Casual Academic Salary Rates

Effective 1 July 2024


Salary Codes


Hourly/Sessional Rate $

Work Requirement Descriptors

Casual Lecturer

(Sessional Rate)


Basic Lecture

214.8544 per session

One (1) hour of delivery and two (2) hour associated working time.


Developed Lecture

286.4761 per session

One (1) hour of delivery and three (3) hour associated working time.


Specialised Lecture

358.1097 per session

One (1) hour of delivery and four (4) hours associated working time.


Repeat Lecture

143.2439 per session

One (1) hour of delivery and one (1) hour associated working time.


Casual Tutor

(Sessional Rate)


Standard Tutorial

153.9784 per session

One (1) hour of delivery and two (2) hours of associated working time.


Repeat Tutorial

102.6600 per session

One (1) hour of delivery and one (1) hour associated working time.


PhD Rate

183.6546 per session

One (1) hour of delivery and two (2) hours of associated working time.


Repeat PhD Rate

122.4324 per session

One (1) hour of delivery and one (1) hour associated working time.


Unit Coordination Rate

214.8544 per session

One (1) hour of delivery and two (2) hours of associated working time.


Repeat Unit Coordination Rate

143.2439 per session

One (1) hour of delivery and one (1) hour associated working time.


Casual Marker

(Hourly Rate)


Standard Marker

51.3299 per hour

Assignments and examination papers


Supervisor Examiner Marking

71.6103 per hour

Marking as a supervising examiner, or marking requiring a significant exercise of academic judgement appropriate to an academic at Level B status.


PhD Rate

61.2219 per hour

Assignments and examination papers


Unit Coordination Rate

71.6103 per hour

Assignments and examination papers


Clinical Nurse Educator

(Sessional Rate)



76.9893 per session

Little preparation required - One (1) hour of delivery and half hour associated working time.



102.6600 per session

One (1) hour of delivery and one (1) hour associated working time.


PhD Rate

91.8329 per session

Little preparation required - One (1) hour of delivery and half hour associated working time.


PhD Rate

122.4324 per session

One (1) hour of delivery and one (1) hour associated working time.


Unit Coordination Rate

107.4271 per session

Little preparation required - One (1) hour of delivery and half hour associated working time.


Unit Coordination Rate

143.2439 per session

One (1) hour of delivery and one (1) hour associated working time.


Musical Accompanying

(Sessional Rate)



102.6600 per session

One (1) hour of delivery and one (1) hour associated working time.


PhD Rate

122.4324 per session

One (1) hour of delivery and one (1) hour associated working time.


Unit Coordination Rate

143.2439 per session

One (1) hour of delivery and one (1) hour associated working time.


Other Required Academic Activity

(Hourly Rate)


Standard Rate

51.3299 per hour

Such as demonstrations, practical classes, workshops, student field excursions etc.


PhD Rate

61.2219 per hour

Such as demonstrations, practical classes, workshops, student field excursions etc.


Unit Coordination Rate

71.6103 per hour

Such as demonstrations, practical classes, workshops, student field excursions etc.

Note: The above rates are those received pre tax by the casual staff member

Heads of Cost Centres are reminded that the above rates do not include on-costs, which are charged at the applicable rate at the time the staff member is paid.

Notes on Casual Academic Staff Salary Structure

The salary rates for casual academic staff are calculated using the following formulae:

(i) Lecturing and higher marking rate

The base rate applicable to lecturing, full subject co-ordination, or for purposes of the higher marking rate is determined by reference to the second step of the full-time Level B scale and calculated as follows:

Second step of the full-time Level B scale /52 +  25%


(ii)       Rate applicable to performance of other duties involving full-time subject coordination or possession of a relevant doctoral qualification

The base rate applicable where the staff member possesses a relevant doctoral qualification is determined by reference to the sixth step of the full-time Level A scale and calculated as follows:

Sixth step of the full-time Level A scale /52 +  25%


(iii)      Rate applicable to all other duties

The base rate applicable to all other duties including tutoring rates is determined by reference to the second step of the full-time Level A scale and calculated as follows:

Second step of the full-time Level A scale /52 + 25%



  • 52 = weeks in a calendar year;
  • 37.5 = notional hours worked per week; and
  • 25% = casual loading.

* For tutoring and lecturing duties, the rate is then multiplied by the number of hours contained within each session, e.g. One (1) hour of delivery and two (2) hours of associated working time.