubrano or J & J Lubrano – Music Antiquarians, Massachusetts, USA.

Selections from the Shanghai Youth Exhibition

6 August – 23 October 2009

Dixson Library

The Armidale Rotary Club's 1987 Shanghai Youth Exchange Exhibition was the first youth-based people-to-people cultural exchange between school children and young adults from the New England and Shanghai. At the exhibition's end, 75 artworks by Shanghai youth were given to the University by the Rotary. These selections were created by some of the oldest student artists from the Shanghai Drama Institute and the shanghai Normal Teachers' University. From the UNE Art Collection.

Penguin Gizzards and More! From the UNE Collections

29 May 2009 – 27 September 2009

New England Regional Art Museum

Whale vertebrae, 19th Century pressed plants from the New England, Bronze Age Cypriot pottery, children's samplers, art by Gruner and the penguin gizzards collected by Griffin Taylor and just some of the weird, rare and beautiful objects to be found in collections of the Zoology Museum, the N.C.W. Beadle Herbarium, the Museum of Antiquities, the Museum of Education, the UNE Art Collection and the UNE & Regional Archives. Sunday Gallery Talks and an Art Discovery Day will be held at the Art Museum in conjunction with the exhibition.

Australian Children's Books

26 May – 3 December 2009

Dixson Library

The first known children's book to emerge from the Colony was A Mother's Offering to Her Children: By a Lady Long Resident in New South Wales (1841). Early children's books about Australia were adventurous tales about travel, sea voyages, treks to the bush and marvellous encounters.

Some were written by people who had never visited Australia and, except for the descriptions of native animals such as the kangaroo, wallaby and emu, children would have had a difficult time recognising the country they saw every day. From the collection of the Museum of Education.

Magic Carpet Ride: Canvas Embroidery of Frank Holloway

16 February – 6 August 2009

Dixson Library

Frank Holloway taught German at UNE from 1947 until his retirement in 1974. Throughout his tenure as lecturer and into his retirement, Holloway perfected the art of canvas embroidery, basing many of his designs on traditional Persian or 'Oriental' carpet motifs.

Each carpet was started in the centre, both vertically and horizontally. No frames were used and the canvas was simply unrolled at each end as he went along. The intricacies of the designs were created as he stitched and as the canvas unfurled.

Uniform Education

16 February – 25 May 2009

Dixson Library

The first school uniforms were worn by children at charity schools for the poor in 16th century England. Known as the Blue and Grey Coat Schools, students were required to wear this uniform when outside the school so that their benefactors could observe their behaviour. School uniforms in Australia have traditionally followed the British model, but the idea was slower to evolve.

School uniforms were not worn in 19th century Australia, except in some exclusive private schools, and welfare schools. During the social revolution of the 1960s British schools began relaxing strict uniform codes. In Australia, however, the movement for uniforms was just gaining momentum but the reasons had become more egalitarian to encourage equality, tidiness, school pride and teamwork. From the collection of the Museum of Education.


Families of NEUC: A Social History

9 October 2008 – 29 June 2009

Dixson Library

In celebration of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the New England University College (1938–1954), this exhibition looks at the early days of the University through the eyes of the families that accompanied the first academics to their teaching posts in Armidale and the families of the staff that supported the running of the College. The stories from those years are illustrated with photographs and objects from the University Archives and with memorabilia loaned by the families and their descendents.

Arrernte Watercolours: The Hermannsburg School

10 July – 19 October 2008

Dixson Library

'Hermannsburg School' is the name given to the style of art practiced by Western Arrernte watercolourists living near the former Finke River Lutheran Mission outside of Hermannsburg, NT. The first and most famous of these artists was Albert Namatjira who taught painting to his sons and other Arrernte men. This selection includes work by Walter Ebatarinja, his first student; four of his sons, Oscar, Ewald, Keith and Maurice Namatjira; and one grandson, Gabriel Namatjira. From the David Phillipps Collection of the UNE Art Collection.

Max Dupain

8 July – 6 October 2008

Dixson Library

Max Dupain first photographed the University buildings, grounds, classrooms, students and lecturers in 1955 for a 24-page promotional brochure. These undated photographs of Robb College and the Agricultural Economics Building are from a second visit, most like early in 1964 after the opening of Agricultural Economics. The photographs exemplify Dupain's increasingly abstract attitude towards built images. From the University & New England Regional Archives.

Books to Blogs

8 July – 6 October 2008

Dixson Library

Information and modes of communication have changed rapidly in the last thirty years, but the development of the WWW (World Wide Web) is claimed to be the biggest revolution in communication since the development of the book itself.

In the classroom face to face instruction has been the traditional teaching method for centuries. The Internet, the Web and Web 2.0 and recent improvements such as weblogs, wikis, podcasts, personal websites and online discussion forums have made radical changes to how education is delivered. The global classroom has replaced the traditional classroom and e-Learning is rapidly replacing previous teaching aids and modes of delivery.

This display illustrates the evolution of educational technology in the classroom up until the mid 20th century and highlights the rapid changes that have occurred over the last sixty years. From the collection of the Museum of Education.