
Contribution caps and Tax 

As an incentive to help you save for your retirement, superannuation enjoys concessional rates of tax. The government imposes limits on the amount of contributions you can make to your super each financial year, called contribution caps.

Your myGov account displays your unused concessional contribution amounts.

Financial advice

It can be tricky to self-monitor the contribution caps as they can vary over time and different rules apply depending on what type of scheme you contribute into. Please seek advice from either your superannuation fund or an independent person qualified to provide financial advice. Fees for providing advice may apply.

Can I salary sacrifice my superannuation contributions? 

Salary Packaging, or 'Salary Sacrificing', is the process where a portion of your salary is ‘sacrificed’ in return for other benefits, such as personal contributions towards your superannuation. The salary that you sacrifice comes out of your pay first, before your income is assessed for tax. This means it is paid in pre-tax dollars, reducing your taxable income.

Continuing and Fixed Term employees are eligible to salary package personal superannuation contributions. You can salary package additional voluntary payments to superannuation. If you are considering salary packaging, you need to initially seek advice either from your superannuation fund or from an independent person qualified to provide financial advice. Fees for providing advice may apply.

Once you have made a decision, contact People and Culture with the details for final arrangements to be made.

Submit request to contribute additional super

Can I salary sacrifice all of my salary to superannuation? 

You can choose how much you opt to pay into your superannuation fund (including nominating all of your pay).

Once you have made a decision, contact People and Culture with the details for final arrangements to be made.

Submit request to contribute additional super

Can I reduce my default superannuation contribution? 

You can opt for a different personal contribution rate under Contribution Flexibility. You should discuss the impact of this choice on your benefit with your super fund prior to enacting Contribution Flexibility.

My payment has gone through to my super fund but I’ve changed my mind and I want to get some back, is that possible? 

Once UNE has sent your Superannuation payment to your fund it can no longer be adjusted or returned to you.

Super Stapling

Super Stapling will only apply to a new staff member if they do not provide their Choice of Fund to UNE. For new staff who are an existing UniSuper Defined Benefit Division (DBD) member, UNE will be required to continue to pay super contributions to UniSuper.

Existing staff members will be affected by Super Stapling if they depart UNE and move to a new job.

What is ‘stapling’ and what does it mean for me?  

As part of the government’s Your Future, Your Super reforms, employees will automatically stay with their existing super fund when changing jobs, unless they actively choose a new fund.

Stapling intends to stop the creation of unintended multiple super accounts and the erosion of super balances by stapling your Super to you.

When did Your Future, Your Super come into effect?  

Most of the super measures to be implemented in the super reforms were legislated to come into effect from 1 July 2021. The ‘stapling’ requirement came into effect from 1 November 2021.

Super Stapling – Never had a super account before? 

If you have never had a super account before, visit the ATO website for information on Getting Started.

You can choose a fund using the Superannuation Choice form provided in your Letter of Offer, or an account will be created with UNE’s Partnered fund; UniSuper.

What are the super ‘stapling’ requirements for an Employer?  
  • All new employees from 1 November 2021 must be provided with a Superannuation standard choice form within 28 days of commencement.  Employees can elect to join the employer’s default fund or have contributions made into their other existing super fund if they have one.  NOTE:  Employers are required to provide this form to employees, but completion of this form is optional for employees.
  • If the employee does not complete the standard choice form or give notification of their chosen fund, employers are required to make contributions to the employee’s stapled super fund if they have one.
  • From 1 November 2021, employers will perform a super check via ATO Online Services for every new employee who commences on or after 1 November 2021.
  • When an employee has a ‘stapled’ super account, the employer must pay super contributions into that account.  Note:  A ‘stapled’ fund is usually the super fund which received the employees most recent contribution.
  • The ATO are responsible for identifying an employee’s stapled super account and provide the employer with the required account information to contribute to that fund.
Is it Compulsory to fill in a Super Choice Form? 

Employers are required to provide this form to employees, but completion of this form is optional for employees If you do not submit the form, UNE will conduct a check with the ATO to see if you have a Stapled Super fund. If you do not have an existing Super fund, an account will be created with UNE’s Default fund; UniSuper.

Are there any requirements for existing employees?  

No changes are required for existing employees receiving employer contributions when the stapling rules come into effect.

For employees who cease employment after 1 November 2021, the super fund into which the employee was receiving contributions when they ceased employment will usually be the member’s new stapled fund.

Can new employees join the UniSuper Defined Benefit Division (DBD)? 

New employees, if eligible, can opt into the DBD within two years of commencing in their eligible role. This is regardless of whether:

  • they have chosen or are stapled to UniSuper (and are an existing Accumulation 1 member), or
  • they have chosen or are stapled to another super fund

To opt in, staff can confirm their eligibility with UniSuper and be issued a DBD opt in form. The employee returns their form to People and Culture, who will confirm the employee is employed in an eligible role and has been in this role for less than 24 months. UNE will then enroll the employee in the DBD.

Please contact UniSuper for information

Which employees are eligible to opt in to the UniSuper Defined Benefit Division (DBD)? 

In addition to employees who fall within the current definition of “Superannuable Classifications”, any employees for whom UNE makes employer contributions at a rate of at least 14% or 17% of salary (as applicable to your university) will also be eligible to be enrolled in the Defined Benefit Division provided that:

* the employee agrees to make member contributions at a rate of 7% of salary or a lesser rate if they reduce their member contributions in accordance with UniSuper’s rules;

* the employee meets any other criteria published from time to time, including that:

  • The election is made within 24 months of the date the employee commenced in the DBD eligible role;
  • The Member’s age is less than 65 at the date of joining the DBD;
  • The Member has not previously elected to transfer to Accumulation 2 from the DBD, to the Trustee’s knowledge;
  • The Member has not previously elected to join the DBD since 1/11/21.

In making this choice, consider your personal circumstances and decide whether the Defined Benefit Division is right for you.

Please contact UniSuper for information

I’m a DBD member. Now that choice of fund is available, can I choose to have my employer contributions paid to another fund? 

Choice of fund legislation allows UniSuper members to have their contributions paid to a different super fund. Certain exceptions do apply for our Defined Benefit Division (DBD) members.

If you’ve been in the DBD for less than 24 months you have a few options:

  1. If you want to leave the DBD but continue having employer contributions made to UniSuper, you can choose to transfer to our accumulation-style account, Accumulation 2. Having an accumulation-style account can give you more flexibility and you’ll be able to choose your investments.
  2. You can choose to have your contributions paid to a different super fund but keep your UniSuper account open. You’ll need to leave the DBD and elect to move to Accumulation 2. Once you’re in Accumulation 2, you can ask your employer to send your contributions to your nominated fund.
  3. You can choose to have your employer contributions paid to a different super fund and close your UniSuper account. You’ll just need to elect to move to Accumulation 2 first. Once that’s complete, you can transfer your UniSuper balance to your preferred fund, then ask your employer to pay your contributions there too.

Please contact UniSuper for information

If you’ve been in the DBD for more than 24 months:

The same rules apply as when you joined, and the choice you made to stay in the DBD, also still applies - you’re generally required to stay in the DBD and have employer contributions paid into it until you cease employment or cease to be employed in a DBD-eligible position.

Can existing (Pre 1 Nov) employees request a change of Super fund?  

Eligible Employees are able to choose their super fund. Most existing (pre Nov 1) UNE employees are not eligible as they are not “employed under an enterprise agreement or workplace determination made on or after 1 January 2021”.

An employee is eligible to choose their super fund if they are:

  • employed under a federal award
  • employed under a notional agreement preserving state award (NAPSA)
  • employed under an award or industrial agreement that does not need super contributions
  • employed under an enterprise agreement or workplace determination made on or after 1 January 2021
  • not employed under any state award or industrial agreement – this includes contractors that are eligible employees for super purposes

Existing eligible employees can change their choice of fund as often as they like. However, employers may only have to accept a new choice from them once in any 12-month period.

Source - ATO website

Can an existing UniSuper Defined Benefit Division member choose to exit the DBD when choice and stapling commence? 

DBD members within their first two years of contributing service can elect to move to Accumulation 2. From there, the member can choose another fund.

Existing members that have been in the DBD for more than two years are required to remain in the DBD until they terminate employment or cease to be employed in a DBD-eligible position.

How will I know if the ATO provided UNE with a Stapled fund for me?  

If UNE requests a stapled fund, or the ATO provides a stapled super fund response to an employer, the ATO will contact you and advise of the request.

You will receive an SMS if you have a valid mobile number in the ATO records and/or a letter (through MyGov or in the mail) advising who has requested the information and more details on the options available to you.

What happens if I have multiple funds?  

Where an employee has multiple existing eligible super accounts, the ATO will apply 'tiebreaker' rules as outlined in the regulations to select the stapled super fund. These rules consider, as applicable:

  1. whether we have previously identified an account as a stapled super fund
  2. how recently contributions have been made to each of the accounts
  3. the account balances
  4. how recently each of the accounts were created

If you are concerned how the tiebreaker rules will be applied, please submit the Super Choice form to nominate your preferred fund. A link to this form was provided in your Letter of Offer.


How can I find out my Stapled Super account?   

You can see details of your stapled super fund in your MyGov account.